Benefits Of Arugula


arugula-nutrition-factsIf you ever see a salad green referred to as “rocket,” it’s simply another name for arugula, or roquette in French. Yet another brassicaceae along with kale and cauliflower, its delightfully pungent leaves have been cultivated in the Mediterranean since time was recorded. As such, arugula is a perennial favorite in Italian cooking.

Rather nondescript in appearance, arugula is often added to mesclun mixes…

15 May 2015

Five Bodyweight Exercises You May Be Doing Wrong and How to Fix Them


hqdefault (10)Many exercise systems often sound great at first, but in reality simply will not make a good fit for your life.

Thankfully, there is something else you can try called bodyweight exercising, which is so flexible that it answers every possible concern you might have, including time constraints, prohibitive cost, and location issues.

Bodyweight exercise got its name because your own body provides all the resistance needed to help you get fit…

15 May 2015

Reverse Push-Up: The Push-Up that Blasts Your Core


reversePush-ups are one of the oldest exercises in the books, but there’s a reason they have so much staying power. When performed correctly, they are one of the most effective and simplest exercises to build a strong upper body and midsection.

Plus, you can easily tweak your push-up technique to turn it into a powerful core-building workout by doing a push-up in reverse…

15 May 2015

Mammography False Alarms Linked with Later Tumor Risk


mammography-screeningOne of the reasons why you must carefully consider the decision to have a mammogram is due to their high rate of false positives. A false positive occurs when a mammogram suggests a woman has cancer when none actually exists.

In the US, the risk of having a false-positive test over 10 mammograms is a concerning 58 percent to 77 percent!1, 2 When a woman is told she may have breast cancer, it causes considerable anxiety and…

15 May 2015

Importance Of Artichoke


artichoke-nutrition-factsA member of the sunflower family of vegetables, the artichoke is actually a perennial thistle. First cultivated in the Mediterranean region, artichokes became scarce after the fall of the Roman Empire. They made a comeback in Italy in the 1500s, and then appeared in the Americas after introduction by French and Spanish gardeners.

Today, California provides virtually all of the artichokes in the U.S. If left to grow wild, artichokes blossom into large purple flowers…

14 May 2015

Whey Protein Isolate: The Protein Powder You Should Never Buy


strong-muscles-5-11Loss of muscle mass with age (sarcopenia) may be caused by a reduction of muscle protein synthetic response to food intake. A group of researchers set out to find which milk protein was the best for muscle protein accretion, and would therefore help stave off sarcopenia.

Three groups of older men were fed a meal-like amount of whey, casein, and casein hydrolysate proteins…

14 May 2015

Study Shows Exercise as Effective as Massage for Decreasing Post-Exertion Muscle Soreness


sore-musclesIt is highly likely you have experienced the muscle soreness that sometimes follows a new or vigorous workout, which is called DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

Most people have a routine for managing this discomfort, whether it’s stretching or attending a yoga class, or just soaking in a hot bath. If you ignore it, yes, it will go away on its own — but who wants to suffer in waiting?…

14 May 2015

Link Found Between Food Allergies and Farm Antibiotics


antibioticsFood allergies affect an estimated 15 million Americans, including one in 13 children. Statistics indicate something strange is afoot, as food allergies in children rose by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011 alone.

Similarly, in Great Britain one in three people are allergic to something, be it pollen, dust mites, or food.1 Previous research has drawn parallels between the rise in allergies and…

14 May 2015

Apricots Play important Role


apricot-nutrition-factsRipe and golden with a luscious flavor and velvety surface – or a more intense shade when dried – apricots are closely related to peaches, plums, and nectarines. Grown on deciduous trees, they’re actually a drupe, with the seed central to the surrounding fruit and each having a fairly uniform size. They’re sometimes overlooked as a fruit, perhaps because there are so many fruits to choose from in today’s markets.

Already well-known in Greece in 60 BC, apricots were transported to Europe by Greeks who called…

13 May 2015

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout


hqdefault (9)Exercise is a key factor of optimal health; it’s particularly important for controlling your blood sugar and normalizing your insulin levels. I often recommend viewing exercise as a drug that needs to be properly prescribed and “taken” at a proper dosage.

When done correctly, exercise can oftentimes act as a substitute for some of the most common drugs used today for things like diabetes, heart disease and depression…

13 May 2015