What to do if the pressure drops sharply

What pressure is considered normal in a person
- normal pressure is 120/80, but the indicator depends on many individual factors, so doctors allow deviations in a certain range;
- low (hypotension) – 90/60;
- elevated (hypertension) – higher than 140/90.
Reasons for low blood pressure
- decreased blood volume, often due to fasting or not drinking enough water;
- heart disease;
- hormonal imbalance;
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- low hemoglobin level;
- anemia;
- medication.
Signs of hypotension:
- dizziness;
- weakness, loss of strength, drowsiness;
- aching pain in the back of the head;
- weak heartbeat;
- pale cold skin;
- nausea and vomiting.
Prevention of low blood pressure:
- drink more water;
- training, physical activity;
- exclusion of a sedentary lifestyle;
- avoiding alcohol or reducing consumption to a minimum;
- do not jump up from the floor, chair, bed: do it calmly;
- do not sit cross-legged.
Quickly increase pressure: ways
There is no pill or medicine that can instantly increase blood pressure. Treatment is individualized depending on the cause of hypotension. If necessary, it is better to increase the pressure in the first half of the day and in doses, otherwise, it can lead to insomnia, tachycardia, and increased nervous excitability.
- drink a cup of strong coffee;
- lie on a hard surface and elevate your legs to ensure blood flow to the brain and heart;
- brew tincture of ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus extract;
- eat something salty: cheese, pickled vegetables, cucumbers or fish;
- you can also eat a few pieces of dark chocolate;
- drink water;
- put on compression stockings
- use a hand expander and do the exercise for 15-20 seconds on each hand.