The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss (weight loss)
In this article, I am going to shed light on some of the nutritional problems that 90% of my clients and the general population have. Every person I meet, whether he is my client or not, as soon as he finds out that I am a personal nutrition coach, immediately asks him to write a diet plan, while many of them themselves know which foods are good and which are bad. So is it really difficult to learn how to eat right and still lose weight? I always answer – NO! In this article, I will try to show you how simple a healthy diet can be.
If you are really ready to work on your diet, and also add some physical exercises to this, then you will not only achieve an ideal figure but also improve your health. If you decide to continue to eat incorrectly (fast food, alcohol, chocolate, etc.), then please do not ask everyone this popular question: “Why am I not getting the result?” Yes, because you do not deserve it! Like it or not, you have to work on yourself! So, contact nutritional trainers such as myself or anyone else who will share their knowledge with you and help you achieve your desired result.
You can write 100 pages about nutrition, but I value my and your time and try to describe in one article all the principles of healthy eating for weight loss. Below I will give you the most important tips that my clients use, and I hope you can use it:
1. Glycemic index
Avoid foods with a high glycemic index and a low nutritional index. First of all, these are simple carbohydrates, which are the main reason for gaining excess weight. The meaning of the glycemic index (GI) – in the rate of decomposition of sugar. Eating foods with high GI causes a rapid breakdown of sugar, which causes a rapid pancreatic reaction and the release of insulin into the blood. As a result, the blood sugar level decreases, and after 1-2 hours we get a feeling of hunger and craving for sweets. And we find ourselves in a vicious circle of consumption of simple carbohydrates: sugar turns into fat – you gain weight – you get a feeling of hunger – and again all over again. You can learn more about this in the articles: ” Why are we getting fat ” and ”
For example, I can get the “Glycemic Index-Journal and Nutritional Value of Products” from me.
2. Down with the sweets
Eliminate all the sweet pleasures from your diet (sweets, chocolates, sodas, cakes, etc.). The sugar that your body receives from these products is essentially empty calories, which prevents your body from burning fat. They also increase insulin production, which can lead to diabetes, an increase in blood cholesterol, and heart problems. Find alternative treats for yourself and your sweet tooth children, such as cocktails, bars with a low glycemic index, etc.
3. Water
Drink at least 2 – 3 liters of water every day, and it is necessary to drink it constantly throughout the day, and not once. Almost every system in our body functions normally thanks to a sufficient amount of water. Water has many functions, it helps both in reducing weight and in gaining muscle mass. So read separate articles on the topic: ” Water and weight loss ” and ” Water in sports .” Limit the amount of tea and coffee you use, as they are diuretic and will help to dehydrate the body. Yes, and by the way, coffee can increase the ” cellulite ” in girls.
4. Focus on protein!
Protein helps control hunger. When protein is absorbed, the brain receives a signal that hunger has decreased. It contributes to a slow and gradual rise and fall in blood sugar, which means there are no attacks of hunger. Due to its structure in protein processing, the body spends more energy (calories) than in the processing of fats and carbohydrates. Also, the protein supports and increases muscle mass, and with it the basal metabolism.
5. Calorie reduction
It’s no secret that the main principle of weight loss is to reduce calories. Your body must be in a negative energy balance. The calorie content of food should be reduced step by step so that the body does not tolerate stress. Determine your individual energy minimum (find out, for example, your basal metabolism) and reduce it by 150 calories. Every week, evaluate your form and, depending on the results, adjust the total number of calories. If you feel that you are not losing fat fast enough, then it reduces the total calorie intake by another 150 calories.
First of all, reduce the number of calories due to fats and carbohydrates. Calorie reduction, primarily due to the fastest and simplest carbohydrates, that is, sweet (sugar, cakes, and so on). But look so that you do not have “carbohydrate depletion” if you do not want a collapse in muscle mass (and each kg of muscle mass burns about 30 kcal per day). Therefore, the main thing is not to overdo it, because a decrease in calorie content does not mean a transition to total starvation.
6. Five – six meals a day
Cut calories, not food! Eat 5-6 times a day (3 main meals and 2-3 correct snacks). However, you need to eat “nutritious food”, as often nutritious foods, such as vegetables, are low in calories. It is better to eat more often, but little by little, than in large portions, but rarely. When you eat meals with a wide gap between meals, you help slow down your metabolism. Surprisingly, our body burns about 10% of calories every day when digesting and absorbing food – so the more times you eat a day, the greater this effect will be. You can buy weight loss supplements in our store and you will see the result in 2 weeks! But do not forget that Eating small meals and snacks every three to four hours, you accelerate your metabolism, thereby burning more calories during the day, without feeling hunger, which is very important. Also, regularly snacking, you eat less food during a full meal.
7. Proper breakfast
There is one meal a day that you simply should not skip – this is your Breakfast, although many, unfortunately, ignore it. After you sleep all night, your sugar level is low, as your body has been without food for about 12 hours and is actually in a hungry state, so it needs food as soon as possible. If he cannot get food after sleep, then your body will begin to use its own muscles for energy, which is very bad. Also, the body’s use of natural protection against hunger will work – he will start to retain fat at the next meal. When skipping tomorrow, you quite often feel sleepy and tired, as your engine tries to run without fuel in the tank. A morning meal will increase your metabolism, give you a lot of energy and set you up for the day. You can read more about proper breakfast in the articles: “ Breakfast and weight loss. Types of breakfast. ” And “ Breakfast is the most important meal that should not be neglected. ”
My Tip : Breakfast should be balanced !
8. Calorie Distribution
Correctly distribute the daily amount of calories consumed. Most of us were brought up so that the largest meal was for dinner, when we get home from work, university, school, etc. Around 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Considering that we eat food mainly for energy, ask yourself one question: “When do you most need energy during the day? Is it really 3-4 hours before bedtime? For dinner, there should be no more than 1/4 of the calories in your daily diet. 3/4 calories are recommended to be received before 17.00. In the first half of the day you are active, the body works on energy consumption, all calories received will be spent, and will not be deposited in fat. This does not mean that any meal before bedtime will contribute to the formation of fat, you just need to eat the right and healthy food, such as vegetables, salads or cottage cheese. By the way, evening tea (which often stretches for 2-3 hours and is accompanied by sweets) is also a late dinner.
Try the formula below:
- Have breakfast like King (for example, at 6.00 – 8.00 in the morning) – oatmeal, natural yogurt, fruits, whole-grain toast, or Breakfast from Herbalife.
- Before lunch – a healthy snack (for example at 10.00 – 11.00) – cottage cheese with bread, fruits, or an excellent snack from Herbalife – a protein bar.
- Dine like the Prince (for example at 13.00 – 14.30) – sweet potatoes with tuna and sweet corn, plus salad, fruit, or Herbalife food.
- Afternoon snack – healthy snack (15.30 – 16:00) – fruit salad, plus a handful of nuts or a protein bar from Herbalife.
- Dine like a Beggar (for example, at 17:30 – 19.30) – chicken and vegetables.
Regular consumption of food in small portions (both regular, correct food products and food substitutes) will help you speed up your metabolism (metabolism) and keep your blood sugar levels normal, so you will not have a craving for unhealthy foods and sweets. Have you noticed that I often mention an increase in metabolism? Because it is directly related to the loss of excess fat. You can find out about ways to activate your metabolism here .
9. Proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
I recommend a balanced diet for proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the ratio of 35/50/15 (35% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 15% fat). These are percentages of the total number of calories you eat per day, and not the size of the servings. There are two types of proteins: animal and plant origin. Vegetable protein actually does not contain fat, it has a lot of fiber and micronutrients. Therefore, it is recommended that you include both animal and vegetable proteins in a ratio of 50:50 in your diet. The best sources of protein: poultry, red meat without fatty layers, fish, eggs, milk without cream,low-fat dairy products, soy, leguminous, peas, beans. As for carbohydrates, if you want to lose weight, try to exclude simple carbohydrates from your diet, replacing them with useful complex carbohydrates. Avoid baked goods, fried junk foods that are high in fat and sugar. In our store there is a specialized nutrition for weight loss and you can also buy dietary supplements for weight loss, which will help you find the desired shape. Also , products that serve as a source of complex carbohydrates: vegetables, wholemeal flour, cereals, legumes and pasta from durum wheat. The calories we get from fats should be 15-20% of the daily value, and the proportion of saturated fats should be about 10% of the daily calorie intake.By replacing saturated fatty acids and trans fats with healthy omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in your diet, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and being overweight.
10. Focus on healthy foods
You should always try to eat as much natural and healthy food (cooked at home) as possible: more fruits, vegetables, salads, lean meat, etc., the more the better. All these healthy foods contain various vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients, so try to eat them more often. Try to avoid many frozen, canned foods in boxes and jars, convenience foods, as they contain a lot of food additives and preservatives. The more food is processed, the less nutritional value it has. Try to read the composition on the labels these frozen foods. Do yourself a favor and your family – refuse them once and for all. According to the WHO, in order to provide your body with an adequate norm of vitamins and minerals, you need to eat 400-500 g of vegetables and fruits daily, that is, 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. If you do not have such an opportunity, then include in your diet special foods or dietary supplements.
Specialized products and dietary supplements for weight loss and excellent shape
For more than 30 years Herbalife company has been creating first-class specialized food products and high-quality dietary supplements of natural origin, which will enrich your diet with the necessary amount of vitamins, micro, and macro elements. You can buy these products in our store at low prices. Almost all professional athletes use both specialized food products and dietary supplements. However, most people do not know the physiological explanations for the supplements, and some are still looking for a “magic elixir.” However, these products are not “magic” and not medicine. Bioadditives are a nutritional complex of micro and macro elements and vitamins in pure form or in high concentrations, enriching the diet of people, without having any negative impact, since only natural legal components are used to create them (non-doping). Balanced foods are high-quality food substitutes., low in calories, also enriching your body with all the necessary micro and macro elements. We suggest you buy dietary supplements and specialized high-quality food products, time-tested, and at competitive prices.
- Reducing alcohol
One of the biggest difficulties my clients face is the reduction in alcohol. Most alcoholic beverages have high-calorie content and are usually high in sugar. For example, one glass of wine is equivalent to 20 – 30 minutes of work in the gym. In addition, alcohol can greatly affect your well-being or training the next day, it is clear that not in the best way. You can read more about the effects of alcohol on the body in a special article. For example, I easily abandoned this addiction, and I do not regret it at all.
- Everything is very simple.
Unfortunately, many people are attracted to unhealthy food, because they think that it is tastier and it will take less time for you to cook and eat it. This is especially true for people with a frantic pace of life. But I will always argue with anyone and say that healthy food can be as tasty and quick to prepare as unhealthy. You can read some recipes on the site. So the next time you go to a store or a hypermarket, spend a little more time buying the right products for yourself and your family. The advice I always give people: “Don’t go to the store on an empty stomach!”
There are also a few small rules that can help you at the dinner table:
- Drink a glass of water before eating. Water is very beneficial for the body, in addition, a glass of water will reduce your appetite.
- Monitor your serving size throughout the day. Most people fill their plates out of habit. Tip: Use smaller plates than usual. There is a proven link between the perceived amount of food and appetite (the more food you see, the more you want to eat).
- Try to fill your plate with 30% vegetables, salad or fruit. First, eat vegetables and salad, and only then the food left on the plate. Firstly, such a dish will contain fewer calories, and secondly, it will be rich in fiber. Remember this sequence in food: water – fiber – food!
- When it comes to meat, I advise you to use a good formula, which I was once told about: “The fewer legs meat has, the less fat it contains” (the fish has no legs, and the cow has 4 legs).
- Eat slowly and chew food.I believe that this rule is extremely difficult for most people to follow, but the old theory is correct – it takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to understand that the body has received food. Tip: Between the pieces, put the fork on the table (it’s easier to control yourself).
- Watch what you eat: if you stare at the TV while eating, you will automatically eat much more. Also, stay away from fried foods.
P. S .:
I hope this article has become useful to you and will help to achieve the desired results. Many people think that just training and exercising is enough, but let me assure you that not one of my clients was able to get in shape with physical exercises without adjusting their diet! Until you make healthy eating your hobby, you will not get the desired results. I believe that a healthy diet is actually not the most boring and even exciting thing, you just need to make a little more effort in cooking, but over time you get used to it. I hope now you will make the right choice. Thank you all, good luck!