Everyone wants to look slim and fit. Here’s what to do if you need to get your body in shape within a week using a diet.
Five to seven extra pounds significantly worsen a person’s appearance. For women, their presence is often the reason for the formation of low self-esteem and the development of various complexes.
In the modern world with its frantic pace of life, sometimes it becomes necessary to lose extra pounds in a short period of time. We offer several express methods to lose weight by 5-7 kg in one week.
Attention! Please note that with rapid weight loss, it is unrealistic to get a lasting result. You should be prepared for the fact that very soon the melted kilograms can return, and the figure will lose its harmony.
What do you need to lose weight at home?
Those who want to lose weight need:
- eat fractionally, in small portions, and only if there is a feeling of hunger
- have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime
- give up semi-finished products, snacks, fried foods, and sweets, giving preference to healthy homemade food
- perform breathing exercises
- keep weight under control and count calories
- drink 2 liters of water per day
- going to the gym to burn a lot of calories.
Effective express diets
With perseverance, anyone can lose up to 5 kg in 7 days without exhausting fasting. It is obvious that physical activity and breathing exercises in a short time will not give an effective effect. The only way to lose weight urgently is to cut down on the number of calories entering the body from food.
Mono diets
Meal plans based on a one-food menu are quite effective. However, not every girl will be able to “sit” for a whole week only on kefir or steamed buckwheat.
If you decide on such a diet for the sake of slimness, you can lose 1 extra kilogram per day. In this case, it is recommended to evenly distribute 1.5 liters of kefir and 400 g of baked potatoes, cottage cheese, fruits, or boiled chicken breast for 4 meals. The most difficult thing will be on the 6th day of the diet, during which it is allowed to consume only kefir and water.
Buckwheat mono-diet gives a good result. It involves the use of buckwheat steamed overnight with boiling water. The resulting “porridge” is eaten in equal portions in 6 receptions.
Low-calorie diets
Low-calorie diets are less rigid than mono options. They are based on restricting calorie intake. As a result, the body is forced to replenish the lack of energy by burning its own fat reserves.
With a low-calorie diet, 6 meals a day are assumed. Serving weight for women should be 200 g, and for men – 300 g. Women are allowed to eat foods with a total caloric content of no more than 1300 kcal per day, and men – no more than 1700 kcal. In this case, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
Protein diet
A diet with a predominance of protein speeds up the metabolism. A protein diet involves avoiding dinner and drinking plenty of water.
A sample menu for the day should look like this:
- for breakfast, eat 50 g of boiled fish or steamed fish and lettuce, washed down with 1 glass of kefir.
- for lunch, 1 egg, 90 g of chicken fillet, and rye bread are eaten.
- Another option: for breakfast, they drink a glass of chicken broth, eat 50 g of chicken breast and 3 loaves
- for lunch, eat 50 g of veal, spinach, rye bread, an apple, and an orange.
Whichever option of express weight loss you choose, be sure to first go through the diagnosis and consult with your doctor to exclude possible contraindications