How to keep your back healthy

The bone frame of the back is designed for constant static and dynamic loads, but still its resource is not infinite. The spine begins to adapt to hypodynamia or an uncomfortable posture, and gradual changes are manifested by pain from hernias and protrusions, stiffness, a terrible stoop, and even a decrease in hearing and vision. What a youth.
A few simple tips on how to keep your back healthy will help you stay fit and look good for years to come.
Sit right
It is impossible to constantly control your posture, otherwise reminding yourself to keep your back straight, you will earn neurosis.
The problem of a bent back during sedentary work is perfectly solved by a computer chair with an anatomically correct seat and back. Ideally, you should rest your back against the back, only slightly tense the muscles of the abdomen, and relax the muscles of the shoulders, chest and neck.
If you have to sit for a long time, get up periodically, go to the wall and press against it at once with five points:
- back of the head;
- shoulders;
- shoulder blades;
- buttocks;
- heels.
Two minutes is enough to put all the vertebrae in their natural position and relieve the spine for a while. Sit in a chair or on a chair smoothly, calmly, and do not “fall” with a run – this will injure the intervertebral discs.
stand right
Standing work destroys the spine as mercilessly as long sitting. Of course, it is not necessary to change it, even for the sake of the health of the back, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition of the spine:
- do not stand perfectly straight, but lean on one leg, then on the other;
- at every opportunity, use any surface as a support with your hand;
- well, if it is possible to put one foot on some kind of elevation;
- do not lean forward sharply when taking something, for example, from the bottom shelf of the rack, but squat down, keeping your back straight;
- wear comfortable shoes with arch support.
Standing requires strong legs. To do this, perform a simple exercise during breaks. Rest against the wall with your left hand, bend your left leg and pull the foot to the buttocks. Then repeat the same with the right leg.
sleep right
The muscular corset during wakefulness is in constant tension. The back muscles keep your spine upright and take most of the load from your weight.
The muscle corset relaxes only during sleep, and if this does not happen, compression of the vertebrae and early osteochondrosis cannot be avoided.
Therefore, you need to sleep properly and there are a few simple tips in this regard:
- sleep on a hard mattress, completely unloading not only the spine, but also the pelvic organs. For back health, ideally, by the way, sleep on the floor;
- try to sleep less on your stomach, this squeezes the cervical spine and worsens cerebral circulation;
- sleeping on your back is useful for relaxing the muscles of the face and this is necessary for diagnosed bursitis and arthritis. But for a healthy person, especially those who are overweight, sleeping on the back is not recommended due to the high load on the thoracic and lumbar regions;
- Ideally, sleep on your side. In this case, the spine assumes the correct anatomical position and is completely unloaded.
And don’t forget the right pillow. During sleep, the head and neck should not be above the level of the spine.
Give your spine the right nutrition
Few people know that protein deficiency depletes the tissues of the spinal column. However, back problems can result from over-indulgence in carbohydrate-rich foods.
The spine, and especially the intervertebral discs, needs glucosamine and chondroitin. You can purchase pharmaceutical preparations or eat foods high in these substances:
- Fish and seafood;
- beef;
- poultry meat;
- offal: chicken paws, pig ears, cow tails. They make excellent jelly;
- scrambled eggs;
- natural cheeses;
- seaweed;
- nuts;
- mushrooms.
By including these foods in your diet, you will maintain the health of cartilage tissue, mobility and youthfulness of all joints.
Stretch and relax
Without physical activity, back health cannot be maintained. And it’s not just about movement, for example, while walking with a dog, but first of all about stretching the back. The flexibility of the spine is the key to its health and your youth.
Yoga and Pilates are ideal for these purposes. But it is better to do it in a group or with a personal trainer, so that the professional controls the correctness of the exercises.
Even one or two classes a week will bring great benefits to the spine:
- blood circulation increases, which favorably affects the state of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system;
- the spine acquires flexibility, and joints mobility;
- increases the tone and elasticity of muscle tissue;
- correct posture and a beautiful fit of the head are formed;
- gait acquires lightness, smoothness and grace.
Consistent stretching, tension and relaxation of the back muscles relieve accumulated tension, align the vertebrae and even eliminate pain if the process of deformation of the intervertebral discs has already begun.
Support the muscular corset
Yoga and Pilates are soft power. But for the health of the back, more intense workouts that develop and strengthen the muscle corset will also not interfere.
To get started, hang a horizontal bar at home – a simple and indispensable simulator for back muscles. Not pumped over, but a beautiful embossed body is in trend today, so both men and women are happy to work on the horizontal bars.
It also does not hurt to discover the gym and visit it at least once a week. Moderate strength training perfectly strengthens the muscular corset if you do the following exercises:
- swings with a kettlebell;
- deadlift with bar;
- pull of the block to the belt on the block simulator;
- pull-ups with TRX loops.
In conclusion, we note: following all the advice at once is simply unrealistic and you don’t even need to try. Start gradually taking care of the health of your back and you yourself will not notice how these recommendations will become your complex healthy habit.