First time to yoga: what a beginner needs to know

Beginners have a hard time everywhere. And newcomers to yoga are no exception. They worry, worry and constantly doubt everything. And this is completely natural, since life is literally turned upside down. To make life easier for beginners in yoga, we decided to write this article. It is for those who go to yoga for the first time, as well as for those who are interested in questions about what yoga mats are, what to wear for yoga and what to take with you.
We go to yoga to become healthy, beautiful, more conscious. Do not think that on the very first day you will be required to sit in the lotus position and tie a knot. Everyone here is beginners. Therefore, cast aside all doubts and fears, and forward to the world of yoga! We offer you a short excursion called “everything about yoga for beginners.”Tights for women Miss Incredible plum YogaDress
The first thing you need to pay attention to is the yoga “wardrobe”. If you do not know what clothes should be for yoga, then remember, in principle, everything you know about ordinary clothes. Have you noticed that yogis’ clothes are usually very simple, without unnecessary details? Choose a simple style, but get clothes made from natural fabrics. If your yoga style involves frequent practice of inverted postures, then the outerwear should be more tight-fitting.
The next important question for beginners is the rug. Yoga assumes the presence of a mat under your body, which will protect you from the cold floor, create the softness necessary for your hands, and also come in handy for comfortable performing asanas. It will provide a secure grip on your hands and feet and will absorb sweat. In the classroom, you will definitely be provided with a rug. However, if you are serious about getting into the practice, you should still get your own rug. It will be more hygienic and practical. You can always buy yoga mats (St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia) in the online store, where they will be happy to answer all your questions and help you make the right choice.
Now that you are already equipped, you can safely go to yoga for the first time. Try not to overeat or drink a lot of water before class. It is much more comfortable to practice on an empty but well-fed stomach. Yoga mat Flower
You should not use perfume before going to a yoga studio. Do not wear jewelry that could injure you while performing asanas. And be sure to turn off your phone so that it doesn’t distract you or those around you from your practice.
It is better to come to class early. So you can calmly change and be able to mentally prepare.
If you have any serious medical conditions, be sure to inform your teacher about it. If he allows you to start practicing, lay out a rug and first just sit quietly, breathe and relax, getting ready for the class.