
Daily Walking Benefits Those with Lung Disease and Cuts Stroke Risk. Here’s How to Optimize Your Benefits from Walking

hqdefaultPosture and proper body mechanics is equally important when you’re moving about. Simply walking has been found to have significant health benefits, including the reduction of severe attacks associated with lung disease, and a reduced risk of stroke—both of which I’ll discuss in a moment.

Walking correctly can only add to such benefits. In the video above, Esther Gokhale teaches several components of her Gokhale Method…


30 Mar 2018

Walking More May Be Key for a Longer, Healthier Life

heart-check-upThe more time you spend sitting, the shorter and less healthy your life will tend to be—that’s the new consensus among researchers. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) now lists inactivity as the fourth biggest killer of adults worldwide, responsible for nine percent of premature deaths.

In fact, the medical literature now contains over 10,000 studies showing that frequent, prolonged sitting—at work, commuting, and watching TV at night—significantly impacts your cardiovascular and metabolic function…


31 Aug 2017

How Exercise Influences Hunger and Weight Loss

hqdefault (1)A common assumption about exercise is that it will motivate you to eat more. But recent research turns this assumption on its head by showing that 45 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise in the morning may actually reduce your food cravings.

The study included 18 women of normal-weight, and 17 who were clinically obese. Their neural activity in response to images…


27 Jul 2017

How Protein Helps To Build Muscles

the-german-example-from-sick-man-to-strong-manStrength training with resistance weights is a good way to maintain fitness and build muscle.

Now, researchers looking at the synergy between nutrition and resistance exercise have found ways to significantly boost the benefits of this kind of training by using strategies such as timing when you eat, what you eat, and how much you eat…

30 Jan 2017

Yoga: Try this Ancient Exercise to Help Tone Your Abs

ab-exerciseYoga is a practice that has been around for 5,000 years. Although many regard Yoga as just another form of exercise, it’s really a much more comprehensive practice that integrates mental, physical and spiritual elements.

In fact, it is said the physical positions of yoga represent only about 10 percent of its value, and the other 90 percent lies in the mental and spiritual growth that happens on the mat…


25 May 2015

10 Popular Foods That Drain Energy and Add Extra Pounds

energy-draining-foodFor an activity that most people do multiple times each and every day, eating is embroiled in confusion and controversy. Or rather, not the act of eating, but the choice of what to eat. With each meal and snack, you have an opportunity to give your body adequate and even extra nutrition. But many fall short of this goal.

To be honest, the cards are very much stacked against you. Food advertising is everywhere and it promotes the most profitable products…


24 May 2015

Proven: Kids Get Smarter Just from Exercising

exercise-for-childrenAn extensive review of relevant research has demonstrated that the more physically active schoolchildren are, the better they do academically.

Researchers analyzed 14 studies, ranging in size from as few as 50 participants to as many as 12,000.

All of the studies involved children between the ages of 6 and 18…


23 May 2015

3 Fitness Tests to Assess Your General Fitness and Health Risks

fitness-testThere’s something to be said for starting at the beginning when setting health and fitness goals. Taking your current status into account will help you set more realistic goals, thereby boosting your chances of success.

Certain basic fitness tests will also give you an indication of your potential health risks.

For example, carrying excess weight around your midsection is a potent risk factor for multiple chronic diseases…


22 May 2015

The Most Effective Strategies for Eliminating Cellulite

celluliteCellulite, those pockets of fat that tend to collect on buttocks, thighs and upper arms, are a cause of embarrassment for many. The dimpling, “orange peel” effect occurs when fat cells push against the surrounding subcutaneous connective tissue in your skin. If your lymph circulation becomes sluggish, toxins accumulate in these fat cells.

Liposuction, creams and wraps only temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. Without continual treatment…


21 May 2015

Grounding: The Potent Antioxidant That Few Know About… And It’s Free

barefoot-run-benefitsWhile still in the vast minority, an increasing number of people are joining the barefoot running trend, throwing their shoes to the wind and letting their feet run free, literally.

In the modern world, it might sound “extreme” to give up your shoes, particularly when engaging in an activity as hard on your feet as running, but surrounding your feet with thick cushioning and stiff supports is actually the “new” trend, evolutionarily speaking…


20 May 2015