Alpha lipoid acid
Alpha lipoid acid is a powerful antioxidant in the human body. Many nutrients are fat soluble, which means that they feel comfortable in a greasy environment, while others are water soluble, that is, they normally exist in aqueous media. Alpha-lipoid acid has an interesting property: it can exist in both environments. The body naturally produces this amazing antioxidant, but maintaining a healthy diet with supplements will help the body metabolize.
Aminoglucose is associated with joint lubrication, due to its role in mucous secretions. It promotes the formation and maintenance of connective tissue in the body.
Grape seed
The good that is in wine comes from grapes. Recall that grapes have to ripen for many hours in the sun before they can be harvested for consumption. During this time, grapes build their own system of protection against the oxidative effects of the sun. Such protection is the antioxidant found in grapes. When people eat grapes, they get all these beneficial substances into their own cells. This is again a cellular defense based on the good that nature gave us millions of years ago.
Gingko biloba
The gingko biloba plant is associated with brain activity, in particular with memory. It is believed that it supports blood circulation in these important brain tissues. Gingko performs a powerful anticoagulant function in the blood and helps maintain blood pressure.
Glutamine, a natural amino acid, plays a significant role in metabolism. Glutamine is especially important for protein metabolism and for the functioning of the central nervous system.
Spinach is a good source of glutamine.
Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, helps ensure the normal functioning of the liver, especially the detoxification process.
A plant common in Brazil, which has a stimulating effect similar to the action of caffeine, but with an additional antioxidant effect; used to maintain overall health and in the treatment of bronchi.
Ginseng, an important plant that is associated with vitality and energy, helps maintain blood pressure, counteract stress and depression. Recent clinical trials have shown that a combination of ginseng with gingko can improve short-term memory.
Green tea
Recently, a strong association of green tea and good health has formed. Indeed, studies have shown that in populations that regularly drink green tea, cancer prevalence is lower. What is so good about green tea? It has a special component called EGCG . Green tea molecules have a protective effect, which can help in the prevention of a number of cancers .
They also have an enhancing effect on metabolism, which, as studies have shown, is stimulating. It has been proven that drinking more green tea during the day speeds up metabolism.
Coenzyme Q 10
Coenzyme Q 10 is another antioxidant important for metabolism. It helps maintain the normal state of the cardiovascular system and gums, blood pressure and the functioning of the immune system. Taking certain medications such as statins can cause a decrease in the level of this substance in the body.
Another example of vegetables that have the powerful ability to improve health is tomatoes. The active ingredient in tomatoes is lycopene. Clinical trials have shown that it accumulates in the prostate gland in men and in the mammary gland tissue in women, providing a protective effect.
A rare tree native to France in the southeast of the province of Bordeaux, contains a powerful antioxidant called pycnogenol in the bark. Interestingly, clinical studies have repeatedly shown that pycnogenol reduces the likelihood of varicose veins. How this mystery of nature was revealed is unknown. Today, in order to take advantage of the outstanding properties of pycnogenol, you do not need to go to France and chew tree bark. You can simply buy this amazing ingredient as a supplement. A typical dose consumed is from 50 to 100 mg per day.
Although soy is criticized in some circles as a food source, soybeans are grown around the world as an important macronutrient. Soy itself has many interesting properties. One of its advantages is that soy is a plant form of complete protein. This means that soy contains all the essential amino acids. Clinical studies have shown that 25 grams of soy in a daily diet helps lower cholesterol.
Speaking about the shortcomings, we note that in the soybean there are “anti-nutrients” that deprive the body of vitamins and minerals. To eliminate this problem, many manufacturing companies remove the bad substances from the raw product and leave the good ones . This makes soybeans a significant source of protein, with the ability to lower cholesterol and without negative effects.
For many years there has been a myth that soy has an estrogenic effect on the body. Many athletes believe that it causes breast growth, that they will develop female traits, etc. The reality is that soybeans contain phytoestrogens, of which the two most famous are genistein and daidzein; both of them, as shown by studies, have a protective effect on prostate tissue and on breast tissue. Many researchers have considered the possible protective properties of these components in the cancer cells of these tissues.
Another object of criticism from athletes is the biological value of soy, which is not as great as that of protein found in milk and eggs. Biological value is a measure of how much protein you eat gets into muscle tissue. And although the value of soy is not as high as eggs, beef or milk, it nevertheless has a beneficial effect on lowering cholesterol.
I recommend soy to anyone interested in a balanced diet. If a person decided to become a vegetarian, from a philosophical point of view, this is wonderful. Remember, however, that for thousands of years people have been eating animals and plants. This is supported by our anatomy and physiology.
Soya has various forms, for example, tofu and etam. Many companies make soy burgers or sausages, which are soy substitutes for low-fat, high-calorie, and high-protein meats.
Soy is an easy way to add protein to your diet, LOWER your cholesterol and protect your cells. The recommended amount in your daily diet is approximately 25 grams per day.
Garlic is a powerful component of a healthy diet. In garlic, there is an important compound called allicin. Studies have shown that it supports the normal state of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure and the functioning of the immune system. Many companies produce garlic supplements, which are approximately equal in action to one clove of garlic.
The best way to get nutrients from plants is very simple: eat plants daily – fruits and vegetables. The variety of colors of fruits and vegetables contributes to a wide variety of these beneficial plant nutrients. The wider the variety of phytonutrients in the body, the more tools in the body’s arsenal to protect against diseases.