8 Fitness-Boosting Foods and Nutrients


eggsIf optimal fitness is your goal, there’s no getting around your diet. That’s right, fitness is not all about designing the ideal workout plan, as your diet can easily make or break an otherwise excellent regimen.

Knowing which foods and specific nutrients deliver the most bang for your buck in terms of supporting your fitness goals can go a long way.

First and foremost, however, keep in mind that while pre-packaged processed foods may be convenient, cooking from scratch using…

15 Apr 2015

Benefits Of Cherimoya


cherimoya-nutrition-factsNative to southern Ecuador and northern Peru, where it still grows uncultivated, the tropical fruit cherimoya is unheard of by many Americans, since it has somewhat finicky growing preferences. Cherimoya trees don’t fare well in extreme temperatures, nor do they grow in tropical lowlands or at very high altitudes.

The leaves and fruit suffer when exposed to climates over 85-90 degrees or below 30-32 degrees Fahrenheit for very long. They also require excellent drainage. Limited production of cherimoya is known in…

15 Apr 2015

Adults should eat less than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day


10cc5291755e4ec6b58881ad40f9d559Adults should eat less than the equivalent of 6 teaspoons of sugar a day if they are to avoid health risks such as weight gain and tooth decay linked to sugary diets, the World Health Organisation said.
Issuing draft guidelines calling for a new sugar limit of less than 5.0% of daily energy intake, the United Nations health agency said its recommendations were based on “the totality of evidence regarding the relationship between free sugars intake and body weight and dental caries”…

15 Apr 2015

Why Most Americans Don’t Own a Bidet


bidet-toiletIf you live in the US, there’s a good chance your bathroom does not contain a bidet. Yet, if you travel to certain parts of Europe, South America, the Middle East, or Japan, bidets are commonplace – and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

For those who aren’t familiar with how they work, a bidet looks similar to a toilet but it is designed to help you freshen up after toilet use. Most modern bidets have one or more jets that spray water, allowing you to straddle the device for a cleansing far superior to toilet paper…

14 Apr 2015

Got a Cold? Here’s a Trick to Feel Better Fast


fight-coldsShould you work out when you feel like you’re coming down with a cold? According to the research, this may in fact be a good idea.

At the very least, it is unlikely to do you any harm unless you exercise too vigorously..

In one such study, participants were infected with a cold virus and then divided into two groups: an exercise group or a non-exercise group…

14 Apr 2015

Importance Of Celery


celery-nutrition-factsA crunchy snack all by itself or with peanut butter added to round out the nutrients, celery is one of the most versatile vegetables in the garden, useful for its flavorful seeds and pale green leaves and stalks. It’s a direct descendant of wild celery and a member of the Apiaceae family with parsnips, fennel, and parsley,

possessing in appearance or flavor some of those characteristics. Celeriac or knob celery (A. graveolens rapaceum) is an example, although this…

14 Apr 2015

Diet drinks cause concern in postmenopausal women


eaa5e9f37f7949afa1aadb4ccacfa848Diet drinks may be linked to a higher risk of heart attacks, stroke and other heart problems in postmenopausal women, according to an informal study that could take some fizz out of enjoyment of the popular beverages.

Compared to women who never or seldom consumed diet drinks, those who drank two or more a day were 30% more likely to suffer a cardiovascular event and 50%…

14 Apr 2015

Pumpkin Chili with Chicken


pumpkin-curry-chickenIf you live in the US, you may regard pumpkins primarily as an ornamental squash, and use them to decorate your home for fall or carve into a jack-o-lantern on Halloween. However, the vast majority of pumpkins are grown not for ornamental use but for eating.

Most pumpkin that is processed is made into canned pumpkin and canned pumpkin pie mix, but you can also purchase fresh “pie” pumpkins and puree the flesh yourself. There is, of course, far more to do with pumpkin than make pumpkin pie…

13 Apr 2015

Can You Do This? Simple Sitting Test May Help Predict Longevity


hqdefault (15)Brazilian researchers have revealed a simple test that may help predict your longevity in the next six or so years: how well you can sit and rise from the floor.

The test is different from the long-used “chair test,” which physicians sometimes use to gauge an elderly person’s lower body strength by how well they can stand up from sitting in a chair…

13 Apr 2015

Benefits Of Cauliflower


IMG_1784Cauliflower is one of many crucifers, including broccoli, cabbage, and kale, and is named for its cross-shaped stems. White, purple, green, or pale orange in color, it’s one of those amazingly versatile veggies that shows up raw on relish plates, sautéed in stir fries, pickled with baby onions, roasted on shish kabobs, and even processed to resemble mashed potatoes. It’s a good mixer with other cooked vegetables, such as carrots and broccoli.

When purchasing cauliflower, look for firm heads with no brown or soft yellow spots on the surface. Place heads…

13 Apr 2015