Many athletes go to the gym with the goal of gaining muscle mass. So that exhausting workouts are not in vain, the daily diet should include a fairly large amount of protein and carbohydrates. The modern rhythm of life does not always allow you to adhere to this plan. And here a gainer comes to the rescue.

Gainer – sports nutrition with a high carbohydrate content. Their complex combination with proteins contributes to the gain of muscle mass and accelerates recovery after training.


The most common version of the gainer contains carbohydrates and proteins in a 3: 1 ratio, but there are other options: 1: 1, 2: 1 and 4: 1.

The higher the number of proteins in the composition of the gainer and the lower the number of carbohydrates, the closer it is in its properties to protein. When using such a gainer, the risk of “getting fat” is much lower than in the classic versions of the mixture.

Also for assimilation of the product, the gainer contains digestive enzymes and a small number of unsaturated fats.


A gainer is an indispensable supplement for thin people when gaining muscle mass. Ectomorph athletes will be able to quickly gain the desired weight and get in shape with it. The gainer will help football players, basketball players, and track and field athletes overcome prolonged aerobic loads. Also, a protein-carbohydrate mixture is useful for thin girls, whose goal is more appetizing forms.

Correct regular consumption of protein-carbohydrate mixtures quickly provides athletes with the required amount of energy and has a positive effect on weight gain.

Keep in mind, however, that high carbohydrate intake can lead to unwanted weight gain. The fact is that carbohydrates are deposited in fat much faster than proteins. Therefore, it is important to immediately decide for what purpose you are going to take a gainer. If the goal of your trips to the gym is to lose weight, then it is better to pay attention to sports nutrition for weight loss.

Table of the average daily intake of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight (grams).

slimming maintaining weight weight gain
The man 2-3 3-4 4-5
Woman 2-2.5 3-3.5 3.5-14.5


Most often, beginners wonder how many grams of a gainer to drink per day and when. It is best to consume the shake immediately after training. In the first half-hour after exercise, a “protein-carbohydrate window” opens – a period of time when the body is in dire need of rapid saturation with nutrients. Taking a protein-carbohydrate mixture after workouts protect muscles from catabolism and restore strength.

To grow muscle mass, you need 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight per day. To find out how many carbohydrates are in one serving of a gainer, just look at the product packaging. Typically one serving is about 40 grams of protein and 100 grams of carbohydrates. However, the proportions in mixtures from different manufacturers may vary. Most importantly, do not forget that you already get the lion’s share of carbohydrates during meals.

For people who are prone to overweight, it is enough to take a gainer once a day or even replace it with protein. But for athletes who are prone to thinness, it is recommended to use the supplement at least 2 times a day. For example, before and after training.

Athletes with a fast metabolism can take it at night for more effectiveness. On rest days, it is recommended that you limit yourself to one intake of a protein-carbohydrate mixture or refuse it altogether.


Just mix the gainer with water, milk or juice in a shaker. The amount of liquid added is at your discretion. Just do not dilute the gainer in boiling water under any circumstances! Protein denatures in hot water and loses its properties.


The gainer goes well with amino acids, creatine, protein and vitamin-mineral complexes. The most common combination is creatine and BCAAs.


First of all, creatine is produced in our body from protein amino acids. The rest of the creatine comes from food. The problem is that even foods with a high content of creatine are too little for the human body. Even for people with low levels of physical activity, this amount may not be enough.

The value of creatine is that it speeds up energy metabolism in muscle cells. The standard dosage per day is approximately 5 grams. You need to consume a portion at one time, so the most convenient way to combine a gainer with creatine is to mix them in one cocktail. It is better to drink such a cocktail immediately after training.


BCAAs are a complex of amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body. These elements increase endurance and are simply indispensable for building muscle tissue. In addition, amino acids slightly increase testosterone levels and have a positive effect on blood sugar.

It is also recommended to take BCAA amino acids after training, 15-20 minutes after using the gainer.


Eating high-calorie gainers without physical activity will only lead to one thing – excess weight. It is unlikely that such a result will bring positive emotions.

20 Sep 2020



Is physical activity allowed during pregnancy? Of course. Moreover, they are useful, but with a number of reasonable precautions. For expectant mothers of all skill levels, walks in the fresh air, swimming in the pool and exercises with fitball will be useful. (more…)

18 Sep 2020



What can you not do without if you are firmly on the path of a healthy lifestyle? Fitness trainers and nutritionists from all over the world are in solidarity with each other – first of all, you need to understand what a food diary is and how to keep it correctly. Let’s see why balanced nutrition is so important for women, why you need to make a menu every day and how it will affect the achievement of your goals – for example, weight loss.


The concept of “proper balanced nutrition” means the totality of food that makes up the daily diet and ensures that the body receives the optimal amount of nutrients.

A nutritious and healthy diet is based on 2 key factors:

  • Regularity of food intake.
  • Control over the intake of the desired ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

It is important to understand exactly which nutrients contribute to the total calorie content of the daily diet. The amount of carbohydrates and proteins must exceed the intake of fats.

You can keep a rational nutrition diary both independently and with the help of a personal trainer or nutritionist.

The second option is more preferable – a specialist will analyze your physiology, take into account your goals, medical indications and your personal eating habits. As a result, you will receive an individual menu with recommendations on how it can be further developed and adjusted. After that, you can keep a diary yourself, as you will understand how many calories your body needs and what the balance of nutrients in the daily diet should be.

Balanced diet for women, 1 day

The goal is to reduce weight and subcutaneous fat while preserving muscle tissue.

Time Name Weight (gr) Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fats
9:00 Oatmeal porridge 280 289 8 57 five
Kiwi 85 41 1 nine 1
11:00 Natural yogurt 2% one hundred 60 4 6 2
14:00 Steamed omelet one hundred 184 ten 2 five
Broccoli one hundred 28 3 five 0
17:00 Soup (vegetable) 150 65 3 nine 3
Chicken fillet one hundred 113 24 five 2
21:00 Low-fat cottage cheese 0.5% 150 90 27 3 1
Daily amount of calories 1065 869 79 96 29
Grams per 1 kg of body weight     1.3 1.6 0.5
Percentage     36% 44% thirty%***


*** *** It is important that the amount of animal fat is not excessive. However, in this example, a steamed omelet provides the body’s daily lipid requirements. The rest of the fatty component (except for a small amount in chicken fillet) is vegetable fats. If you increase their daily intake, there will be no harm to the body.


Remember that each of us is unique. Therefore, do not neglect contacting a specialist. He will tell you how to properly balance your diet, and you will achieve your goals much faster.

Losing weight is a question that is not solved in one day. Fanaticism and ill-considered diets in the long term can lead to problems in various body systems. Adapting to a balanced diet is gradual, so take your time and be systemic. Then you are guaranteed to get a stable and long-term result.

14 Sep 2020



Few women smile when they hear the word diet. Most of them frown, remembering what torment they had to endure and how many nerves to fray. However, hunger, fatigue and constant thoughts about food are not at all companions to weight loss. Losing extra pounds should not be accompanied by discomfort. Pay attention to the body’s warning signs and see if the diet is working. Give up the wrong diet now – in the future you will not be excruciatingly hurt for the lost days and ruined health.


If it’s hard to focus on everything except thinking about food, then the body is starving. Regular malnutrition slows down the metabolism, on which the loss of extra centimeters directly depends. Increase your daily calorie intake, otherwise, weight loss will result in a dramatic weight gain.



Complete loss of appetite is also a wake-up call. Constant suppression of hunger and eating exclusively low-calorie foods leads to a malfunction of hormones. Even a seemingly gentle diet can disrupt the balance between leptin and ghrelin (the hormones of satiety and hunger). To restore balance, review your diet, and include high-calorie foods.


Headaches and dizziness should not accompany your diet. Feeling unwell is the result of a lack of nutrients. If you feel unwell, urgently dilute the diet with more high-calorie and vitamin-rich foods.


The body requires more coffee, getting to the gym becomes lazy, and exercising is generally unbearable. These are all the result of a deficiency in protein and vitamins D and B12. Usually, the problem is solved by adding meat products to the diet.



You are tormented by unreasonable anxiety and fears, small everyday stresses are unsettling, you often break into friends and colleagues, forget what you wanted to do … Serious problems with the emotional sphere are caused by a lack of vitamins, proteins and fats, which are also necessary to maintain normal health. Include in your diet foods rich in nutrients your body needs.


Digestive problems, including food allergies, signal that it’s time to stop dieting – it’s not right for you. Stomach disorders, changes in stools and various pains occur due to an unbalanced diet. See a specialist for a personalized diet.


Prolonged restriction of the body’s calories leads to a slowdown in metabolism. The disturbed metabolism begins to prepare for hunger strikes and stores everything that it can get in the form of fatty deposits on the waist, hips and other parts of the body. To get your metabolism in order, allow yourself to break your diet a little for a couple of weeks.



Your sleep should not be hindered by hunger and stomach rumblings. Forget the “drink 2 glasses of water and fall asleep before the stomach gets deceived” method and reconsider your diet. Most likely, the body lacks nutrients and needs to be replenished.



The diet doesn’t work or works very poorly if your nails begin to break, your hair dulls, and you have skin problems. Tired, dry skin signals a lack of calories, and a change in complexion signals a lack of nutrients.




Among dieters, cold hands are one of the most common complaints. In response to it, any specialist will advise you to revise the diet and enrich it with foods containing fats. As insidious as this nutrient is, our body needs it in a reasonable amount.

When in doubt whether your diet is working or not, seek professional advice. He will help to adjust the diet and get rid of the health problems that have arisen. Do not forget also that losing weight only by changing your diet is ineffective, so be sure to sign up for a gym.

10 Sep 2020



Quick snacks, fast food and an unbalanced diet ruin your figure. The body suffers from poor dietary habits and stores fat to conserve energy. This is how excess weight appears. Today we will tell you how to eat in order to lose weight. (more…)

07 Sep 2020



Pranayama is a hatha yoga breathing technique that is widely practiced by people around the world. Performing exercises for beginners in a complex of yoga classes have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of a person.

It is an important link between active yoga practices (asanas) and internal ones (meditation). From Sanskrit, the word “prana” is translated as “vital energy, breathing”, and “yama” means “control, stop.”

The rules for performing pranayama were known in ancient India in the 2nd century BC. e. Currently, they are especially popular in the Western world: many practice breathing exercises both independently and in group classes.


Correct exercise improves immunity and replenishes vital energy in the body, helps to achieve awareness and harmony in emotions. Yoga practitioners note the clarity of the mind, the revitalization of the tired body and the relaxing effect of the technique on the nervous system.

Treatment of diseases

Pranayama has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole: it prevents and cures many diseases. This is confirmed by reviews of people who practice the technique, as well as scientific research by neurophysiologists. Let’s note the main healing properties:

  • Pranayama induces rhythmic expansion of the lungs, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and skin.
  • Stimulates cleansing processes in the liver, eliminates gallbladder disorders.
  • Develops memory, awareness and stamina, improves concentration.
  • Cleans the nose with a runny nose, improves blood circulation in the lungs, prevents colds.
  • Speeds up metabolism: The rhythmic movement of the diaphragm during exercise stimulates intestinal circulation and helps to absorb nutrients faster.


The study and practice of pranayama is recommended only under the supervision of a specialist. Side effects may occur if exercise is not performed correctly. If you are suffering from a serious medical condition, it is best to consult your doctor.

Stop breathing exercises immediately if you feel any discomfort: weakness in the body, ringing in the ears, migraine, dizziness, etc.

Pranayama should not be done:

  • With severe physical exhaustion or fatigue.
  • With a body temperature above 37 ℃.
  • Children under 14 years old.
  • Two days after drinking alcohol.
  • After going to the bathhouse or sauna.
  • Within 1 hour after eating.
  • With drug intoxication.
  • After the 2nd month of pregnancy.


The most important rule is to always breathe through your nose, not through your mouth, as many are accustomed to do.

When breathing, observe the same rhythm: inhale – 4 counts, pause – 2 counts, exhale – 4 counts, pause – 2 counts. Balance is needed: the duration of the pauses after inhalation / exhalation is always the same; the duration of inhalation and exhalation is 2 times longer than the pauses.

Exercise techniques are classified according to different breathing patterns. It is necessary to know the difference before starting to practice pranayama.

Alternating breathing through one nostril

Used in surya bhedana pranayama and some other exercises:

  • Place your right thumb on your nasal bone above your right nostril, and your ring and little fingers above your left.
  • The thumb should be bent at a right angle at the upper joint, its tip perpendicular to the nasal septum. Press it against the fatty tissue of the nose so that the outer edge of the right nostril is parallel to the cartilaginous septum.
  • While inhaling, pinch the left nostril with the tips of your ring and little fingers.
  • Block both nostrils while holding your breath.
  • While exhaling, partially unblock the left nostril. Exhale through it deeply and slowly, controlling the flow of the outgoing air with your fingers.


During this breathing, the passage of air is felt by the nasal membranes and fingertips. It creates a characteristic whistle-like sound. This sound should be kept constant during inhalation and exhalation by adjusting the pressure of the fingers on the nose.

It is important not to strain your forehead, temples, eyes and eyebrows – they remain motionless during breathing.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing is the foundation for all breathing exercises in yoga. It consists of clavicular, chest and abdominal breathing.

To begin with, you should exhale completely. When you inhale, air fills the lungs gradually, from one section to another: first to the lower, then to the middle, and only then to the upper. After completing the inhalation, you should hold your breath for a few seconds.

In this pranayama technique, masters classify exhalations into 2 types: solar (“ha”) and lunar (“tha”). The first case is more suitable for beginner practitioners: the air comes out first from the lower sections, then from the middle, and finally from the upper. In the second, this happens in reverse order.

To master this technique perfectly, you need to learn to distinguish between upper, middle and low breathing. Let’s consider the components of complete breathing separately.


Upper (clavicular) breathing is usually used by people unconsciously, in stressful situations. In this case, the air fills only the upper part of the lungs, and the diaphragm remains stationary.

Exhale fully, and while inhaling, concentrate on the chest – only it should move. In this case, the ribs and abdomen remain motionless. When the tops of the lungs are full, lift your shoulders slightly.

As you exhale, first lower your chest and then your shoulders. It is best to practice this exercise while standing in front of a mirror.


Inhale through your nose, gradually expanding your chest. Place your palms on your chest and stomach: they should be motionless while inhaling.

As you exhale, observe that the chest drops slowly. Follow her movement by hugging yourself by the sides.

By doing this exercise, you can prepare yourself for the deep breathing technique.


Lower breathing is a massage of the internal organs that increases lung capacity and diaphragm mobility.

While inhaling, direct the air flow to the lower abdomen. Make sure that your chest remains motionless. When exhaling, draw in your stomach: its movements should be smooth, uniform and continuous.

Cleansing breath

Relaxing breathing is effective during fatigue or after doing yoga asanas. Allows you to cleanse the body of decay products formed in the body after exercise. It also helps to relieve nervous tension and stress.

Press your relaxed tongue against your lower incisors and inhale fully. After that, push the air out in portions using the diaphragm: make light, vigorous jolts.

If you are a beginner, then repeat these steps 3-5 times. Then you can gradually increase the number of repetitions to 15.


Beginners should only do basic exercises. Contact a specialist for advice or sign up for group sessions. Improper performance of pranayama can lead to poor health.

There are several pranayama techniques for beginners.

Vrajana pranayama

Breathing technique while walking. It is intended for the prevention of severe infectious diseases: cholera, tuberculosis, leprosy. There are no specific contraindications.

As you walk, keep your back straight and breathe regularly, in time with your steps. For a full step we will count one step of the left foot and one step of the right. The exercise should be performed for 2 minutes in the morning and evening.

Inhale the air slowly for 4 full steps, then exhale at the same interval. Don’t hold your breath, it should be smooth.

Once you get used to this rhythm, you can increase the number of steps for inhalation and exhalation to 6 and 8, respectively. The maximum value that should not be exceeded is 18 steps for inhalation and 36 for exhalation. Take your time to complicate the exercise: practice at the initial rhythm for at least a few weeks.

Sitali pranayama

The cooling breath technique is best suited for those who suffer from chronic sweating of the palms and feet. It cleanses the blood and is a prophylactic against skin diseases. Practice Sitali Pranayama with extreme caution during the cold season.

  • Get into a comfortable sitting position (any meditative asana will do).
  • Fold your lips in a tube and stick the tip of your tongue into them.
  • Exhale completely through the nose, then inhale slowly through the mouth: this way the air flow cools the tongue. Concentrate on feeling pleasantly cool in your mouth.
  • Hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale again through your nose.
  • Repeat the cycle for 3 to 10 minutes.

Surya bhedana pranayama

Includes the inhalation-exhalation technique through one nostril. Exercise cleanses the lungs, ridding them of phlegm.

If done regularly, your digestion will improve and your nervous system will be strengthened. Recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure and low body temperature.

  • Sit in a comfortable position for yourself: keep your back straight, and lower your chin into the fossa between the collarbones above the sternum.
  • Control your breathing with your fingers. In surya bhedana pranayama, all inhalations are made on the right nostril, and outbreaths on the left.
  • Hold your breath for 5 seconds after inhaling fully.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply so that the lungs are completely filled with air, maintain an even rhythm of breathing.
  • Do no more than 10 repetitions at a time.


The initial exercises can be practiced at home (surya bhedana pranayama) or even on the move (vrajana pranayama). However, you should not start a technique without consulting a mentor and doctor (if you have a medical condition).

Pranayama is only a small part of a large set of hatha yoga exercises. Our fitness club offers group yoga classes with experienced teachers. Instructors take into account the individual characteristics and health status of each student.

A set of exercises from pranayama, asanas (special postures in yoga) and vinyasas (smooth movements during the change of asanas) will give you a pleasant feeling of harmony and a healthy body for many years.

30 Aug 2020



Whey protein is a popular sports supplement that is high in protein and amino acids. In our article, you will learn how to take it to gain muscle mass when playing sports. (more…)

30 Aug 2020



There are many issues in fitness that generate a lot of controversy both in the gym and in discussions on the network. We are opening a series of posts “Myths and Reality”, which will help you figure out where the tale and the lie, and where the lesson is. The first question to consider is whether it is safe to do a deep squat. Our coach Viktor Ryazanov comments.

“The statistics for knee injury in weightlifting, where the deepest squat is, is an order of magnitude lower than in cyclic sports where there is no squat. Excessive knee extension beyond the toe is also controversial, given that everyone’s foot size is different. What to do for men who have not 45th, but 40th foot size?

If we talk about what movements can be done and what not, let’s look at the question from the point of view of anatomy at the section of the musculoskeletal system in which the movement occurs. If we are talking about the knee joint, we must assume that if this kind of movement were unnecessary, and even more dangerous, nature would have provided for some kind of process or tubercle.

For example, the spinous processes in the thoracic spine are directed downward and posteriorly and prevent excessive extension of the spine. There is no such anatomical factor in the popliteal fossa. It turns out that nature has nothing against squats. In addition, from the point of view of medicine, testing of the knee joint is carried out precisely at a bend of 90 degrees, since it is in this position that the joint is most unstable.

Synchronized squats for two

All this, of course, can only be discussed if squats are performed with absolutely correct technique. Take the low bar squat as an example. Many factors can affect the correctness of the performance, from the mobility of the elbow and shoulder joints to more “fine tuning” – the balance between muscle groups (superficial and deep layers) both in the pelvic region and the trunk as a whole.

Barbell squats in the gym

19 Aug 2020



Nothing is as effective for the abs as hanging leg raises on the bar. This exercise requires some physical preparation, and in order for it to give the desired result and not harm, you must follow the instructions exactly. We share the technique of performing leg raises on the crossbar.


Exercise types

There are several variations of this exercise:

  • Raising straight legs on the bar.
  • Raising the bent legs on the bar.
  • Raising the bent legs on the uneven bars.
  • Hanging leg raises with a clamped ball or dumbbells – on a horizontal bar, uneven bars or a crossbar.

All of these exercises are designed for the abdominal muscles, while using different additional muscle groups. The most serious level of training requires lifting straight legs in the hang on the crossbar and lifting with a clamped ball, for the rest, an average level is enough. Let’s take a closer look at each exercise.

What muscles work

When raising your legs to the bar, the following muscles work:

  • Oblique and straight abdomen.
  • Iliopsoas.
  • Strain of the fascia lata of the thigh.
  • Tailoring, comb, long and short adductors.
  • Rectus femoris muscle.

The exercise begins with the work of the hip flexor muscles, then the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are connected. When bending the legs in the hang, the main load is on the abdominal muscles.


  • A large number of muscles are immediately involved.
  • A muscular corset develops, which is needed for correct posture.
  • When hanging there is a beneficial stretching of the spinal column.
  • Can be used for back pain or problems.
  • Variety of execution.


Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Hang on the horizontal bar so that your feet do not reach the floor. To do this, you can jump, and if there is not enough height, use a bench or the support of a coach. Grip – straight: medium or wide.

Step 2. Fully straighten your arms and legs, and bend your back slightly in the lumbar region.

Step 3. Take a deep breath and pull your legs back slightly.

Step 4. With a jerk, lift your legs to the bar to the maximum possible height – if done well, they should be slightly above the horizontal position. Professionals can touch the bar with their socks.

Step 5. Stop for a second at the highest level. For maximum exercise benefit, tighten your abdominal muscles further.

Step 6. Inhale and slowly lower your legs, focusing on the muscles being worked out.

Step 7. Perform the required number of repetitions.

Implementation tips

  • Avoid inertia and sway during the exercise.
  • Move slowly for a clean execution.
  • At the end, hold for 1-2 seconds and further tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • If you have a lot of weight, then instead of a horizontal bar, you should use bars with a back.
  • To prevent the arms from splitting on the bar, you can use shoulder straps or wrist straps.
  • You can start from the wall bar and lift bent legs – this way you will significantly reduce the load.
  • An advanced option is weighted leg raises.
  • You can change the height of the legs, depending on the desired load.
  • It is best to perform the exercises in 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


Working muscles

As in the previous exercise, when lifting with bent legs, the main load falls on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Additionally, the rectus muscles of the thighs and the iliopsoas muscle are involved. The shoulder blades, shoulder joints and abdominal muscles act as stabilizers.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Grasp the bar with a wide or medium grip.

Step 2. Fix in a position with straight arms and legs, back slightly bent at the lower back.

Step 3. First take a deep breath, and then as you exhale, pull your legs to your chest as high as possible.

Step 4. Freeze for a second in this position and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Step 5. Slowly lower your legs, return to the starting position.

Step 6. Do the required number of repetitions.

19 Aug 2020



What vitamins should adults and children drink in winter for immunity, vitality and just good mood? We ask this question every year when we notice that activity and vigor disappear somewhere. All the time you want to sleep, training is less pleasing, motivation disappears, eyes stop shining, skin and hair dull.

We start to skip classes in the gym, eat junk food and overeat in general, we get sick more often. This happens because already from the end of autumn the body lacks many substances. No matter how varied and right the diet is, it does not compensate for the lack of sun, fresh herbs, seasonal berries and fruits. Therefore, the winter period is the time when you need to take care of your health.


It is important for a person to receive the entire set of nutrients in the required amount every day. If the balance is not observed, then the metabolism slows down, there is not enough energy, the nervous and endocrine systems work with overload, cells are destroyed faster, and new ones are formed slowly. All this leads to a feeling of fatigue, apathy, and frequent colds.

Vitamins are subdivided into water-soluble (groups B, C) and fat-soluble (groups A, D, E, K). The body is able to accumulate fat-soluble compounds in large quantities and consume them gradually, but in excess they are toxic. And water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine, so their reserves are relatively small and it is so important to make sure that they are regularly supplied with food.

Numerous studies prove the beneficial effects of vitamins on health. The most commonly mentioned are niacin, folic acid, vitamins B, E and C. With high physical activity, the need for vitamins increases. During the colder months, taking vitamin supplements can help slow down oxidative stress, improve exercise adaptation and support the immune system.


There are a number of products that are saturated with useful substances and are not inferior to pharmacy vitamin complexes. The main thing is to prepare them in advance in order to receive irreplaceable components from a natural source – seasonal berries, vegetables and fruits.

  1. Sauerkraut, frozen black currants and cranberries are foods with a large amount of ascorbic acid, the need for which increases dramatically in winter, especially with high physical exertion.
  2. Frozen and properly canned seasonal foods: cubes of vegetables, fruits, herbs, apple and sea buckthorn juices.
  3. Cod liver is a valuable source of vitamin D, which is essential for immunity, muscle and bone tissue, vitamin A – a powerful antioxidant, and B12 – a vitamin for the normal functioning of the heart and the hematopoietic system.
  4. Pine nuts contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, C, E.
  5. Pumpkin seed oil is a valuable source of fat-soluble (A, E and K) and water-soluble vitamins (C, P, PP, B vitamins).

Where else are the important vitamins we need in winter?

  • A – liver, wild garlic, viburnum, garlic, butter, tomatoes, eggs, dairy products.
  • C – rose hips, bell peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, wild garlic, broccoli, viburnum, strawberries, citrus fruits. 
  • D – sea bass, chicken egg, liver, butter, sour cream, cream, fermented milk products. 
  • E – almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, dried apricots, walnuts, oatmeal. 
  • В1 – pine nuts, pistachios, pork, lentils, oatmeal. 
  • B2 – pine nuts, liver, almonds, champignons, chicken eggs, forest mushrooms. 
  • B6 – beans, pine and walnuts, sea buckthorn, mackerel. 
  • B12 – liver, mackerel, sardine, rabbit, beef. 
  • B15 – liver, pumpkin seeds, almonds, buckwheat, beans. 
  • K – spinach, lettuce, onions, broccoli, white cabbage. 
  • PP – peanuts, pine nuts, turkey meat, cashews, pistachios, squid meat, beef, chicken, rabbit.

What happens if your diet lacks vitamins

  • A – the condition of the skin, vision worsens, the general tone of the body, immunity and resistance to viruses and bacteria decrease. Difficulty falling asleep, sleep becomes superficial.
  • C – drowsiness appears, bleeding gums, there is a sharp decrease in defenses, lethargy, bad mood, apathy. Joint pains also indicate a lack of ascorbic acid. 
  • D – impaired immunity, absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine. Bones and teeth lose strength, frequent colds disturb. Children especially need this vitamin. 
  • E – the condition of the skin and hair worsens, the body’s resistance to stress decreases, memory and brain performance are impaired. 
  • B1 and B6 – there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and carbohydrate metabolism, prolonged depression is possible. 
  • B12 – oxidative processes intensify, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system occur, and aging processes accelerate. The characteristic signs of vitamin deficiency are lethargy, drowsiness, irritability.


To eliminate the deficiency, sports nutritionists recommend taking daily multi-complexes that contain vitamins E, D, C.

There are two strategies for replenishing nutrient deficiencies. The first is the sequential intake of various components in short courses of 10-14 days. For example, “Aevit” – Ascorbic acid – “Milgamma” or “Kombiliplen” (group B), vitamin D, and so on during the autumn-winter and spring periods.

Not everyone is happy with this approach. Someone does not have enough time, they want an instant surge of vivacity and energy. Someone, exercising, adheres to a strict diet and loses weight or eats monotonously, because they give a lot of energy to work.

In such cases, it is better to choose complexes that contain the main elements in a balanced proportion. There are fortified formulas with ginseng to tone up, with probiotics to strengthen and restore intestinal microflora, as well as formulas with a high content of vitamins A, E or B.

Next, let’s talk about the best vitamin complexes, their effect on metabolism, tone and well-being.


Attention! When choosing vitamin complexes and before undergoing preventive courses, you should consult your doctor.

  • “Gerimaks” is a vitamin and mineral complex with ginseng. Gives a feeling of burst of energy, improves mood and performance. Helps to adapt to stress and stress. For many, it has become a favorite drug for the winter and spring, when fatigue and apathy overtake.
  • “Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus” is a combined preparation that additionally contains probiotic bacteria. Forms a powerful defense against ARVI, normalizes the intestinal microflora, helps to adapt to stress and emotional stress. 
  • “Aevit” is a two-component formula with vitamins A and E. Increases resistance to infections, restores the nervous system. This drug is often prescribed for women, it helps to normalize hormones, fights dry skin and hair loss. 
  • “Alphabet” is a unique Russian development, the necessary components are divided into three portions for better assimilation. Helps to cope with overload, normalizes the state of the immune system. 
  • “Complivit” – universal, balanced, affordable vitamins. 
  • “Vitrum” (USA) is a proven remedy against beriberi, suitable for strengthening the immune system after prolonged illness.
  • Natrol Iron Free Multivitamin – Formulated with 22 Essential Elements. 
  • NutriBiotic Hypoallergenic – Athletes use this complex to help speed recovery. Contains 17 pure vitamins, 9 minerals, 72 trace elements, 24 amino acids.

Vitamins for children

  • Chewy Yummi Bears with natural ingredients that help to develop and grow harmoniously.
  • Children’s complex from SmartyPants with Omega 3, D, A, C, E, B and folic acid.

What vitamins you need to drink after antibiotics

If you have taken antibiotics, then after treatment you need to restore the immune system and intestinal microflora. Doctors recommend multi-vitamin complexes that contain vitamin K and biotin – the bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract are responsible for their production.

The effectiveness of increasing the dosage of ascorbic acid in acute inflammatory and respiratory diseases and a decrease in immunity has been scientifically proven. Within 1-2 weeks (no longer), ultra-high doses of ascorbic acid (up to 10-15 g / day) are consumed.


When taking any medications, the main thing is the interval intake. The time for taking each individual substance or multicomplex should not exceed one month. Further, the effect decreases, and the substance brings much less benefit. After 2-3 months, the course may be repeated.

Preparations that are ideal can be drunk 2-3 times a year in courses or alternate between different formulas to eliminate addiction.

In order to stay in shape all year round and achieve serious goals in sports, nutritionists recommend taking increased doses of vitamins E, C, B15 and B5 – for intensive muscle support. The following scheme is proposed:

  • 1 month – C in high doses.
  • 2 months – E. 
  • 3 months – B5 or B15.

Be careful, not all vitamins can be taken in high dosages, even in short courses. You can not create excess reserves of fat-soluble compounds and vitamin B6 – in case of severe overdose, it damages the peripheral nerves.

Nowadays many nutritionists are choosing a point, very careful correction of the vitamin content in the diet. Additives are selected according to the results of analyzes, based on the real picture, which reflects the deficiency or excess of the element in a particular period.

But generally speaking, almost every resident of Russia has a deficiency of important water-soluble components and vitamin D. Therefore, proper nutrition is so important, which is saturated with natural products, frozen seasonal vegetables and fruits, and herbs. But even the highest quality food should be periodically supplemented with courses of vitamin supplements – they will help to increase efficiency, maintain cheerfulness, activity and optimism.


Movement gives pleasure and joy only when the body is healthy and receives everything it needs for cell renewal. Vitamin correction of nutrition is a subtle area, here both theoretical foundations and a good knowledge of the characteristics of the human body are important.

10 Aug 2020