Saturated or unhealthy fats in foods. Does the body need saturated fatty acids?


In this article, we will find out why our bodies cannot function correctly without fats. Also, talk about saturated and unsaturated acids? And what is their difference? However, we will dwell on saturated fats in more detail. First, let’s talk about the structure. (more…)

29 Apr 2020

Chocolate addiction? Calorie Chocolate


Chocolate Many adults suffer from various addictions in nutrition, some of these addictions adversely affect our health, some more, others less. (more…)

25 Apr 2020

How much protein a person needs. Daily protein intake in grams


In this article, we will talk about different daily protein intake for men and women, as well as for athletes. Where did these norms come from, and what are they now in connection with recent research. (more…)

18 Apr 2020

How to eat right at the right time


“Eating right is not only choosing the right food, it’s eating right at the right time.”

In this article, we will give some tips on how to help our body always be “seasoned” with the right food. (more…)

10 Apr 2020

Antioxidants and their benefits. Sources of Antioxidants


What are free radicals?

These are by-products of respiration and metabolic processes. These are unstable complexes that cause a chain oxidation reaction that damages the cells and tissues of our body in the form of diseases and premature aging. (more…)

07 Apr 2020

Glycemic index of products. GI table. High and low glycemic index


In the 21st century, people are increasingly confronted with the concept of “glycemic index” , or GI. Sometimes it seems so often that I have the impression that most people really understand what the term means. (more…)

04 Apr 2020

Breakfast is the most important meal that should not be neglected.


Let’s be honest: most of people don’t eat breakfast. And the reasons justifying the absence of a morning meal are thousands. Someone sorely lacks time, someone is afraid to get better (and often prefers a hearty dinner to a hearty breakfast), someone cannot wake up and “shove” something other than a cup of coffee.


30 Mar 2020

Fish oil capsules. Which is better to choose. Benefit and harm. Why do we buy bullshit?


This article will talk about fish oil. Let’s see why fish oil is recommended to everyone as a complex supplement, including athletes? What is so special about it? (more…)

27 Mar 2020

Why do people get fat?


For many years now, the epidemic of overweight has spread around the world. Today   there are more fat children than 10 years ago, and the percentage of people who are overweight and obese is growing among all social classes. Each year, the number of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure and other similar diseases is increasing, and the main culprit is overweight. (more…)

24 Mar 2020

Water. The importance of hydration in life and in sports. Myths and facts about water.


Water is an integral part of all cells, tissues, and organs of our body and all processes occurring in it. Therefore, water is a vital substance and a very important factor in bodybuilding. Our body on   75% consists of water,    and the muscles themselves   – approximately 70%.


20 Mar 2020