How to enter information about additional and booster doses of the vaccine in e-Health

In the “Patients” section, in the “Find a patient” field, specify the necessary data (first name, last name, date of birth, etc.). Be sure to turn on the switch “Search in the eZdorovya system” and click “Search”.
We select the patient we need. At its short data, click “Create an event.”
The Start Date field is filled in automatically.
We also fill in the “Interaction type” field by selecting the desired option from the drop-down list. Click “Create”.
Go to the “Records” subsection. Click “Add Entry”. In the Treatment Episode field, select Create New. Fill in the required fields marked with an asterisk.
In the “Episode name” field, enter a name in any form, for example, “booster dose”.
In the Episode Type field, select Prevention. Click “Save Changes”. A notification about the successful update of the entry will appear on the screen.
Go to the “Diagnosis” subsection. Click “Add Diagnosis”. In the Type of diagnosis field, specify the main one. In the Medical Status field, click Add Status. A form for creating a medical condition will appear on the screen. Fill in the required fields.
If you are a primary care physician, then add the medical condition with the code “A98 – health maintenance / prevention”. Click “Save”.
If you are a secondary care physician , add the medical condition code “Z25.1 – Influenza Immunization Needed”. Click “Save”.
Click “Save”. A notification will appear on the screen that a new medical condition has been added. Scroll down the page and click Save. A notification will appear on the screen that a new diagnosis has been added.
Go to the subsection “Reasons for contact” and click “Add reason for contact”. In the “Reason for contact” field, indicate “48 – Clarification / discussion of the reason for contact”. Click “Save”. A notification will appear on the screen that the reason for the request was successfully added.
Go to the “Actions” subsection and click “Add an action”. In the field “Patient actions” indicate “A44 – Immunization / preventive treatment” and click “Save”.
If you are a secondary care doctor , then we also go to the “Services” subsection. In the “Select a service” field, enter the name or code of the service you want to add. The system will automatically pull up the required service. If necessary, repeat these steps to add more than one service.
At the end of the panel with subsections, click on the three dots and select the “Immunizations” subsection from the drop-down list. Click “Add Immunization”. Fill in the required fields.
Enter the required information in the “Date and time” field.
In the “Reasons” field, select “Vaccination for health reasons (planned)” from the drop-down list.
Specify information about the vaccine. In the field “Introduced vaccine” we indicate “SarsCov2_nRVv – Vaccine against coronavirus disease on the platform of a viral vector without the possibility of replication.”
In the appropriate field, enter data on the trade name of the vaccine and the manufacturer.
The system will prompt you to complete the immunization protocol. Click “Confirm”. The Threat Countermeasures, Protocol Author, and Protocol Doses fields will already be filled in.
In the fields “Ordinal dose number”, “Immunization stage” and “Number of doses according to the protocol” enter “1”. Click “Create”.
The fields on the Vaccine Details tab, namely Vaccine Dosage, Vaccine Manufacturer, Vaccine Lot Number, Vaccine Expiration Date, and Route of Administration, will already be filled in.
It remains only to add information about the body part, so in the appropriate field from the drop-down list, select the option “deltoid muscle (left arm)”. Click “Create”.
Click “Sign Record”. The system will automatically open a draft medical record. Click “Sign CEP and send to eZdorovya”. We enter all the necessary data and sign. A message should appear on the screen stating that the record has been successfully signed and sent to eZdorovya.
In the “Patients” section, in the “Find a patient” field, specify the necessary data (first name, last name, date of birth, etc.). Be sure to turn on the switch “Search in the eZdorovya system” and click “Search”.
We select the patient we need. At its short data, click “Create an event.”
The Start Date field is filled in automatically.
We also fill in the “Interaction type” field by selecting the desired option from the drop-down list. Click “Create”.
Go to the “Records” subsection. Click “Add Entry”. In the Treatment Episode field, select Create New. Fill in the required fields marked with an asterisk.
In the “Episode Name” field, enter “Additional Dose”.
In the Episode Type field, select Prevention. Click “Save Changes”. A notification about the successful update of the entry will appear on the screen.
Go to the “Diagnosis” subsection. Click “Add Diagnosis”. In the Type of diagnosis field, specify the main one. In the Medical Status field, click Add Status. A form for creating a medical condition will appear on the screen. Fill in the required fields.
If you are a primary care physician, then add the medical condition with the code “A98 – health maintenance / prevention”. Click “Save”.
If you are a secondary care physician , add the medical condition code “Z25.1 – Influenza Immunization Needed”. Click “Save”.
Click “Save”. A notification will appear on the screen that a new medical condition has been added. Scroll down the page and click Save. A notification will appear on the screen that a new diagnosis has been added.
Go to the subsection “Reasons for contact” and click “Add reason for contact”. In the “Reason for contact” field, indicate “48 – Clarification / discussion of the reason for contact”. Click “Save”. A notification will appear on the screen that the reason for the request was successfully added.
Go to the “Actions” subsection and click “Add an action”. In the field “Patient actions” indicate “A44 – Immunization / preventive treatment” and click “Save”.
If you are a secondary care doctor , then we also go to the “Services” subsection. In the “Select a service” field, enter the name or code of the service you want to add. The system will automatically pull up the required service. If necessary, repeat these steps to add more than one service.
At the end of the panel with subsections, click on the three dots and select the “Immunizations” subsection from the drop-down list. Click “Add Immunization”. Fill in the required fields.
Enter the required information in the “Date and time” field.
In the “Reasons” field, select “Vaccination for health reasons (urgent)” from the drop-down list.
Specify information about the vaccine. In the field “Introduced vaccine” we indicate “SarsCov2_nRVv – Vaccine against coronavirus disease on the platform of a viral vector without the possibility of replication.”
In the appropriate field, enter data on the trade name of the vaccine and the manufacturer.
The system will prompt you to complete the immunization protocol. Click “Confirm”. The Threat Countermeasures, Protocol Author, and Protocol Doses fields will already be filled in.
In the fields “Ordinal dose number” and “Immunization stage” enter “3”. Click “Create”.
The fields on the Vaccine Details tab, namely Vaccine Dosage, Vaccine Manufacturer, Vaccine Lot Number, Vaccine Expiration Date, and Route of Administration, will already be filled in.
It remains only to add information about the body part, so in the appropriate field from the drop-down list, select the option “deltoid muscle (left arm)”. Click “Create”.
Click “Sign Record”. The system will automatically open a draft medical record. Click “Sign CEP and send to eZdorovya”. We enter all the necessary data and sign. A message should appear on the screen stating that the record has been successfully signed and sent to eZdorovya.