Features of the device of treadmills
Most models provide the ability to control the intensity of the workout: you can change the speed of the treadmill depending on your physical condition. In addition to the speed of the treadmill, you can also change the angle of its inclination – this is another option of the simulator.
Also on a special monitor you can see the number of calories burned, track the time of the lesson and find out the distance traveled. If you want to track the dynamics of training, the memory of the simulator has a function for saving the results of previous exercises. To buy a treadmill for your home use our tips for choosing .
Benefit for health
Pros of Daily Treadmill Exercise
- when running, calories are burned more intensively;
- when exercising on a treadmill, all muscles are trained;
- metabolism will improve;
- the work of the spine, as well as joints, will improve;
- running has a calming effect, because during training endorphins are produced – the so-called “hormones of happiness”;
- psychological fatigue will go away;
- working capacity will be increased;
- the work of the heart and blood vessels will improve.
Simple training rules
- Exercise in the morning. It is in the morning that calories are burned most intensively.
- The time you should spend on training is 30-40 minutes.
- Drink water. Do not allow dehydration of the body.
- Start your activity with a slow run for a few minutes. Before finishing your workout, you need to slow down your running pace and allow your body to cool down, after which it is recommended to walk for a few minutes.
- Watch your pulse, it should be no more than 130 beats per minute.
- Breathe rhythmically.
- Listen to music, because running to your favorite songs will be much more enjoyable and interesting.