Overtraining: Symptoms and Prevention


Overtraining is the same “sports disease” that neither beginners nor professionals are immune from. In the former, it is associated with excessive loads for an unprepared body, and in the latter it overtakes, if desired, to improve the effectiveness of training. Impatience and exercise through pain and fatigue can play a trick on you. Sports disease leads not only to a stop of progress, but also to the loss of accumulated results.


08 May 2022

Healthy eating on the go


 Life in a metropolis is like a constant movement on the highway: a lot of things to do, little time. And there is no time to think about such “unimportant” things as breakfast and lunch. However, proper nutrition is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Without it, fitness will not be effective, and training will not be effective. We have prepared simple tips for you on how to make the “on the run” diet healthy! (more…)

03 May 2022

Workouts against stress


Do you constantly feel tired, can’t sleep well and have problems with your appetite? The mood jumps from apathy to irritation, any little thing unbalances in a matter of seconds? These are all symptoms of stress. Be careful: long-term nervous tension can lead to severe depressive and anxiety disorders. But stress can and should be dealt with. One of the best means is fitness!


01 May 2022

How to gain weight?


It seems to some that the tendency to thinness is luck, but believe me, there are people for whom such a physique is a serious problem. We are talking about those who are unlikely to get fat, but who will have to work hard for the sake of beautiful curves of the body or relief muscles. And this is half the trouble. Scientific studies show that being underweight is just as dangerous to health as obesity. It increases the risk of premature death in men, impairs fertility in women, leads to age-related muscle atrophy, and increases the likelihood of senile dementia. Is it time to despair? Not! (more…)

25 Apr 2022

7 Dangerous Exercises


Sometimes strength training can not only not bring results, but also harm health. To avoid negative consequences, it is best to turn to the services of a personal trainer, but if this is not possible and you still train on your own or under the guidance of more experienced friends, then try to avoid common misconceptions and do not perform these popular, but dangerous exercises for your body, which we wrote about in this collection. (more…)

20 Apr 2022

How does the intermittent fasting regimen work?


The popularity of intermittent fasting is breaking records. The essence of the method is a long time interval between the last and first meals . Intermittent fasting schemes vary, but the most popular is 16/8 – when the break between dinner and breakfast is 16 hours.


18 Apr 2022

The whole truth about the fitball Read before you buy it


Fitball is a truly unique projectile. Judge for yourself – both babies from 2 weeks of age and the elderly can engage in it. This is practically the only simulator that simultaneously involves vestibular, motor, tactile and visual analyzers, which greatly enhances the training effect.
There are so few contraindications that even people with various injuries can afford training.

But at first it was just a toy …

From toy to trainer

In 1963, the Italian Aquilino Kosani, the owner of a small toy factory, began to produce large-diameter balls. Products differed in the increased durability, thanks to improved casting of polyvinylchloride.

Physiotherapists became interested in the toy. English and Swiss specialists began to use large balls in programs for newborns and infants, and in work with children suffering from cerebral palsy. In the 80s, visiting clinics in Europe, Americans learned about fitball and began to successfully use it in the rehabilitation of patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Doctors noted that patients improved blood and lymph circulation, metabolism in the intervertebral discs, and tissue regeneration accelerated. The healing effect was so obvious that the scope of the ball began to grow rapidly. Now this affordable inexpensive projectile can be found not only in gyms, but also in many homes.

The universal benefits of fitball

  • Classes on the fitball correct the curvature of posture, create optimal conditions for working out large muscle groups and involve various muscle groups.
  • Coordination of movements improves flexibility increases – an unstable ball forces you to constantly keep your muscles in tension to maintain balance, and a round shape – to perform movements with a greater amplitude.
  • Improves microdynamics and blood circulation in the intervertebral discs – due to the vibration and shock-absorbing function of the ball.
  • The round shape of the ball reduces the load on the lower limbs. Thanks to this, even people with damaged knee and ankle joints, with varicose veins, and overweight can do fitness gymnastics.

How to choose the right fitball

When choosing a ball, consider the height and length of the arm from the shoulder (spit) to the tips of the middle finger of the hand. Another choice parameter: sitting on the ball, the hips should be parallel to the floor or 2-4 cm below the imaginary horizontal drawn through the highest point of the thigh.

Who should not train on a fitball

A short list of contraindications is another advantage of the fitball. It is not recommended to use the fitball for patients with serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system and internal organs, as well as those suffering from intervertebral hernias.

Otherwise, with a properly designed complex, people of different ages and different degrees of physical fitness can train with a fitball.
Fitball has become so popular and affordable that you can practice with it not only in special studios but also at home, online. Moreover, the home format of classes is becoming more and more popular. In the 20 minute program, Anastasia demonstrates effective exercises for balance, muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks and core muscles. Nastya focuses on the technique of performing the exercise and proper breathing, warns of possible mistakes.

Depending on the level of preparation, it is recommended to modify the exercises. If the load needs to be reduced, the amplitude and pace of the exercises are reduced. It is necessary to complicate – you can increase the pace / amplitude, take dumbbells or put on weights.

It is important to follow the instructions of the trainer, carefully monitor the core – in all exercises , the press works constantly. Nastya warns: only correctly performed exercises guarantee the desired result – strengthening muscles, improving posture, coordination, and a general healing effect.

15 Apr 2022

How to return to fitness training after a long break


After a long break in fitness training, many are trying to catch up and begin to engage in emergency mode, as they say, right off the bat. And they make a gross mistake – intensive training after a break complicates the restoration of sports form and can even lead to injuries. 

How to return to fitness training correctly and without serious consequences? How to avoid the mistakes that amateur athletes sometimes make when trying to get in shape faster? You will learn about this from our article. 

How not to return to training – the most common mistake

Returning to fitness after a long break, many believe that they can work in the same mode as before – after all, they once trained like that, which means they can now. It seems to a person that he is full of energy and enthusiasm, he can move mountains. But this is an illusion – the body, after a long absence of training, is not ready for the once familiar loads.

The physical condition of an amateur athlete after a forced downtime resembles that which he had before the start of training. As after the first classes, there will be aches and muscle pain in the body. Therefore, the load should be gentle – it is necessary to enter the form gradually.
But there is a plus – thanks to the previously created neural connections, recovery will be faster than if you do the exercises for the first time.

What happens to the body when you skip fitness, and where to start exercising

If we practically do not notice a weekly skipping workout, then a long absence of physical activity seriously affects our physical form. 

Break 2 weeks

Gradually, the fitness of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems begins to decrease – they lose a little in performance. Aerobic endurance begins to fall, but the strength qualities still remain at the same level. How to return to training after a break?

What to do: do a few fitness workouts with a load of 60-70% of the usual, and you will again be in good shape.

A set of fitness exercises is suitable not only for experienced fitness enthusiasts, but also for beginners. The last trainer advises to focus on your feelings and, if necessary, reduce the speed of the exercises.

Break month

The fitness of the cardiovascular system continues to decline – aerobic endurance is rapidly declining. Muscles begin to atrophy, causing muscle endurance to drop by 30%. Strength indicators are reduced by 10%. The accumulation of fat begins – after all, it is much easier for the body to synthesize it than muscles. Sometimes blood pressure can rise sharply.
The nervous system becomes more “nervous” – if earlier the accumulated stress was removed during fitness training, now the body “let off steam” with irascibility and aggression.

What to do: spend the first two workouts at an intensity of 50%, train for the next two weeks at 75% of the maximum. Gradually increase the load, listening to your feelings. Everything is individual, but most likely you will return to the loads you used to before the break by the beginning of the fourth week. 

Break 6 months

The body begins to work in a slower mode. The so-called “stagnation” is formed in the tissues, the lungs are no longer saturated with oxygen to the extent that when doing fitness, the heart works more slowly. Insulin sensitivity drops, metabolism slows down, body fat grows. 

What to do: get ready for the fact that for about a month you will have to train in a gentle mode. Control your condition, and even if you feel a surge of energy, do not rush to give all the best. The quieter you go, the further you’ll get. This is especially true for those who have a very short period of fitness before the break. 

Break for a year or more

During this time, the body has already got rid of metabolically active muscles and replaced them with fat cells. Insulin sensitivity decreased even more, and the risk of diabetes mellitus increased. Power characteristics have fallen by at least 50%. 

What to do: gradualness should be your motto. At first, cardio loads will be 20-30% more difficult for you, strength ones will be even harder. Increase the intensity of the loads not earlier than after 4-5 weeks.
And if after a fitness workout you are tormented by muscle pain for a week, this does not mean that the session was super effective. It was just that the load was too intense, and serious damage was done to the muscle fibers. Therefore, the body needs time to recover.
If you were in good shape before the break, in about 2 months you will restore your previous achievements.

After a break of several years

After such a long break from training, your physical characteristics are not much different from those of the average person who has never done fitness.
How to return to training after such a long break – read below.

What to do: almost the same as starting from scratch. But it will be easier and easier for you to perform all the exercises than for a beginner, because the body has muscle memory. Your body will “remember” the past experience, and with the same loads, you will gain a good athletic shape faster than someone who has never done fitness. 

12 Apr 2022

Affordable fitness as a cure for disease

We have learned to change the world around us, we have changed the planet, we are constantly improving everything, but we do not change ourselves – we are the same as 2000 years ago and only worsen ourselves with industrial food and a sedentary lifestyle. How, having such global ideas about the world around us and nature, we treat our body and health so superficially. Why are we so actively developing medicine, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, but with less enthusiasm we approach preventive measures and sports education of society.

09 Apr 2022

Why do muscles hurt and how to live with it?

You have probably heard that the cause of the disease in the muscles is associated with the accumulation of lactic acid in them. But it’s not. Lactic acid is formed in the body due to the breakdown of glucose. This happens DURING training loads. You know that burning sensation in your muscles when you exercise. This is how lactic acid works. It is excreted from the body within a couple of hours after training. This means that she herself cannot be the cause of pain in the body after 1-2 days.

07 Apr 2022