Yoga pose for slender arms and strengthening the spine. Mastering chaturanga

If you think there is no exercise harder than doing extra weights, try chaturanga. Working with your own weight seems to be the simplest, but in fact, not all trained athletes can stand in this position even for a minute
Chaturanga: how to learn to do
The main thing is regular practice. In the yoga world, this exercise is given even to beginners. At the same time, strong athletes find it difficult to find balance and strength to stand in chaturanga. It is important to understand the technique, and then develop endurance by increasing the time in support.
Execution technique
From the position of the bar with an exhalation, we move the body forward and, bending our arms, we go down. The arms should be bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. The palms are firmly pressed to the floor, and the elbows to the body on either side of the chest. We “twist” the pelvis inward, round the lower back. In this position, try to keep your chest at the level of your elbows. We lower the collarbones, do not pinch the neck with your shoulders. Tighten your abs. The body is as strong as a stretched string, in one line from the heels to the crown of the head. The weight is distributed evenly throughout the body.
The benefits of chaturanga
Chaturanga is also called the four-leg staff pose. Exercise strengthens not only health, but also the inner core. Main advantages:
- strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms: triceps, forearm muscles, as well as pectoralis major and minor;
- the pose involves the muscles that extend the spine, the core muscles, as well as the gluteus maximus muscles, the anterior and posterior thigh muscle groups, and the calf muscles;
- helps to improve posture;
- improves the functioning of the digestive tract and respiratory tract;
- improves metabolism;
- relieves stress.
Contraindications for performing chaturanga
As with other types of physical activity, chaturanga has contraindications, which include:
- injuries to the elbows, spine, wrists;
- high blood pressure;
- exacerbation of diseases;
- pregnancy.
Working with chaturanga every day helps you become stronger and stronger – both physically and mentally. Any exercise that originates from yoga restores nerves, teaches you to cope with negative emotions and rejuvenates the body. The difference after the first practices is colossal: you reveal your potential, find harmony and tranquility.
Try to make any changes complex and step-by-step: start from the inside, because working on your inner content, you can automatically “bloom” outside.