
New Year holidays: how not to lose shape in one week

New Year’s holidays for the majority are the period when one feast smoothly passes into another, and the hand always reaches for the next portion of tasty and junk food or for a glass of sparkling (and not only). (more…)


01 Jan 2020

For weight loss fitness is not needed. Do you really believe that?

As a trainer and manager of the gym, I managed to work in several fitness clubs, but everywhere I heard the same question from the club’s clients many times: do I need fitness for weight loss?  (more…)


24 Dec 2019

Morning workouts: benefit or harm?

Of course, in order to answer 100% correctly, you need to consider the individual characteristics of a person: his sleep, nutrition, work schedule, the presence of chronic diseases. All these data can and should be analyzed by a good trainer.  (more…)


22 Dec 2019

Summer vacation from work and fitness: how not to lose shape?

The hot summer has begun, and this is the holiday season. And although June is really very hot, many of us still happily pack our bags, hurry to the airport or train station to go closer to the sea. (more…)


16 Dec 2019

Why count calories consumed and how to do it?

Calorie counting is important not only for weight loss. Counting calories is necessary if you are working on your body and want to maintain or build muscle. On an intuitive diet – of course, you can live. But changing for the better is difficult.



14 Dec 2019

Benefits of Yoga—What the Research Says About its Use for Common Health Problems



Your body and your health can — indeed must — change as you start implementing the correct lifestyle changes. Yoga has received some well-deserved media attention recently.

Two recent studies show that regular yoga classes can help improve atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) and common psychiatric disorders…



13 Dec 2019

Everything you wanted to know about deadlift but were embarrassed to ask

To begin with, this is one of the most common exercises in any power sport – one way or another, the standing one is present in powerlifting, CrossFit, and bodybuilding, among exercises for endurance and overall strength for wrestling, boxing, martial arts supporters.

The essence of the deadlift is the lifting of weight from the floor due to the muscles of the back and legs. This is a basic multi-joint exercise for the largest muscle groups in our body. Therefore, it allows you to work with maximum weights. What can replace deadlift? Yes, in general, nothing. Therefore, almost all are advised to include this exercise in their program. In the absence of contraindications, of course.

Implementation Tips:

  1. Stretch well and warm-up;
  2. Follow the technique;
  3. Choose an adequate weight and shell;
  4. Perform the exercise powerfully and synchronously, mentally turn on each muscle.

The deadlift has three main varieties: classic, Romanian and sumo. They can be varied with the help of different shells (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbell, Smith trainer, etc.)

Classic deadlift:

– the legs are slightly narrower than the shoulders, the feet are parallel, grasp the bar slightly wider than the shoulders;
– The bar should be pulled to the legs as much as possible (therefore, it is better to use leg warmers);
– take your shoulder blades and shoulders back, bend your back;
– start lifting from the feet: the bar must be “torn” by the strength of the buttocks and quadriceps;
– when a third of the amplitude is passed, connect the back, with a controlled movement, fully straighten the back and fix it in the final position;
– lower the bar down in the reverse order. 

In the classic version, the main load falls on the extensors of the back and trapezium. Therefore, it is appropriate on the “back day”.

The most common mistake is the “hunch draft”, that is, rounding the back. In the best case, you will have a lower backache, in the worst case you will get an injury with consequences for life. So, if your execution technique is lame, remove a couple of pancakes from the neck for a start. Even if you have to reduce the weight by half – do it and put the normal technique.

Romanian deadlift

– feet shoulder-width apart, arms slightly wider, remove the bar from the racks;
– take the shoulder blades back, fix the back and legs;
– in a slow controlled movement, lean forward by moving the buttocks back (knees can be bent 10-15 degrees);
– lower the bar this way to about the middle of the legs, then return to the starting position;
– keep back deflection, control shoulders.

Having tried this type of traction, you will understand that it is better to do it with a small weight – you simply do not hold it with your back. In addition, Romanian traction with large weights becomes dangerous not only for the back but also for the hamstrings.

This type of traction works well on the buttocks and legs. So it’s better not to combine it with the classic deadlift, but it can be added to the “day of the legs” for the biceps of the thigh and buttocks. By the way, this exercise is well suited as a final for stretching the back of the legs.

Sumo Deadlift:

– put your legs wide, and with your hands take the bar slightly narrower than shoulder-width, the wider the legs are apart – the smaller the range of motion, in addition, if you spread your legs too wide, without a good stretch, you can damage the muscles of the legs;
– move the barbell to your legs;
– from this position begin to move your legs, back extensors connect at the end;
– straighten your legs and back, fix the position, then lower the shell in the reverse sequence.

This type of traction is also focused on the legs and buttocks, so movement in the lower back will be minimal. Moreover, the inclination of the back in the lower position and the deviation back in the upper can cause injury.

The exercise “squatting plie” is popular among girls, which, in fact, is a kind of deadlift sumo, but using a kettlebell or dumbbell.


As I said at the beginning, the bar often slipped out of my hands, even on ridiculous scales. If you have the same situation, I advise you to use hand straps – you put a loop on your hand and wrap a strap around the neck. Most likely, you will need belts when the weight of the projectile will be more noticeable.

A very important element of equipment is the athletic belt. Its main function is to protect against umbilical hernia or lower back injuries, especially if your abs are not very developed. By supporting your core muscles, you can lift a little more weight.

And, of course, you need comfortable sportswear and shoes. In this exercise, stability and freedom of movement are very important.


06 Dec 2019

After sports, the brain functions more efficiently

After sports, the brain functions more efficiently

Do you have hard mental work? Why not plan a short but intense workout for this occasion? According to physiologists from Texas Tech University, our brains function better after physical exertion.

How sports affect the brain

A key factor in a well-functioning brain is the neurotrophic factor of the brain, or BDNF, a hormone that helps brain cells establish new connections with each other. In the 1990s, neurologists found that laboratory animals produced more BDNF in various areas of the brain as a result of physical activity. Since then, neurologists, gerontologists, and psychologists have been studying the effects of exercise on cognitive abilities. They found, for example, that the brains of seventy-year-olds who walk more than half an hour every day on foot are somewhat “livelier” than those of people who are not physically active, that intensive workouts reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and three cardio workouts per week for sixty-year-olds to the growth of BDNF in critical parts of the brain.

Sports and the brain: research

The Texans wanted to know if physical exercise also had a directly noticeable positive effect on the brains of young people, so they developed an experiment with 15 healthy students. Researchers forced students to complete two load cycles of 20 minutes. In one case, students performed cycles with moderate intensity: 20% below the lung ventilation threshold (the point at which they began to suffocate) and 56% of the maximum oxygen uptake (VTh-20%). Another time, students worked more intensively: 10% above their lung ventilation threshold at 75% of the maximum oxygen uptake [VTh + 10%].

The effect of sports on the brain: results

Before and after the tests, the researchers used the Stroop test to assess students’ cognitive abilities. This is a test that measures how well your brain handles information. Students equally well performed the two easiest parts of the test after both sessions. But in the most difficult part of the test, students showed the best results only after intensive exercise, as shown in the figure below.

After intensive training, students had a significantly higher blood BDNF, but this did not occur after moderately intense training. The more lactic acid was detected in the students’ blood, the higher was the production of BDNF. Given that BDNF can cross the blood-brain barrier in both directions, intensity-dependent results can help develop exercise recipes to maintain or improve neurological health.


“It’s tempting to suggest that repetitive BDNF impulses caused by exercise are key phenomena in neurological and cognitive improvements that occur as a result of regular exercise,” the researchers write. “Future studies should examine the effect of chronic physical training on the relationship between cardiovascular fitness, resting BDNF levels and cognitive function in humans.”


06 Dec 2019


The body releases stress hormones – adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. Each of the three hormones has its own effect. For example, cortisol is produced in extreme situations and activates the brain, so that a person can find a way out of a critical situation.

Long-term elevated levels of cortisol are harmful to the body:

  • depresses the immune system
  • causes an increase in blood sugar,
  • disruption of the thyroid gland,
  • causes skin problems
  • slows down growth
  • reduces sexual desire and impairs sexual function,
  • makes bones brittle
  • sleep is getting worse
  • the digestive system is disturbed,
  • frequent headaches appear
  • depression and apathy develop
  • becomes a constant feeling of hunger and craving for sweets,
  • fatty, junk food, which means gaining excess weight and
  • the appearance of body fat
  • in men, fat is deposited in the abdomen and lower back, in women – on the hips,
  • muscles also suffer from high levels of the stress hormone because it uses them as a source of nutrition, breaking down fibers and breaking them down to amino acids and glucose.

Adrenaline is one of the main stress hormones and has a complex effect on the body. Its level rises in situations when a person experiences fear, pain, rage, anger. The hormone mobilizes memory and attention, speeds up the heartbeat.

Norepinephrine is released during stress and increases motor activity, affects brain activity and sensory perception. An important function of norepinephrine is the ability to dull pain.

How to lower stress hormones?

Full sleep

The human body, which does not chronically sleep, is in a state of stress. For a long time, he will not work in this mode, and sooner or later health problems will begin. Get yourself a good night’s sleep. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you do not have enough night rest, take about 20 minutes during the day to take a nap.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet enhances the body’s defenses and helps fight stress. To provide yourself with everything you need, eat more plant foods: for example, strawberries, apples, bananas, prunes, watermelons.

Eliminate or reduce the amount of coffee consumed, as excess caffeine negatively affects the body, increasing the level of stress hormones. But freshly brewed black leaf tea, on the contrary, will help relieve stress quickly.

Physical exercise

Exercising is one of the most effective ways to deal with stress. During training, hormones of happiness – endorphins – are released into the bloodstream. It is not necessary to play sports professionally, it is enough to choose a set of exercises that you will like.

Before correcting nutrition or physical activity, consult a doctor or personal trainer.


28 Nov 2019


Reason # 1. We don’t have time for sports

We often convince ourselves that sport takes a lot of time. It seems to us so, but in fact, it is not. We will always find time for what we really want. It is important to prioritize, and everything will work out. (more…)


23 Nov 2019