

Beginners are wondering – what exercises to start with? We answer: with those that use the maximum possible number of muscles – multi-joint or basic. It is the “base” that helps to gain muscle mass and increase strength. Any training program is based on these exercises.  


Allocate the “golden three” of basic exercises:

  1. Bench press.
  2. Deadlift.
  3. Barbell squats.
  4. In combination, these exercises allow you to work out the largest muscle layers: the shoulder girdle, back, and legs. The entire training process is based on them, they lay the foundation for future muscle volumes.


    Newbies in the gym often ignore basic fitness exercises and put more emphasis on isolation exercises. The latter work out a specific muscle group, therefore, to build up volumes, it is more efficient to perform exactly the “base”. You need to focus on insulating later to give the muscle relief.

    Progress in working weights is important for muscle growth, not maximum weights. Basic exercises involve up to 70% of the muscle groups in the body. The body is unpleasant when it is so stressed, and in response, it turns on protective-compensatory mechanisms that trigger the growth of muscle mass.

    At the same time, muscles do not grow locally, as with isolated exercises, but in a complex manner. All layers are trained, not just biceps or triceps.


    1. The entire muscle mass is comprehensively worked out, all body systems are trained.
    2. Anabolic ( testosterone ) and corticosteroid hormones ( growth hormone ) are released into the bloodstream.
    3. More nutrients are consumed, which means more fat cells are burned.
    4. The coordination of movements is being honed.
    5. The level of hormones of happiness rises, the mood improves.
    6. Metabolism accelerates, aging mechanisms slow down.
    7. Movement maximally corresponds to the anatomy of the human osteoarticular system, therefore, the risk factor during exercise is minimized.
    8. A lot of energy is consumed, since several muscle groups work at once, distributing the load among themselves.
    9. The ligamentous and articular apparatus is strengthened, as a result of which the muscles grow faster.


    Thoughtless exercise on an unprepared body may not give results or even harm. So that the efforts are not in vain, you need to correctly set the technique of training. It is advisable to consult with a trainer to design an optimal training program with the correct combination of exercises.

    Also, do not forget: to achieve maximum results, it is worth combining training with proper nutrition. With an integrated approach, the effect will not belong in coming.


    It is optimal for the first time to carry out Full Body workouts with the involvement of the main muscle groups. We recommend that beginners adhere to the circular format of classes according to the following scheme.

    Circular format

    1. Squats.
    2. “Army” bench press standing.
    3. Pull-ups. If you find it difficult to pull yourself up, we recommend using a gravitron. It will allow you to correctly put the pull-up technique.
    4. Hyperextension. The need to use additional weights is determined individually.
    5. Hanging leg raises or resting on the forearms in the simulator. It is advisable to start by lifting the legs, bent at the knees.

    Working approaches are best repeated 12-15 times. No refusal. If you’re a beginner, rest up to two minutes between exercises. There should be no more than 3-4 minutes between laps.

    During one workout, the number of laps with working approaches can vary, but in the first stages, there should be at least two of them.

    Warming up

    Warm-up all joints before each workout. perform lightweight exercise options that will occur in further training. Use minimal or no weight at all.

    If the interval between warm-up and working weight is long, do another warm-up lap at 75% of your working weight. Eliminate weightless exercise.


04 Nov 2020


Along with muscle mass, the level of subcutaneous fat will certainly increase. This is our nature: the prevailing anabolism in the body does not allow us to build muscle without gaining extra fats and carbohydrates. There is no other way. The larger our body becomes, the more substances it needs. Including those, we are trying to get rid of.

The sculpted body of experienced bodybuilders is the result of muscle drying. To get rid of the gained subcutaneous fat, you need to reduce the level of glycogen, which is responsible for storing carbohydrates. By burning off stored carbohydrates, we get lean and clean muscle mass. But is it that simple? Let’s figure out how to “dry” properly.


Standing oblique muscles of the abdomen and abs cubes you get, reducing the amount of body fat to 8-12%. It is not recommended to reduce it harder – you will achieve the opposite desired effect. Our body is a complex system, a “computer”. Approaching the critical point, it responds with overcompensation. For example, there was 15% subcutaneous fat, with titanic efforts you reached 6%. The brain receives the SOS signal and, in order not to be dying, makes up for the losses. And with a margin – in case of a new shake-up. Now, together with the usual 15%, in your body – 18%, or even more subcutaneous fat. Don’t terrorize yourself!


Drying the body provides for special nutrition and a set of exercises that develop the relief of the muscles. These exercises include a variety of bench presses, weighted squats, reverse crunches, deadlifts, etc.

As for nutrition, the main rule here is to reduce, but in no case exclude carbohydrate intake. Reduce the size of the usual portions, maintaining the habit of refreshing 4-6 times a day. If you feel that there is not enough energy for a productive workout, divide your daily diet into 7-8 meals – it will be easier for the body to endure the load.

Reduce carbs gradually while maintaining protein levels. Protein is especially important during drying. Make it a rule: 60-70% of protein should come with low-fat food, the remaining 30-40% – with sports nutrition.


The rules for women’s athletic training during the drying period are no different from those for men. A different matter is with nutrition: the fair sex must reconsider the usual diet.

Let’s start with protein. The daily dose for a woman of average weight (50–55 kg) is 100–120 g. The more you train, the more muscle volume becomes, and at the same time the body weight. Accordingly, the body requires more protein: for every 10 kg of muscle mass, at least 60 g of protein should be provided, ⅔ of which comes from sports nutrition and animal foods.

A small number of fat calories for exercising women will also do no harm. The main thing is not to exceed the norm, 10% of the total daily calorie intake. Protein calories should be about 60-65%, carbohydrate – 25-30%. In total, during the drying period, a woman needs 35-40 kilocalories per day for each kilogram of weight.

Eat small meals, but often, 5-6 times a day. Long intervals between meals slow down metabolism, which ultimately leads to obesity. Perform energy restructuring gradually. During the first week of drying, consume 40% of carbohydrate calories per day, during the second – 35%, on the third, you can go to the recommended 25-30%.


13 Oct 2020


The benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are obvious and undeniable. Drinking fresh juices fills our body with vitamins, minerals, valuable substances and microelements, gives new strength, which is impossible to get from commercial juices from a pack, in which, as a rule, a large amount of sugar is added. In addition to useful chemical properties, freshly squeezed juices (fresh juices) are simply pleasant to drink, and they are absorbed by the body much faster than just a raw fruit or vegetable. A glass of juice can sometimes even replace a whole meal and quench your thirst, while leaving behind a feeling of light satiety.

Any freshly squeezed juice contains organic compounds (sugars, acids, etc.) that help to cope with many diseases. For example, using juices, you can strengthen the body’s immunity, improve intestinal motility, metabolism , strengthen the nervous system, and so on. Some juices speed up the process of losing weight due to the content of fat burning elements.

Freshly squeezed orange juiceOrange juice is a classic among freshly squeezed juices. It contains a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, K, E), as well as amino acids and trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc). Orange juice improves bowel function, removes toxins, reduces decay processes, improves appetite and digestion, strengthens blood vessels; it is also one of the lowest calorie juices. Orange juice is recommended for use in liver diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Contraindications: stomach or duodenal ulcer, bowel upset, gastritis with high acidity.

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juiceGrapefruit contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, sugars, dietary fiber, fats, protein, vitamin B1, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus , potassium, zinc, manganese. In particular, grapefruit juice is useful for physical and mental stress – it strengthens the central nervous system and helps to get rid of lethargy, drowsiness and dizziness. Consuming fresh grapefruit juice well removes excess fluid from the body, activates the fat burning process, contributing to weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins. Recommended for people with poor digestion, salt deposits, high blood pressure and liver problems. If you have insomnia, overwork and lack of appetite, grapefruit juice will definitely help you.

Freshly squeezed apple juiceApple fresh contains vitamins C and P, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, nickel salts. Apple juice pectin with pulp normalizes bowel function. In addition, freshly squeezed apple juice contains phytoncides that fight the causative agents of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, and influenza A viruses. Doctors also recommend eating apples in the period after a heart attack. Freshly squeezed apple juice strengthens the cardiovascular system well, is useful for people of mental labor. A big plus of this fruit is that you can drink juice from it without harm to health in fairly large quantities – up to one liter per day. Freshly squeezed apple juice is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis.

Freshly squeezed pineapple juicePineapple juice is used in various diets, and is also a source of vitamin C and minerals – potassium and copper salts. This juice is relatively rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, PP, provitamin A. Pineapple juice is recommended as a remedy for kidney diseases, tonsillitis; it has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, stimulates intestinal activity, promotes the disappearance of age spots and removes fluid from the body. In addition, freshly squeezed pineapple juice contains a unique natural substance – bromelain, which is an excellent natural fat burner and rejuvenates the body.

Freshly squeezed pear juiceFreshly squeezed pear juice contains carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins, as well as vitamins C, P, carotene, many trace elements – vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, iodine, etc. Pear juice is a good diuretic and has a bactericidal effect on the entire body. Pear juice is recommended for people with a tendency to diseases of the circulatory system and kidney problems. Pear fresh contains a large amount of pectin compounds that improve bowel function and digestion in general. It also regulates digestion, has antiseptic, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

Freshly squeezed carrot juiceFreshly squeezed carrot juice is one of the healthiest and most vitamin-rich juices. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, cobalt and other minerals. All this makes carrot fresh juice especially useful for children and people with weak immunity and problem skin. It is known that carrots containing beta-carotene are very beneficial for eyesight, and this substance is concentrated in juice. However, in order to absorb it, you must definitely eat something containing fats. Therefore, a little heavy cream is often added to fresh carrot juice.

Healthy mango juiceMango contains a whole range of nutrients: sugars, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, vitamins E, D and C. The amino acid of freshly squeezed mango juice includes 12 amino acids, some of which are essential. By consuming freshly squeezed juice with the pulp of one or two mango fruits per day, you can significantly increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, and the high iron content in the fruit can improve hemoglobin indices in anemia. The juice of ripe, juicy mangoes should be used for various diseases of the organs of vision, as a vitamin complex, for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for the prevention of cancer.


01 Oct 2020


Is physical activity allowed during pregnancy? Of course. Moreover, they are useful, but with a number of reasonable precautions. For expectant mothers of all skill levels, walks in the fresh air, swimming in the pool and exercises with fitball will be useful. (more…)


18 Sep 2020


Few women smile when they hear the word diet. Most of them frown, remembering what torment they had to endure and how many nerves to fray. However, hunger, fatigue and constant thoughts about food are not at all companions to weight loss. Losing extra pounds should not be accompanied by discomfort. Pay attention to the body’s warning signs and see if the diet is working. Give up the wrong diet now – in the future you will not be excruciatingly hurt for the lost days and ruined health.


If it’s hard to focus on everything except thinking about food, then the body is starving. Regular malnutrition slows down the metabolism, on which the loss of extra centimeters directly depends. Increase your daily calorie intake, otherwise, weight loss will result in a dramatic weight gain.



Complete loss of appetite is also a wake-up call. Constant suppression of hunger and eating exclusively low-calorie foods leads to a malfunction of hormones. Even a seemingly gentle diet can disrupt the balance between leptin and ghrelin (the hormones of satiety and hunger). To restore balance, review your diet, and include high-calorie foods.


Headaches and dizziness should not accompany your diet. Feeling unwell is the result of a lack of nutrients. If you feel unwell, urgently dilute the diet with more high-calorie and vitamin-rich foods.


The body requires more coffee, getting to the gym becomes lazy, and exercising is generally unbearable. These are all the result of a deficiency in protein and vitamins D and B12. Usually, the problem is solved by adding meat products to the diet.



You are tormented by unreasonable anxiety and fears, small everyday stresses are unsettling, you often break into friends and colleagues, forget what you wanted to do … Serious problems with the emotional sphere are caused by a lack of vitamins, proteins and fats, which are also necessary to maintain normal health. Include in your diet foods rich in nutrients your body needs.


Digestive problems, including food allergies, signal that it’s time to stop dieting – it’s not right for you. Stomach disorders, changes in stools and various pains occur due to an unbalanced diet. See a specialist for a personalized diet.


Prolonged restriction of the body’s calories leads to a slowdown in metabolism. The disturbed metabolism begins to prepare for hunger strikes and stores everything that it can get in the form of fatty deposits on the waist, hips and other parts of the body. To get your metabolism in order, allow yourself to break your diet a little for a couple of weeks.



Your sleep should not be hindered by hunger and stomach rumblings. Forget the “drink 2 glasses of water and fall asleep before the stomach gets deceived” method and reconsider your diet. Most likely, the body lacks nutrients and needs to be replenished.



The diet doesn’t work or works very poorly if your nails begin to break, your hair dulls, and you have skin problems. Tired, dry skin signals a lack of calories, and a change in complexion signals a lack of nutrients.




Among dieters, cold hands are one of the most common complaints. In response to it, any specialist will advise you to revise the diet and enrich it with foods containing fats. As insidious as this nutrient is, our body needs it in a reasonable amount.

When in doubt whether your diet is working or not, seek professional advice. He will help to adjust the diet and get rid of the health problems that have arisen. Do not forget also that losing weight only by changing your diet is ineffective, so be sure to sign up for a gym.


10 Sep 2020


Nothing is as effective for the abs as hanging leg raises on the bar. This exercise requires some physical preparation, and in order for it to give the desired result and not harm, you must follow the instructions exactly. We share the technique of performing leg raises on the crossbar.


Exercise types

There are several variations of this exercise:

  • Raising straight legs on the bar.
  • Raising the bent legs on the bar.
  • Raising the bent legs on the uneven bars.
  • Hanging leg raises with a clamped ball or dumbbells – on a horizontal bar, uneven bars or a crossbar.

All of these exercises are designed for the abdominal muscles, while using different additional muscle groups. The most serious level of training requires lifting straight legs in the hang on the crossbar and lifting with a clamped ball, for the rest, an average level is enough. Let’s take a closer look at each exercise.

What muscles work

When raising your legs to the bar, the following muscles work:

  • Oblique and straight abdomen.
  • Iliopsoas.
  • Strain of the fascia lata of the thigh.
  • Tailoring, comb, long and short adductors.
  • Rectus femoris muscle.

The exercise begins with the work of the hip flexor muscles, then the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are connected. When bending the legs in the hang, the main load is on the abdominal muscles.


  • A large number of muscles are immediately involved.
  • A muscular corset develops, which is needed for correct posture.
  • When hanging there is a beneficial stretching of the spinal column.
  • Can be used for back pain or problems.
  • Variety of execution.


Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Hang on the horizontal bar so that your feet do not reach the floor. To do this, you can jump, and if there is not enough height, use a bench or the support of a coach. Grip – straight: medium or wide.

Step 2. Fully straighten your arms and legs, and bend your back slightly in the lumbar region.

Step 3. Take a deep breath and pull your legs back slightly.

Step 4. With a jerk, lift your legs to the bar to the maximum possible height – if done well, they should be slightly above the horizontal position. Professionals can touch the bar with their socks.

Step 5. Stop for a second at the highest level. For maximum exercise benefit, tighten your abdominal muscles further.

Step 6. Inhale and slowly lower your legs, focusing on the muscles being worked out.

Step 7. Perform the required number of repetitions.

Implementation tips

  • Avoid inertia and sway during the exercise.
  • Move slowly for a clean execution.
  • At the end, hold for 1-2 seconds and further tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • If you have a lot of weight, then instead of a horizontal bar, you should use bars with a back.
  • To prevent the arms from splitting on the bar, you can use shoulder straps or wrist straps.
  • You can start from the wall bar and lift bent legs – this way you will significantly reduce the load.
  • An advanced option is weighted leg raises.
  • You can change the height of the legs, depending on the desired load.
  • It is best to perform the exercises in 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


Working muscles

As in the previous exercise, when lifting with bent legs, the main load falls on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Additionally, the rectus muscles of the thighs and the iliopsoas muscle are involved. The shoulder blades, shoulder joints and abdominal muscles act as stabilizers.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Grasp the bar with a wide or medium grip.

Step 2. Fix in a position with straight arms and legs, back slightly bent at the lower back.

Step 3. First take a deep breath, and then as you exhale, pull your legs to your chest as high as possible.

Step 4. Freeze for a second in this position and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Step 5. Slowly lower your legs, return to the starting position.

Step 6. Do the required number of repetitions.


19 Aug 2020


Thin girls from the catwalks are being replaced by beauties with curvaceous forms. You can achieve relief and elastic priests thanks to persistent and long work on yourself. Today we will tell you about effective exercises for training the buttocks. (more…)


30 Jul 2020


To fully cover the topic and answer all the questions, we will divide the article into chapters in which we will consider all aspects of training: (more…)


28 Jul 2020


The raised muscles of the arms are the first goal that men set for themselves when they come to the gym. Therefore, we decided to draw up instructions on how to pump all the muscles of the arms as efficiently and quickly as possible. (more…)


23 Jul 2020

Bodybuilding for beginners

Bodybuilding is a sport that almost every man has tried to practice at least once in his life. This is a sport that undoubtedly attracts. Almost every man wants to have a beautiful and strong body, and every woman wants to have such a man. (more…)


10 Jul 2020