At all times, not only the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also the pumped-up press were considered an indicator of male strength and fit. The practice of various workouts shows that the abdomen is one of the most difficult muscles to work out. But if you perform the exercises comprehensively and regularly, then the visible results will not be long in coming.
Usually, guys have less developed abs than other muscle groups – this is due to the speed of reaction to training. On average, the timing of pumping is as follows:
- Shoulder area and arms – 15 days after the start of the workout.
- The area of the chest and back is 20-25 days.
- The area of the thigh, pelvic and shin muscles is 20-30 days.
But the muscles of the press are not only difficult to study but also hidden under the protective fat layer. To see the first signs of a stronger press, you will have to work at least 40 days. In addition, the abdominal muscles have several layers of fibers that are located in different directions: internal, external, straight, and transverse. Therefore, for the press, it is necessary to perform a whole complex of multidirectional training: exercises on an inclined bench, twisting, lifting legs, a bar, etc.
Another important feature – the muscles in the abdomen are restored much faster than the rest. This is due to the fact that the press is almost around the clock in work, helping not only to keep the body in a straight position but also to maintain internal organs. Long rest between workouts in the case of the press will not bring good results.
Many people know the rule that muscles grow during the rest period, so you need to give them enough time to recover. Usually each muscle group is worked out according to the scheme: 1 day of training and 2 days of rest. Press can be loaded much more often. Many trainers advise doing this daily, but it’s better to stick to a softer scheme – a training day and a rest day.
This allows you to achieve several goals at once:
- Muscles have time to recover, which means their growth will pass faster.
- You can intensively increase the number of exercises and approaches without the risk of overstrain and breakdown.
- The effect of training is accumulating, which means the achievement of the goal is accelerated.
Usually, training for the press is divided into two groups: exercises for the upper press and lower. Both departments can be worked out both at home and in the hall. However, in the gym, under the supervision of a trainer, this is much easier.
For the upper abdominal muscles, twisting is considered the most effective exercise. Twisting differs from the classical press press that we all did at school in that only the shoulder blades and the upper back are torn off the floor, and the lower back and pelvic parts are firmly pressed to the floor.
Straight twists
This exercise is great for beginners. Starting position – lying directly on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet firmly pressed to the floor, hands in the lock behind your head. To simplify the exercise a bit, you can hook your feet on stable furniture, for example, put them under a cupboard or low sofa. So the load from the abdominal muscles is partially distributed on the legs.
We begin to raise the upper back, but make sure that the lower back remains on the floor. It’s best to start with 15-20 reps of 2-3 sets.
Leg curl
If the previous exercise seems too simple, then you can complicate it by lifting the legs. The exercise is done in the same order, only the legs bent at the knees need to be lifted 15-20 cm above the floor and fixed in a fixed position.
An even more difficult training option is to do twisting while lifting the legs bent at the knees. Moreover, in the initial position, the feet should be pressed to the floor, and when twisting the knees should be brought closer to the head as close as possible.
This exercise will allow you to swing not only the straight, but also the oblique muscles of the press. Starting position: lying on your back, knees bent and slightly raised above the floor, hands in the lock above your head. Raising the upper back, alternately turn sideways with the left and right side, lifting the opposite knee. The purpose of the exercise is to bring your elbows to your knees as close as possible and stay in this position for one to two seconds.
Any of these exercises can be improved with the help of a vertical bench for training – it is convenient and functional. It is better to purchase a special sports bench for homework in order to be able to adjust the angle.
If you need to raise the chest area to work out the upper abdominal part, then to raise the lower part you need to raise your legs. It is best to perform this exercise, not on the floor, but using a long bench.
Leg lift
This is an effective exercise for pumping up the abdominal muscles at various levels of difficulty. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, and hands lying along the body with the palms down. We raise both legs so that the lower back rises above the floor, and the shoulder blades remain firmly pressed to it.
For more preparedness, an exercise with straight legs is suitable. They should be raised approximately 45 degrees to the floor. If it is difficult to raise your legs, you can hold the bench sides with your hands.
Upper twisting
It helps to develop not only the lower abs but also the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Starting position: straight legs raised 90 degrees to the body, lower back and shoulder blades firmly pressed to the floor, arms along the body. Twist both legs alternately to the left and to the right. Make sure that the pelvis comes off the horizontal surface as little as possible.
This exercise is also convenient to perform on a bench to hold with your hands while twisting the body.
This is a universal exercise that allows you to pump up not only the muscles of the press but also the muscles of the back, arms, and shoulders. Starting a position as with push-ups: on outstretched arms, resting on the floor, the body is straight, the lower back does not bend down, the legs are brought together. The abs and buttocks are tense. Keep this position for at least 30 seconds.
You can simplify the bar by relying on your elbows and complicate it by lifting and holding one of the legs. You can also make a sidebar when the support is carried out only on one arm, and the pelvis is parallel to the floor. The second hand can be extended upwards or laid behind the head.
Use of weights
To increase the load on the press, trainers advise using weights. Best for this are pancakes from the bar. They are comfortable to hold in your hands, and the weight is distributed strictly parallel to the body.
During twisting, the weight is usually held with both hands on the chest. You should firmly press the pancake to your chest, holding your hands crosswise. Another way is to fix the weight with your hands behind your head, but this method is dangerous, although it increases resistance.
Inclined Bench Exercises
In the hall there are special benches for the press, with a roller for supporting the feet or hips. On them, it is possible to perform any of the above exercises with or without weights. It is important to remember that the greater the vertical inclination of the bench, the more difficult the exercise.
In addition to the exercises described above, it is effective to use a bench for a side press. To do this, you need to go down on an inclined (about 45 degrees) bench sideways so as to rest your feet on the floor. In this case, the upper body should be located freely. We perform lateral twisting so as not only to fall down on inspiration but also to rise as high as possible from the starting position.
Use of simulators
Functional simulators, which are equipped with halls, are useful in that they allow you to load any muscle group. A variety of exercises makes it possible to get rid of the “addictive effect” when the body ceases to respond positively to the same exercise. Effectively perform twisting while sitting and lying, using traction on roller blocks. They help to distribute the effort and choose the right weight for each exercise.
Here are a few mistakes that even experienced athletes make when pumping your abs:
- Incorrect execution. Most of those who do without the control of the trainer neglect the technique of doing the exercises. Remember: it is better to do fewer exercises, but do them correctly.
- Long rest. You should not give the abs muscles a long break, otherwise it will be difficult to enter a constant rhythm, and each exercise will be given more and more difficult.
- Lack of comprehensive exercises. The press is not the only muscle that provides us with visible cubes. The muscles of the back and lower back keep the back level and also require a good study.
- There is no development of training. With sufficient rest, the body quickly gets used to the loads and requires constant complication of the program and an increase in the number of approaches and repetitions.
- Excessive weighting. Personal safety should not be neglected, especially using improvised weights, because a large load on the press and lower back can lead to injuries.
To not only strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also to create a relief attractive for the female look, some exercises are not enough. Fitness room instructors say that the guarantee of the appearance of all six cubes is 90% nutrition, and only 10% – training.
These figures directly indicate that with improper nutrition, an ideal press can be forever buried under a layer of fat. Therefore, here are some tips for those who want to strengthen the result of the training:
- It is best to divide meals into 5-6 meals per day. In this case, the portions should be small (approximately 1/3 of the usual norm), and the interval between doses should be no more than 2-2.5 hours. So the body will always receive protein and carbohydrates, and fats will not have time to accumulate.
- The main menu should contain cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice), low-fat chicken, fish, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. It is better to completely refuse fried, fatty, smoked, sweets, and bakery products.
- High water intake is a prerequisite for rapid metabolism. At least 2 liters of pure water should be ingested in a day.
- The correct ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is as follows – 50/20/30.
- In no case should you go hungry, because, with a lack of nutrition, the body consumes not so much fat as muscle mass?
In order to achieve a beautiful and bumpy press as soon as possible, you need to pay attention to the whole range of exercises of both the upper and lower sections, as well as proper nutrition.