Steep stretching helps relieve muscle and improve your figure: what is MPF

Many people are familiar with the sensation of discomfort in the muscles. It seems to compress everything from the inside and does not allow the body to function normally. Just in case, it is better to keep a roller at home to get rid of all pain points. It will help you work out all trigger points, get rid of blocks and clamps, roll out and lengthen muscles that affect a toned body.
Myofascial release: what is it
MPF (myofascial release) is a manual technique for working with muscles and fascia by pressing and stretching tissues. IFR is very important for both athletes and people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This technique has a positive effect on the state of the body:
- works out trigger zones;
- improves lymphatic drainage;
- returns muscles and fascia to an elastic and functional state.
Correct technique for performing MFR :
- Drink plenty of fluids during MPF;
- Do not roll out ligaments and tendons;
- On a 10-point pain scale, don’t go above seven.
MFR roll: exercises
This complex takes little time, is convenient for daily use, helps the body to relax and “reboot”.
MFR for feet: 3 beams + transverse arch
Technique: Place the ball under the base of the heel and do 8 rolls: from heel to little toe, from heel to 3 toe, from heel to the base of the big toe.
Next: leave your heel on the floor, place the ball under the base of your thumb. Bend your toes as if “hugging the ball” and start rolling the ball from thumb to little toe along the transverse arch of the foot.
Stretching: half-toe roll. Place your feet on half-toes and roll from the sole of the foot to the instep.
MFR for shin: lower third + whole shin
Technique: Place the lower third of the lower leg (the reference point is the line where the end of the high sock) on the roll, and place the other leg on top. Moving the emphasis to your palms, lift your pelvis off the floor and begin to move your toes to the right and left. Next, roll the roll along the entire length of the lower leg (without going over the Achilles and hamstrings) and try to rotate the foot.
Stretching: “dog face down”. Take a downward-facing dog position. Try to aim with your heels to the floor, your tailbone to the ceiling, your collarbones to your toes. Add alternate knee bends.
MFR for buttocks: hire
Technique: Place the left calf over the right knee (thereby stretching the left gluteus muscle). Place your left buttock on the roll and roll from the top lobe to the center.
Stretch: fold towards the thigh. Sit on your buttocks with your left thigh on top so that your left knee is over your right knee. Lean your body forward, try to keep your back straight.
MFR for the front of the thigh: rolling + flexion at 3 points
Technique: Place the roll under the center of the left thigh and gently start rolling along with the roll, increasing the amplitude with each roll 2 cm up and down. Next, place the roll over the knee and, pulling the sock towards you, begin to bend the knee joint. Repeat the same movement, placing the roll in the center of the thigh and upper thigh (without going into the groin area).
Stretching: Reaching the heel to the buttock. Stand on your left knee, reach up behind the crown of your head and begin to pull your pelvis down and push it forward. Feel a stretch in the front of your left thigh (be careful not to extend your right knee over the toe). Grabbing your left shin, pull your heel towards your buttock and continue to push your pelvis forward and down.
MFR for the back: rolling along the length of the shoulder blades
Technique: place the roll under the lower edge of the shoulder blades, palms on the back of the head, and, lifting the pelvis, begin to roll the roll from the upper to the lower edge of the shoulder blades.
Shift your weight to the left shoulder blade, do a few rolls, and repeat to the right side.
Stretch: “cat-cow”. Stand in the support of the quadrangle, placing your palms under your shoulders, knees under the hip joint. As you exhale, rush the crown and coccyx upward, as you exhale, round your back, striving upward with each vertebra.