5 Strength Training Myths Every Woman Should Know!


Myth #1. Strength training will make you muscular and masculine.

No wonder this is the most popular myth among ladies. Regular strength training will not make you muscular. Why? The explanation is simple. Women cannot synthesize enough testosterone (one of the main anabolic hormones) naturally like men. In this regard, it is impossible for women to gain significant muscle mass simply by lifting heavy objects.

When you think of strength training, the image of a female bodybuilder probably comes to mind. Most of these women use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) as well as other supplements to develop a similar physique. Plus, you’ll need to spend hours in the gym lifting weights to achieve these results, and let’s not forget that most female bodybuilders are genetically predisposed to bulking up!

Female bodybuilders don’t look like this by chance. It takes a huge amount of effort, backed up by synthetic testosterone and the right genetics. If you are just training without steroids, you have nothing to worry about. Moreover, this way you will get rid of cellulite and get a toned figure, like fitness models from magazines. (more…)

16 Oct 2022

Top 8 Best Home Workouts


Interesting exercises of your choice. Here are a few suggestions that can safely be called “the first league of home exercises.” They require a minimum amount of equipment and you will make any of them, both in the beginner and advanced versions of yourself. (more…)

13 Oct 2022

TOP 5 products with the highest content of hyaluronic acid

Experienced vendors sprinkle fruits and vegetables with water to make the moist sides of apples or cucumbers look juicy and appetizing. Hyaluronic acid is just as essential to maintaining a fresh face as moisture is to an attractive looking fruit.


08 Oct 2022

How to stop being nervous and seize stress with sweets

Stress-eating cakes and sweet tea, and then tormented by guilt? Do not rush to blame yourself, just know that in a stressful state, your body produces ghrelin. This hormone increases appetite and cravings for tasty and sweet but unhealthy foods. Understanding the reason for overeating, it will be easier for you to control yourself.


04 Oct 2022

Six of the coolest fall recipes to boost immunity and mood

How to prepare your body’s immune system for the flu season and acute respiratory infections? How not to become a victim of insidious colds? Catch healthy recipes that raise both immunity and mood in the fall. Let’s fight the viruses, and at the same time the autumn blues!


29 Sep 2022

Popular diets for weight loss – which is more, harm or benefit?


New diets for weight loss – like trends in fashion, appear with the same enviable regularity. And each diet has adherents who enthusiastically tell how they lost 10 or more kilograms in a couple of weeks. But volunteer-experimenters are silent about the safety of diets and the benefits for the body.


28 Sep 2022

Dark chocolate without harm to the figure

This exquisite, rich taste of chocolate is unique. He wants it again and again. But you limit yourself in it so as not to spoil the figure, don’t you? Not worth it.


22 Sep 2022

Why do muscles stop hurting after training

The expression “No pain, no gain” is familiar to many. Translated from English, it means – no pain, no result. This is how amateur athletes react to the absence of muscle pain the day after training. There is muscle pain – it means that you did well. Muscles do not hurt, therefore, the training was ineffective. Is it so?


15 Sep 2022

How to stick to a healthy eating plan and avoid relapse

How often, after a working day, do you open the refrigerator and painfully think about what to cook for dinner? Or do you sweep away the first thing that catches your eye from the shelves of the supermarket, forgetting about the necessary? In the end, you end up paying a lot.

10 Sep 2022

Common squat mistakes that can lead to injury


Almost no workout is complete without squats. Unfortunately, beginner athletes often make mistakes when doing this exercise: some do not feel that the buttocks are working during squats, others are afraid to hurt their knees, and still others do not understand how to get the most out of doing a squat without additional weight.  (more…)

05 Sep 2022