Simple exercises to help get rid of back pain and strengthen the spine

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, many develop aching back pain, which can later lead to a curvature of the spine. As a preventive measure, to avoid such problems, you can perform a simple set of exercises for the back two to three times a week.
Dumbbell row on a horizontal bench
We get up in the starting position, the back is even, parallel to the floor. The shoulders are lowered, the press is tense, we make sure that there is no deflection. We start the movement with the shoulder blades.
Perform two sets of 12-15 times, and then you can increase the number of approaches.
Horizontal block pull
The exercise is performed on the simulator. We sit down in the starting position, the movement begins with the shoulder blades. The elbow moves along the body, the back is straight, the legs are slightly bent, the shoulders are lowered.
Perform two sets of 12-15 times, and then you can increase the number of approaches.
Bent over row
We get up to the starting position, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders, the back is flat and parallel to the floor. We start the movement with the shoulder blades, pull the bar to the stomach, the shoulders are lowered, the press is tense.
Perform two sets of 12-15 times, and then you can increase the number of approaches.
If you do exercises without a coach, be sure to do them in front of a mirror: follow the technique and correct execution. It is also not recommended to immediately take a lot of weight: it is important to learn to feel your body and understand its capabilities.