How to lose weight easily 3 life hacks

Quite! At the heart of any personality are three components – a child, an adult and a parent. Our psyche has fixed these models since childhood and applies them in adult life. Ideally, these three elements (or ego states) should work in symbiosis and “come out” alternately, depending on the situation. But it doesn’t always work out that way.
A nervous state during weight loss begins due to a conflict in which 2 sides of a person participate. On the one hand, you want quick results – and this is the children’s part. A cheerful, capricious child easily and thoughtlessly follows his desires. He wants to lose weight and eat candy here and now, without thinking about the consequences. He is angry, demanding and indignant: “Why haven’t you lost weight, why haven’t you still lost 25 kg in a week? We should have done it!”
On the other hand, the inner parent presses – this is the voice of conscience and the cry of morality. The strict, rational parental part accuses: “It’s all because of you, it’s you who overate again, it’s you who didn’t train enough, and even here you somehow acted incorrectly.”
It turns out that energy is spent not on losing weight correctly, with ease, but on a conflict with this “parental” part. With this critic, who crushes with discipline: “Everything is not so and not that way! Here I overate, there I didn’t get enough sleep, then I missed a workout, and there I ate too many pies. And the children’s part wants to get the result here and now: “Let’s train 3 times more today!”
What is the result?
When the child part takes over, the parent takes its side. And that’s it, he’s already overworked! He no longer has enough strength, and there is no desire to engage in training or nutrition. His resources were limited. And the children’s part is very afraid of criticism, but it is difficult for her to cope with her spontaneous, childish desires. Our inner child wants to do everything faster, lose weight faster and get results without putting much effort.
In fact, it all turns against the person. A nervous state arises – a person eats unconsciously, there is some kind of fuss, flight, dissatisfaction with oneself.
What to do?
Life hack number 1
In order not to go into this nervous, irritable state, you must immediately outline a plan.
Alternatively, write that:
I need time, because I’m not just changing my diet, but my thinking, lifestyle;
I sometimes change all the neural connections built up over 20 (30-40) years, but this is difficult, and I need time;
this must be done slowly and regularly. And so it is more correct than everything will happen in quick leaps, I will be dissatisfied with myself, or someone will be dissatisfied with me, and I will be afraid of punishment.
It is very important to remind yourself that losing weight should be careful. You can keep a diary in which, like a mantra, write this reminder daily.
And it would be great if there was support – a nutritionist, a psychologist, or just a girlfriend. At least at the first stage. It works, which is proved, for example, by marathons, when the participants support each other, and weight loss goes more smoothly.
But you also need to support yourself – to return a rational adult: “Everything is fine, I will definitely lose weight, it just takes time, it doesn’t happen so quickly.”
I don’t fit into a dress
Experienced stress
Collected the cake,
Cake, you bastard, get in!
Sweets are harmful, we all know this, but for some reason, when losing weight, thoughts hover around chocolates and cakes. Or maybe there are some sweets that you can eat plenty and still lose weight? Maybe you will please our losing weight?
I’ll try! But let’s start with childhood. It is then that we have a neural connection: sweetness is an encouragement, a gift. Hit your knee? Candy for you! Not accepted into the game? Eat a cookie, don’t cry! I ate sweet, tasty and immediately felt lighter, more comfortable. But you can’t completely relax, and every time you want sweets more and more. They can’t get enough, but they want to!
Lifehack #2
Therefore (and now you will read what will please all the sweet tooth), when losing weight, sweets should not be reduced, but on the contrary – it should be available! But !!! Sweets need to change! Go for sweets that you can eat a lot, such as banana cookies. That is, exclude sugar , but leave the sweet. And sometimes allow yourself to eat these sweet things to satiety.
Perhaps this is not the recommendation given by nutritionists, nutritionists, fitness trainers. But from a psychological point of view, it is important. This is a psychological aspect that gives the brain a setting: everything is fine, nothing will leave you, you can eat as many cookies as you want once a week and everything will be fine. This is a very busy moment!
And then at some point the brain is rebuilt and understands: no one will take sweets from me, in principle, I can eat them to satiety! Therefore, there should be sugar-free bars or cookies in the house – they just eat, they just lie, they can be eaten at any time. They are available and not banned.
And one more very important point. Before you eat sweets, you need to stop and ask yourself – why do I want to eat cookies?
This does not mean that the question will save you from not eating cookies. On the contrary, awareness develops and the understanding comes that now I want to eat this Snickers because I feel some kind of anxiety. But if I’m anxious, I can replace snickers with something more useful. Or just go for a walk, and it won’t be about food.
So, gradually asking yourself, awareness, understanding develops and dependence on sweet food decreases.
The worst thing you can do when losing weight is to drastically limit yourself in everything. From a psychological point of view, it is even dangerous. When the body for many years has become accustomed to fried potatoes with pork, and it is offered broccoli, there is a sharp rejection. After all, the body is used to eating fried potatoes with pork – this is normal, it is not dangerous, and nothing terrible happens. And even the accumulation of fat in the body for the brain is a big plus – after all, this is a good reserve in case of cataclysms and upheavals, you will not die of hunger.
But from the point of view of the brain, switching to broccoli right away is terrible, the body will immediately begin to protest and be indignant: “Ah, they feed me broccoli! fu, fu, fu…” The body will rebel so much that sooner or later there will be a breakdown, and the person will not begin to eat normally.
Well, general recommendations:
food should be taken without gadgets, extraneous thoughts and phone calls;
it is important to focus on the process, carefully chew food, feel its taste, enjoy and get enough;
never eat “on the run”;
do not eat when anxious;
tune in to a meal, sit down, relax;
take the time to cook, beautifully set the table.
It is important to arrange food nicely on plates. So that it was not some kind of vegetable stew mixture, but a neat salad, for example, sprinkled with nuts and herbs.
And it will gradually become a habit. But first, rethink, and restructure thinking. It turns out to be such a psychological trick: we are slowly rebuilding, it is still safe, don’t worry, everything will be fine. The body relaxes, perceives new food more easily, and quickly reaches new horizons.
Life hack number 3
Choose healthy foods that you like. Even if you know that this is a superfood healthy product, for example, quinoa, but you don’t like it at all, it doesn’t taste good, so you don’t need it, don’t force yourself, wait until it ripens.
And nuts, salads – what you taste and want to eat. And not what is recommended: it must be eaten! You can’t fool the body, it’s super-true in that regard. No matter how we choke and convince ourselves that it is healthy, tasty, and should be eaten, it will not work. For the 5th or 10th time, but this food will make you sick.
Guilt is felt by the inner child. He understands – he ate a tasty treat and now he will fly into the first number. And so it happens. The inner parent raises its head and asks menacingly: “What, cracked candy again? Even two? Ah, three?!!!”
What should a child do? And here’s what: by an effort of will, close your ears so as not to hear criticism. “I know you are there, but I can’t hear you.” Sometimes I tell my clients – draw this critic and cross him out! And then the critic leaves, and an adult takes his place, who reassures the child: “I understand that it’s hard for you, you want a tasty treat, you really want it. I can hear you and think of something. Let’s bake healthy cookies or pancakes, and next time you will have a healthy cookie or some kind of vegan bar in your bag. It’s important to admit that you were anxious and ate the treat.
Food aversion refers to an eating disorder. This is a psychiatric disease that is dangerous for both physical and mental health. This is a very serious condition and requires mandatory full-fledged psychotherapy.
But in a nutshell, food aversion develops in those who punish themselves, blame others, and then a fear of food is formed. The neural connection is fixed that food is some kind of horror, it is fear. Associations lead to nausea, and rejection of food. And it is the body that reacts in this way, it shrinks so much that it does not accept, or push out food.
This condition will not develop if:
- infinitely careful to support oneself;
- do not use any punitive procedures in relation to yourself ( do not hurt yourself when you eat; do not cause nausea; do not exhaust yourself in training );
do not use food as a punishment, for example that’s it, today you will be without sweets at all and will sit all week on cucumbers.
If this is not the case, then there will not be such a heavy shade. This is difficult to avoid if a person has self-aggression. But this is no longer about food, but about some kind of internal need to punish yourself.
If you notice such messages in yourself, we strongly advise you to contact a psychologist or a nutritionist. You can’t joke with this and think that it will “dissolve” by itself too.
There are several of my training courses on the FitStars platform, including those on food and psychology. On the course “ Relationships with food and the body ”, we analyze why it is not possible to lose weight, we find pain points that we “jam”, we learn to understand that food is not a cult, it is just a tool, energy for the body. Gradually we change nutrition for the better and healthier side, and we begin to lose weight correctly, without exhausting diets and starvation.
So come to the course and start moving towards your goal!