Exercises to strengthen the lower back

You live your wonderful life like this, and after an unsuccessfully taken package or a sharp tilt, SHE 一 pain in the lower back occurs. All homemade ointments, tinctures, a belt made of dog hair and a grandmother’s warm shawl are used. Who is to blame and what to do – read in this article.
Why you need to strengthen your lower back muscles
The very simple answer to this question is to live fully. Given the structure of the human spine, the best option would be to walk not on two limbs, but on four 一, relying on arms and legs. But evolutionarily, man has taken a vertical position. It happened about 7 million years ago. This fact was established from the fossil remains of the Chadian Sahelanthropus found in the Republic of Chad in Africa.
Standing on two legs is illogical at – it is an unstable position: without the constant support of balance with the help of the toes and feet, we would fall. Any dog or cat is much more stable than us. And compared to the owner, the cat runs much faster 一, she does not need to drag the weight of the entire body only on her hind legs.
In humans, the weight of the whole body is distributed on 2 small, relative to the rest of the body, feet. This is already a colossal load on the spine. What then is the advantage of walking on two legs? There are several hypotheses about the transition to bipedalism. First, the ability to carry food not only in the mouth but also in the hands is a clear evolutionary advantage.
Secondly, the two-legged stance increases the angle and height of the view, allowing you to spot predators and prey. Monkeys, like us, did not have sharp claws and fangs. Being able to get away from a predator before it notices is a huge survival plus.
And thirdly, the two-legged stance makes the individual visually larger, and this makes it intimidating, giving benefits in self-defense, establishing power, and choosing a female. To see this, remember the male gorilla 一 – when he needs to defend himself or show off, he stands on his hind legs.
Around the same time, a skilled man began to use stone tools. They hunted, dug the earth, and crushed food. Due to this powerful jump, individuals with a weakened jaw not only did not die out but also began to continue the genus.
Stoneworking and hunting came into the new life, and the need for jumping and climbing trees diminished, and with it the need for strong arms. Therefore, gradually a person loses a lot of arms and gains a lot of legs. Today, the weight of the legs is almost half the weight of the entire body!
Such a transfer could not but affect the spine. People walked on earth and clay, not in shoes. And to minimize the impact load, a person developed spinal curves – lordosis and kyphosis.
Previously, a person spent 90% of the time on his feet and at work. What do we have today: there is transport 一 we do not need to walk a lot. Most have a sedentary job – we work with the upper body and forget about the coccyx and lower back. Individual insoles or orthopedic shoes cost decent money. It’s not always possible to afford such a luxury, but you want to look beautiful 一 so we regularly wear the wrong high heel or flat moves.
All this leads to the fact that one fine day after playing with children or carrying packages, it sharply “shoots” in the back area, and this pain makes you want to climb the wall and return to those wonderful moments when your back did not hurt .
So why do the back and lower back hurt?
The lumbar spine consists of 5 large vertebrae. Inside the spine passes the main part of the human nervous system, and therefore is equipped with a large number of nerve endings. In the normal state, the spinal column in the lumbar region has a slight bend – physiological lordosis. Also, the spinal column is represented by a large number of complex connecting elements, and flexible joints, and to ensure all this there is a complex and dense circulatory system.
The causes of fatigue and pain in this complex system most often lie in factors such as:
Extra weight. Everything is clear here – excess body weight gives an excessive load on the entire spinal column and back pain.
Past injuries in the anamnesis – fractures, cracks, and not only of the spine. Any violation, according to the law of anatomical trains, will be reflected in the biomechanics of body movements.
Structural changes in the spine – protrusion, and herniation of the intervertebral discs. The worse the “pillow” in the form of a disk function, the more acutely the vertebrae endure stress and this develops into pain and dysfunction.
Pregnancy or childbirth – during pregnancy, a woman’s center of gravity shifts, and the load on the spine increases.
- Posture disorders: scoliosis, hyperlordosis, or kyphosis. All violations of the spinal column lead to overstrain of the gluteal and femoral muscles, and the iliac-lumbar region. All this also leads to lower back pain. Straighten up!
Menopause in men and women. Yes, men also have such a period. Hormonal changes lead to bone weakness and even osteoporosis, which also affects the condition of the spine.
Excessive physical work. Loaders, couriers, gardeners, surgeons, waiters – all these professions are associated with huge loads, including on the spine. In addition, long-standing, weather conditions and the need for sharp jerky movements also count for back pain. This also includes comrades who, from the first day in the gym, are trying to drag a 100 kg barbell, like that dude opposite. You can get hemorrhoids quickly))
Insufficient physical work. Drivers, office workers, gamers, freelancers – most of the day these people spend in an office chair without warming up and periodic penetrations, which affects the quality of muscles and joints.