Performing squats correctly will help get your body in shape and strengthen your glutes, abs, and legs. During such training, the muscles of the spine also work – the posture straightens and becomes even. Calves and lower back are also loaded.
Squats can help men build muscle in their legs. The exercise is especially suitable for girls who want to build up the gluteal muscles. Squats are a great way to get rid of extra pounds and become the owner of a slim figure.
Muscles work best when training with weights – with dumbbells or a barbell. This will help you gain muscle mass faster.
Don’t be too light. You should feel a high load – after 12 squats, you will realize that you can no longer repeat the exercise. This is the only way training can be effective.
Such training will be difficult for beginners. The best option is to start with a lightweight and gradually increase the load.
The buttocks are formed by three muscles – the large, middle and small muscles of the thigh. Each of them has its own function. The big one takes the legs back and works when walking, the small and medium ones are lower and participate only in the movement of the limbs to the right and to the left.
The more muscles are involved in the exercise, the higher the training efficiency. Squats are the best option for pumping your glutes. They engage the large, medium and small muscles at the same time. Deep squats are especially helpful to get the results you want faster.
To train as efficiently as possible, you must follow a few simple rules when doing squats.
- Do not raise your shoulders during the exercise. Take them back and keep them down.
- Keep your back straight. If you round your back, overload your lower back. This will lead to pain in the lumbar region.
- When squatting, move your hips back slightly. This will help put more stress on the buttocks.
- The knees should always be directly above the feet.
- Pull your pelvis back as if you were sitting on an invisible chair.
- Try to squat as low as possible.
- Rest your feet on the floor so that you feel balance.
- Beginners need to control the depth of their squats. To do this, place a low stool behind your back and lower yourself until you touch it with your buttocks.
Beginners often fail to achieve the desired results when doing squats. This is because they are not following the correct technique. Let’s talk about the most common mistakes.
Not deep enough squat
Of course, not everyone can sit below knee level. However, for effective training, you must learn to lower your pelvis as low as possible. Start exercising, gradually increasing your range of motion.
Tip: Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. This way you can control the body.
Bringing the knees together
Most likely you have weak leg muscles. But this can only be corrected with proper squats.
Tip: stand in front of the mirror and control the process. Remember: your knees should be in line with your toes.
Moving the case back
It is often difficult for beginners to do the exercise with an upright posture.
Tip: Put your weight on your heels.
Too fast pace
Squat speed is not important. It is necessary to slowly lower and raise the pelvis. Follow the technique.
Tip: take your time. Breathe slowly and deeply as you exercise.
Lack of warm-up
Warm up before any workout. A couple of minutes is enough – during this time, your muscles are warmed up and will be ready for an increased load. Rest assured, you will definitely not get hurt.
Tip: A great way to warm up is jumping rope. If you plan on squatting with weights, try the no-weights squat first. Then gradually increase the load.
Classic squats
What for: training the quadriceps and large muscles of the thigh.
How: Exercise without additional weight. Everything is simple here. Keep your back straight. Join your hands in the lock in front of you. Squat down. Keep your shins and elbows in line.
Classic squats are great for beginners. This exercise will prepare you for an intense glute workout. It is not suitable for increasing muscle mass.
Deep squats
For what: load on the middle and large muscles of the thigh, quadriceps and buttocks.
How: The exercise is similar to the classic squat. However, there is one difference: the pelvis should be lowered until it is parallel to the plane of the floor.
This exercise is quite difficult to complete. Ankle flexibility is key here. If this part of the body is not flexible enough, then you will not be able to sit down deeply.
With a narrow stance
For what: training of the medium, large and quadriceps muscles. The lumbar and abdominal muscles also work.
How: Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your feet slightly to the sides. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
If the exercise seems too difficult to do, place your legs a little wider or slightly turn your toes. This way you can keep your core balanced and load your muscles properly.
Squats “Sumo”
For what: load on the large, middle and quadriceps muscles.
How: Stand up straight and spread your legs to the sides. Turn your feet outward. Inhale and squat slowly, keeping your back straight. At the end point, the thighs should be parallel to the floor. An important point – the knees are in the same plane with the toes and do not connect. Take your pelvis back as far as possible. Exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
Exercise “Reverance”
What for: training the large, medium muscles of the buttocks and quadriceps thighs. Additional load on the hamstrings.
How: Stand up straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders and spread your toes apart. During the exercise, point your knees in the same direction as your toes. Shift your weight onto one leg and take a wide diagonal back step with the other. One foot is in front, and the toe of her foot is pointing out. The other is behind the first. Legs are crossed.
Sit down. The knee of the front leg should be parallel to the floor. With the knee of your skating leg, reach towards the floor behind your working leg, but do not touch it. At the bottom of the squat, you should feel a stretch in the gluteus muscles of the working leg. Straighten your legs and lift your pelvis.
Dumbbell Squats
For what: load on the thighs, abdominal muscles and triceps.
How: The technique is the same as for the classic squat. Similar muscle groups are involved.
Dumbbell workouts work your glutes and help you achieve the results you want faster.
What for: training the buttocks, thigh muscles and back.
How: The technique is the same as for the dumbbell squat.
The most effective training option, however, this exercise is contraindicated for people with back pain.