

At all times, not only the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also the pumped-up press were considered an indicator of male strength and fit. The practice of various workouts shows that the abdomen is one of the most difficult muscles to work out. But if you perform the exercises comprehensively and regularly, then the visible results will not be long in coming. (more…)


30 Jun 2020


Balanced Nutrition for Women 

Our daily eating habits and lifestyle influences well-being, energy levels, and appearance. That is why this site will help you make positive changes in eating habits to achieve a healthy and active lifestyle.



07 Jun 2020

Effective intensive cardio training technique

Intensive Cardio Basics

In this article, you will be described an effective method of aerobic training, which contributes to the rapid burning of excess fat and has virtually no negative effect on muscle tissue. It is capable of triggering anabolic processes in muscle tissues, that is, you actively burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

This cardio training is a high aerobic intensity, manifested in a 16-minute period of time and progressing from training to training. Most importantly, each subsequent workout should be more intense than the previous one. In other words, you have to spend more energy (burn more calories) in every next 16-minute workout than in the previous one.

Preparation for work

Since this cardio training is carried out with the highest possible intensity, the choice of exercises in it is limited. Most of all for training the “lying” exercise bike is suitable. However, if you do not have the opportunity to work on this simulator, then transfer the basic principles of this technique to any type of cardio training that is convenient for you.

But now, as an example, we will consider this technique on a “stationary” exercise bike, as this machine does not require any special skills and is convenient both in terms of intensity and in terms of stability and safety. On a recumbent bike, you can maximize the exercise without worrying about balance or possible mistakes. All this is very important, since traditional aerobic exercises require a compromise between the stability of the simulator, the ability to operate it, the presence of certain skills and the development of intensity.

The simulator has many different settings that you need to know and understand. With correctly set parameters, the recumbent bike is ideal for working on this system.

Time: Everything is simple here. Set 16 minutes.

Software settings: The software settings of most recumbent bicycles allow you to adjust the load. One of these settings is called “Interval”, with which you can program a progressive increase in load as you overcome a certain distance.

This setting is most important for generating intensity, since a progressively increasing load allows you to generate more intensity and spend more calories.

“Load Level” setting: This setting increases and decreases resistance. The higher the load level you set, the greater the resistance of the pedals, and the greater the distance with a higher intensity you “drive” in one pedal revolution (RPM).


So, the first thing you should do. First of all, determine the initial level of your intensity. It’s simple. You perform a 16-minute workout with a very slight excess of your usual intensity, and then record statistics. All speed bicycles save statistics in the form of the number of calories burned and the distance traveled.

Capturing statistics will allow you to control a constant increase in intensity. Do not forget that each cardio training should be more intense than the previous one. In other words, at each regular cardiosession, you must “drive” a greater distance than at the previous one, and at the end of the lesson, record the latest data on calories burned.

After your first cardio workout, you will determine the starting point of reference – the distance that you will need to exceed in the next lesson. This is a very important element. Since, you should always strive to increase the load in order to force your body to continuously adapt. Thus, at each cardio training, you will increase the speed of your metabolism, raising its level higher and higher.

Why 16 minutes?

There are several reasons that explain why training lasts no more than 16 minutes, and all of them, one way or another, are associated with increased intensity and accelerated metabolism.

16 minutes is the optimal time interval that allows you to work with maximum intensity and at the same time keep the pace unchanged. It is very important that the pace remains constant throughout the cardio training, as this contributes to the maximum possible energy production.

It is also psychologically much easier to tolerate a short, high-intensity 16-minute workout than a long, low-intensity session.

And finally, 16 minutes of extreme intensity increase the metabolic level, without exerting any negative effect on muscle tissue.

First steps

You should conduct your first training session with an intensity of only 5-10 percent higher than your usual (and already outdated) level. The results of this workout will determine your starting point. The distance that you record after the first training session will be the result that you need to exceed in the next lesson. And your third workout should be even more intense than the previous one (that is, the second in a row), etc. Such a progressive increase in intensity “accelerates” your metabolism and burns fat deposits much more efficiently than regular aerobics.

The effect of cardio training on fat metabolism

In matters related to energy consumption during aerobic training there is a lot of confusion. Working in an aerobic regimen, the body consumes, first of all, glycogen, and only to a very insignificant degree fats. Even if you didn’t eat anything a few hours before your workout, during work your body will still use glycogen as the primary energy source. Do not think that when you pedal the bike, your body actively burns fat. Nothing like this!

Studies have been conducted, and in order to burn one kilogram of fat at a time, you need to run about 130 km. It is clear that this is an average value, but still wow!

What benefits does aerobics bring to us, apart from the benefits to general health?

Aerobics, in the first place, is valuable in that it increases the basal metabolic rate (BMS), due to which intensive burning of body fat occurs. (BMS is the amount of energy expended by the body in a state of complete rest per unit of time). Any aerobics raises the level of this basal metabolic rate, thus enhancing the body’s ability to process body fat.

The problem with standard aerobics with its long, low-intensity work is that it depletes glycogen stores, while only slightly affecting BMS. And in order to somehow compensate for these reserves and satisfy the need for energy, the body is forced to process and use pure muscle tissue as fuel. You can say that prolonged aerobics literally eats up your muscles.

Here is a great example of the effectiveness of this Cardio training, and its differences from traditional aerobics. Compare two types of athletes – sprinters and stayers . Sprinters are very slim and extremely muscular athletes. And long-distance runners are lanky, dry, with small muscles, similar to reeds. And despite this, their bodies contain more fat than the bodies of sprinters.

Sprinters to a certain extent train according to the principles of this technique, performing short, explosive races with maximum intensity. Styer distances are more reminiscent of typical aerobics with its low intensity and high duration. Which of these two types of addition would you like to have?


22 May 2020

Exercises for pumping the buttocks and hips at home

Each female representative knows that a beautiful elastic butt for men like red for a bull attracts always and everywhere.

However, according to surveys, more than half of women consider the “lower floor” to be their main problem area.

Tightened buttocks form a beautiful silhouette, therefore, their owner will look great both in bikini and in tight clothing. To make your buttocks the way millions of women dream about, you don’t need much. Several exercises will help you, which you will learn about in this article.

Here are some more tips you should read before starting the exercises:

Before any movement, make sure that the muscles of the legs, buttocks, pelvis, and abdomen are tensed. This protects the joints and makes the muscles work harder.

When you lie in the starting position on your side, you don’t need to roll your pelvis back and round your back. The elbow of the leaning hand should be firmly fixed to the floor.

When you are in the starting position on your back, your pelvis should be parallel to the floor. You should also monitor the stability of the average position of the pelvis.

Lower and raise the pelvis and legs should be slow. There should be no transitions, the movements are evenly distributed.

One of the important components is proper breathing. When exerted, you must exhale, while relaxing, inhale. Thus, a certain rhythm of the exercise is created, a special pace that is right for you, and besides, you get enough oxygen. In exercises, the implementation of which requires a fast pace, you do not need to hold your breath, just breathe evenly and calmly.

So, we pass to the most effective exercises for shaping and elasticity of the buttocks:

Exercise 1. Dumbbell Squats

Squats are designed to both develop the shape of the buttocks and to increase their volume. The technique is the same as in “Squats with a barbell”, but instead of a barbell, two dumbbells near the shoulders.

Exercise 2. Dumbbell Lunges

These two exercises are very effective for pumping your hips and buttocks. They give excellent shape and elasticity to the buttocks, while there is nothing complicated in them, the number of repetitions can be selected independently, based on the level of your physical fitness. You can perform these exercises in 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Also, these exercises can be performed with a barbell (if you have one): “Squats with a barbell” and “Lunges with a barbell” . In terms of efficiency, they are better. At first, you can perform these exercises with an empty bar, gradually increasing the load. In the future – 3 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.

Exercise 3. Swing upside down (possible with weights)

This exercise can be performed both on a bench (or chairs) and on the floor. For greater efficiency, you can buy weighting agents on the shins (1-2 kg, depending on your capabilities).

The technique of execution:

We stand on the bench (chairs, floor) from above and emphasize with our hands on the sides, i.e. you need to get on all fours, resting on a bench (chair, floor) with elbows and knees. Bring your legs together. Feet and lower legs hanging slightly from the bench, head parallel to the floor (look forward). The back is slightly bent in the spine. And we perform a bench press with the heel up, pulling the sock onto ourselves, while the leg is fixed – an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your leg up as high as possible, while performing this exercise the leg is constantly in the air. Keep your leg straight and keep your back straight. We omit only when we have completed the required number of repetitions, and move on to the second leg. If the exercise is performed correctly, you will feel tension in the buttocks. You need to do 3-5 approaches of this exercise to the maximum for each leg. If necessary, weights can be put on the lower legs.

I find these three exercises for the hips and buttocks to be the most effective at home. However, there are some more good exercises that allow you to tighten the muscles of the hips and buttocks.

Exercise 4. Bridge

The technique of execution:

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, and put your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your pelvis slightly. During the exercise, do not touch the buttocks of the floor. Clamp the muscles of the buttocks and raise the pelvis all the way up, then lower by 10-15 cm, while keeping the pelvis from touching it, and repeat upward movements. Keep the gluteus muscle taut during each rep. You need to do 3-5 approaches of this exercise to the maximum.

Finally, sit down on your heels, bring your knees together, and keep your feet together. Press your chest to your knees, lowering your head to your crossed palms. That’s all, you can rest.

Exercise 5. Butterfly

There are many varieties of this exercise. We will talk about them below.

a) From a prone position

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow, while letting your palm support your head. Put the other hand (which was on top) on the floor directly in front of you so that you press your elbow to the floor. This will prevent you from getting various injuries of the lumbar spine. The legs are bent at the knees and pelvis at an angle of 90 degrees, the back is even. This position will need to be maintained throughout the entire exercise.

Bend the knee of the involved leg up, and strain with each movement of the buttocks. The lumbar spine should be perpendicular to the floor, that is, the pelvis is stationary, while the knee is working. You need to do 3-5 approaches of this exercise to the maximum for one leg, then you will need to roll on your side and make the same number of approaches for the other leg. If necessary, weights can be worn on the lower legs.

b) From the situation on all fours

We get on all fours: we focus on the sides and knees on the floor. Bring your legs together. The head is parallel to the floor (look forward). The back is slightly bent in the spine. The legs are bent at the knees and pelvis at an angle of 90 degrees, the back is even. This position will need to be maintained throughout the entire exercise. The technique is very similar to the previous exercise.

Take the knee of one leg to the side, and strain with each movement of the buttocks. The second leg is fixed on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. The back is also fixed (slightly bent). We do 3-5 approaches of this exercise to the maximum. We lower the leg only when we have completed the required number of repetitions, and move on to the second leg. If necessary, weights can be worn on the lower legs.

c) The same exercises, only with a straight leg.

These are more effective exercises, but also more difficult to perform. The technique of execution is the same as in the previous exercises, only we take the straight leg to the top or to the side! In this case, do not forget to keep your back straight. Perform also to a maximum of 3-5 approaches.

Tip: The foot should be lifted and retracted so that the foot at the highest point is parallel to the floor, however, the foot should not be turned upside down, try to follow this. This significantly affects the effectiveness of the exercise: the heel should be at the same level with the toe.

Exercise 6. Walking on the buttocks

You need to sit on the floor, stretching out your legs and pulling your socks back on you. Next, you need to move forward on the buttocks, without helping yourself with your hands. First, you need to take a few “steps”, and after time, increase the distance. You need to move forward and backward. This exercise remarkably strengthens the back muscles of the thighs and allows you to quickly tighten the buttocks.

To summarize:

At the end of the workout, you should do muscle stretching. To do this, put your feet shoulder-width apart, rise on your toes and sit down slowly, spreading your knees wide and straining your buttocks muscles. Next, you should make a deep lunge with one foot and sit down several times, touching the knee of the outstretched leg of the floor surface. Lie on your stomach, and then lift the body on straight arms, then bend your knees and touch your back with your feet. Do an exercise aimed at tightening the buttocks, while exhaling, lingering in the accepted position for half a minute.

In addition to exercises, you can resort to massage, of course, it is desirable that it be professional. But if there is no possibility, then you can do it yourself.

Even rubbing your hips after a shower with a stiff brush, you already get a good effect. In this case, you need to be careful, so do not overdo it. Your goal is to get a pink shade of the skin, but not a shade of boiled beets.

It is not worth hoping for specialized anti-cellulite creams, because according to experts, it is difficult for active substances to affect the subcutaneous layer of fat and the effect will be minimal.

If possible, it’s nice to ride a bike or exercise on a stationary bike, roller skates, etc. will help.

In addition, Latin American dances will help to make the ass more elastic.

All lovers of comfortable shoes and elevators will have to give up their habits. Since now you need to walk as much as possible. Heels will also be good helpers in the fight for a beautiful fifth point.

To all of the above, it would be appropriate to say the most important. In order for your hips and buttocks to envy everyone, you first need to establish your diet , and only then connect all the exercises described above.


20 May 2020

Butt Ball Exercises

Exercises on the buttock ball will help you quickly adjust shapes in the right places. In this article, you will learn about training on the ball.

There is no doubt that training on the buttock ball is more effective than similar ones, but performed on a stable surface. This inventory does not have contraindications for use, and for this reason it is accessible to people even with a poor state of health and level of preparation.

Classes with this ball train muscles well and do not strain your back, which is very important for people who have any problems with the spine.

A good bonus is that in the process of training absolutely all muscle groups are strained on the ball, that is, not only your buttocks work.

First exercise.

These exercises on the ball for the buttocks are the simplest, you just need to jump while sitting on it, while doing the exercises, the buttocks should not be torn off the ball, and your feet should be off the floor. All movements are performed due to muscle tension. Your jumps must be vigorous and performed for several minutes.

Second exercise.

You need to lie on your back, and put the ball under straightened legs, in the calf area. You should rest your heels and calves on the ball, lifting the buttocks up and straining the muscles of the press. This position should be fixed for a couple of seconds, and then relax your own muscles.

When correctly performing this exercise on a ball for the buttocks, your body should form a straight line. To complicate the exercise and increase the load, you should fix the ball with only one foot, and put the second side by side, bending it at the knee.

The third exercise.

It is necessary to lie on your back and hold the ball with your feet, and then raise the pelvis, bend your knees and roll the ball towards you, as close to the buttocks as possible, then with your socks return the ball to its original position. At the same time, your abs should be tense, like the muscles of your buttocks.

The fourth exercise.

When doing these exercises on the buttock ball, the lower back should be firmly pressed to the floor, and the legs bent at the knees and lying on it, forming a line that is parallel to the floor. Leaning against the ball, the buttocks should be lifted up as much as possible, straining and holding them in this position for a couple of seconds.

Fifth exercise.

The ball should be tightly fixed between the wall and the lower back, after which deep squats are performed. This exercise trains the muscles of the back of the thigh well, and of course your buttocks.

If you want the exercises on the ball for the buttocks to bring the desired result, then you should perform them systematically. It is enough to do 3-5 approaches of 15-20 exercises.


18 May 2020

Exercises for the chest in the gym

How to pump up your chest, tighten, give it elasticity and beautiful shape in the gym

I repeat female breasts are the first thing that men involuntarily pay attention to. Elastic, beautiful in shape and of a decent size, she talks about the good physical shape of a woman, (more…)


14 May 2020

Chest exercises at home

How to pump up the chest, tighten, give it elasticity and a beautiful shape at home

As you know, beautiful, supple, and high breasts are the pride of any woman. All women want to have a beautiful and fit breast, and this is not surprising. (more…)


11 May 2020

Home Workout Programs

There are a huge number of different home fitness programs . In this article, you will be presented with several effective training programs at home. Immediately I want to note the fact that you can do fitness both in the gym and at home, getting pretty good results. It all depends not on where you do it, but how you do it. (more…)


08 May 2020

Exercises for the hips and buttocks in the gym

Every woman dreams of slender legs and elastic buttocks. In this article, we will talk about the most effective exercises for the buttocks and thighs on simulators. (more…)


02 May 2020

Saturated or unhealthy fats in foods. Does the body need saturated fatty acids?

In this article, we will find out why our bodies cannot function correctly without fats. Also, talk about saturated and unsaturated acids? And what is their difference? However, we will dwell on saturated fats in more detail. First, let’s talk about the structure. (more…)


29 Apr 2020