TOP 5 products with the highest content of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluron provides skin turgor – sufficient hydration (and not “elasticity”, which we usually mean by this term) and is a regulator of the intercellular space. That is why, with its lack, the skin ages. But the role of hyaluronic acid (HA) is not limited to caring for the freshness of the skin.
Youth elixir
In addition to the function of a natural moisturizer and regulator of water metabolism, hyaluronic acid:
- accelerates the production of collagen by the body and prevents its destruction;
- acts on all cells, without exception – participates in their division and partially in regeneration;
- provides viscosity to the synovial fluid, reducing friction in the joints;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect.
For such valuable properties, hyaluronic acid is called the elixir of youth. But with age, its number decreases.
Of the total volume of acid, 11 g falls on the skin. Moreover, hyaluron “lives” only 3 days – the cycles of destruction and restoration of acid take place in the skin continuously. Because of this, its total number decreases.
Stress, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet – fried, salty, sweet and spicy foods also reduce the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen.
After 20 years, the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the body decreases. By the age of 40, the level of production drops sharply and in the body of a fifty-year-old person, according to the most modest assumptions, it is less by 35-45%. And some sources claim a 10-fold decrease in the concentration of hyaluronic acid (when compared with the age of 18-20 years).
How does a deficiency of hyaluronic acid affect the body?
For health:
- reduced vision, increased risk of developing cataracts and other ophthalmic diseases;
- motor skills are impaired;
- the work of the joints worsens;
- wounds heal longer;
- there are problems with the intestines.
On the outside:
- the oval of the face changes;
- mimic wrinkles form early;
- the corners of the eyes drop;
- complexion worsens;
- the skin becomes excessively dry;
- exfoliate nails;
- hair fade and fall out.
Are there magic pills to increase the concentration of hyaluronic acid?
Alas! But when taken perforally (swallowing drugs), hyaluronic acid is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the only possible natural way to replenish it in the body is with food.
TOP products from which the body can get hyaluronic acid
Bone broth made from meat products, bones and cartilage
The main supplier of hyaluronic acid from food. The main thing is to cook a strong broth correctly – put more bones, cartilage (about 50% of the total meat volume) into the pan, add offal, poultry skin and simmer for at least 4 hours. By the way, there is a lot of collagen in the rich broth – so the double effect is provided to the body.
The same strong meat broth, but it takes longer to cook, after cooling it solidifies to a jelly state. Pork ears, chicken paws, tendons are added to the jelly – hyaluronic acid is especially abundant in articular tissues. Gelatin can be added to the broth before cooking is completed – this will not make the dish worse, but there will be more benefits.
One of the few products that directly contains hyaluronic acid.
Tofu, soy, soy products
Soybeans are natural phytoestrogens – substances that activate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by the body itself.
Leafy greens, spinach, avocado
Contains magnesium, which stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid.
Walnut not only contains vitamin E, which in itself is good for the skin, protein, fiber, healthy fats, but also magnesium – a catalyst for the production of hyaluronic acid.
Red grape wine
Promotes the synthesis of the “elixir of youth”. But only if the wine is natural – it is processed from grapes along with seeds and skins.
Beets, red peppers, cherries, red grapes, strawberries
They contain lycopene, an antioxidant that enhances the production of hyaluronic acid.
Contain naringin – a plant flavonoid that protects the acid from splitting.
Eat the right foods and look younger!
The sooner you begin to include in the diet products – catalysts for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, the longer its internal reserves will be preserved. But do not forget that hyaluronic reserves are negatively affected by stress factors and lack of sleep.
In recent years, there are enough reasons for stress, and in order to save your nervous system, we advise you to do yoga. The FitStars platform offers programs for beginners and those with some experience.
Regular yoga classes will help you master a very useful skill – the ability to disconnect from external problems and relax. And it’s not about the position of the ostrich – head in the sand. It’s about being able to take your mind off the negativity and calm down. Rest and relaxation will give you sound and healthy sleep. And the morning, as you remember, is always wiser than the evening.