The 7 Best Strength Exercises You’re Not Doing


strength-training-push-upLess than 25 percent of Americans over the age of 45 engage in strength-training exercises,1 which are actually among the most important exercises to stay fit and healthy. It’s a matter of fact that your muscle strength decreases with age… unless you do something to stop it.

That “something” is strength training. Without it, by the time you’re in your 70s, your muscle strength and tone will have declined by roughly 25 percent…

18 Apr 2015

Ethiopian grain a gluten-free alternative to wheat


a24dd07ec333425aa15cd4bc90f51a42Under a searing midday sun, a herd of cattle circles atop a pile of golden teff, thrashing the wheat-like grain, a method that has been practised by Ethiopian farmers for centuries.
The crop, mostly grown in the Horn of Africa, is a key part of the country’s heritage and a crucial food staple, but is also gaining increased interest abroad among health aficionados seeking a nutritious, gluten-free alternative to wheat.

18 Apr 2015

The Link Between Obesity and Cancer


cancer-epidemicObesity is a frequently overlooked factor that can contribute to an increased cancer risk, yet less than 10 percent of Americans are aware of this link.1 According to the National Cancer Institute,2 an estimated 84,000 annual cancer cases are linked to obesity.

Obesity may also affect the efficacy of cancer treatments. With rising obesity rates among young children in particular, it’s becoming really important to understand this link…

17 Apr 2015

New and Revised Foundation Training Exercises Add Even Greater Health Benefits


exercise-happiness-1Exercise has been one of my passions for 45 years now. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted to go to medical school, as I intended to use exercise as a therapeutic modality to improve people’s health. I eventually shifted more to using nutrition as my primary tool, because I realized the fuel you provide your body is really crucial to obtain optimal health.

But you really cannot be optimally healthy without exercise. More recently, I’ve become convinced that non-exercise movement…

17 Apr 2015

Multivitamins not a ‘magic pill’


8d483dbbd836481d99d3b57d3107b692Taking a multivitamin every day doesn’t seem to ward off thinking and memory problems. Nor will it prevent further heart disease or death among people who have already had a heart attack.
Those findings come from two reports published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The studies represent the latest in a growing body of evidence suggesting the popular…

17 Apr 2015

Monsanto Draws Outrage Over Bee-Friendly Facebook Post



Last month’s National Honeybee Day (August 16) marked the sixth annual event – a day started by beekeepers to build community awareness of the bee industry. This year’s theme, “Sustainable Gardening Begins with Honey Bees,” showed that concerned citizens are increasingly getting involved in efforts to save the bees.

While beekeeping is most often thought of in regard to large farms and agriculture, bees are important to each and…

16 Apr 2015

Worry and Obsession Linked to Alzheimer’s Risk


neuroticismAre you often anxious, fearful, and moody? Do you worry often or have feelings of envy, jealousy, and loneliness? These are characteristics of neuroticism, a personality trait might increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease significantly.

The association between neuroticism and Alzheimer’s later in life was so strong that researchers suggested people with such traits seek cognitive behavioral therapy to help reduce their risk…

16 Apr 2015

Intermittent Fasting Beats Traditional Diets and Even Chronic Calorie Restriction for Weight Loss and Other Health Benefits


fasting (1)Intermittent fasting or “scheduled eating” is one of the most powerful interventions I know of to shed excess weight and reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

These health benefits are more or less beneficial “side effects” of shifting your body from burning sugar to burning fat as its primary fuel. I’m really pleased to see this approach now receiving more mainstream media attention, as it’s such a potent health-promoting tool…

16 Apr 2015

High-protein diet may up cancer and diabetes risk


65f28fa224ea4c4ba29c087bb1407a01High protein diets such as Atkins, Dukan, South Beach, Miracle Metabolism and The Zone Diet have, for many years, extolled the benefits of diets low in carbohydrates. Claiming that healthy meals should rather contain higher amounts of protein and,in some cases such as the Tim Noakes diet or the Paleo diet, fat.

However, a new study published in Cell Metabolism claims to show that high…

16 Apr 2015

Exercise Can Be an ADHD Medication


physically-active-kidAbout two-thirds of US children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) take some form of prescription medication to treat it. While ADHD makes it difficult for children to pay attention and control impulsive behavior, powerful stimulant drugs like Ritalin and Adderall help to improve focus and self-control.

The drugs come at a price, however, since many of the side effects are worse than ADHD itself (think brain damage, personality changes, sudden death…

15 Apr 2015