
How to pump up elastic buttocks: learning to make a “gluteal bridge”

Squats are the first exercise that we remember when we are going to shape the buttocks. Although not only they are effective, but also the “gluteal bridge”. This is an ideal exercise, an exercise that will tighten your glutes without harming your thighs (usually there is a risk of pumping them) and knees (where there is minimal pressure). For greater effect, the exercise is performed with weight: dumbbells, a barbell or fitness rubber bands. At home, you can use water bottles or a bag of books.

The gluteal bridge: which muscles work

The gluteal bridge engages the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus, as well as the core, thigh, and calf muscles. Regular exercise improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which helps prevent gynecological diseases. Exercise is high in calories and is ideal for those looking to shape their back and lose weight.

How to do the gluteal bridge correctly

  1. Glute bridge with two legs . We put our feet shoulder-width apart, socks in one line. We lie on our backs and make sure that our knees do not fall inward. Twist your pelvis up slightly to straighten your back. Next, raise your pelvis without bending your lower back or relaxing your abs. Fix at the top point and while inhaling, slowly lower the pelvis down. Key notes: watch your knees so that they do not go towards each other when lifting and lowering; don’t go very high; do not add unnecessary arch in the lower back. Your body should form one straight line from knee to shoulders. Do three sets of one minute each. To “finish off” the first exercise, remain in a static position at the top point and add movement with the knees outward (pulses) for 45 seconds. The pressure should be on the entire foot.
  2. Glute bridge on straight arms with leg movement. Standing on the entire right foot, the support falls on the hands: they are located slightly wider than the shoulders, the fingers are directed outward. From here we lift the pelvis up and raise the left leg at an angle of 90 degrees. Make sure that the lower leg of the left leg does not fall below the right knee. Pull the left leg forward in parallel with the floor, pull the toe towards ourselves. We take the left leg out, return and pull the knee towards us. At the same time, we always keep a static position, a tense press and a slightly twisted pelvis. Do three sets of 45 seconds.
  3. Gluteal bridge with straight arms. Stand on your entire right foot, the support falls on your hands: they are located slightly wider than the shoulders, the fingers are directed outward. From here we lift the pelvis up and raise the left leg at an angle of 90 degrees. Make sure that the left shin does not fall below the right knee. Lowering the pelvis down, we hold the leg in weight. We take a breath, lightly touch the floor and, when going up, a short pause. Make sure that the shoulders are down. We press the floor with our hands and do not raise our shoulders to the ears. Do three sets of 45 seconds.
  4. Glute bridge from the floor on one leg in short range . Lie on your back. The right leg is bent at the knee. The whole foot is on the floor, the shoulders are straightened. Tighten the pelvis a little, try to immerse the lower back into the floor. The press is tense, the left leg is perpendicular to the floor and rises up. We push with our right foot off the floor and raise our pelvis not very high. Next, we work in a short amplitude. Do three sets of one minute each.

21 Dec 2021

Increased intracranial pressure: causes, symptoms, treatment

intracranial pressure is the pressure inside the skull, namely in the sinuses of the dura mater and the ventricles of the brain.

Measure this pressure in mm Hg. Art., and normally it is from 7 to 15 mm. If it is higher, this is a reason to be wary, and if the pressure exceeds 25 mm Hg. Art., it can be dangerous for the brain. If the value is more than 35 mm Hg. Art. severe and irreversible changes in the brain are possible – such situations are considered critical.



16 Dec 2021

Slim and not starve: 5 tips for those who decided to lose weight by the summer

Traffic collapse is the definition used by news agencies when a city gets stuck in traffic jams. With the beginning of spring, the same collapse can be observed not only on the roads, but also in fitness clubs. After all, as soon as the warm spring sun appeared, people actively begin to take care of themselves, so that urgently, three months before summer, they finally get into shape, which they will proudly demonstrate on the coasts of the Red or Mediterranean Seas, if the budget allows. (more…)


07 Dec 2021


The perfect abs is the dream of many, regardless of gender, age and attitude to fitness. A toned belly in modern society is one of the main indicators of beauty and health. But how to pump up the abs in order to achieve embossed cubes?



04 Dec 2021

More fun together! What types of group activities are there in gyms

The larger the fitness club, the more diverse the choice of directions for group programs in it. Often in different clubs, especially online, the same lessons are called differently, although this does not change the essence of the lessons. And sometimes it is difficult for a beginner to understand this variety. To decide where to go, you must first understand what classes of lessons are in general.

To put it simply, group classes are divided into: aerobic, strength, mixed, dance and low-impact. Each direction has its own specifics, which must be taken into account if you want to achieve some specific results, and not just maintain the general tone of the body.

Aerobic lessons

These are dynamic activities accompanied by music. As a rule, this includes a number of basic movements that are combined into ligaments, but this largely depends on the specific class. More often women attend such lessons, but men do not bypass aerobics either. Such activities have several advantages at once:

  • motivate better, because you train in a group and always with a coach;
  • it is much more fun and more interesting than training on cardiovascular equipment;
  • coordination of movements develops better;
  • it is an effective way to fight obesity.

It is important to understand that if you are a beginner, then you need to start with the lessons for beginners. It was not for nothing that I immediately said that in different networks the same lessons can be called differently: there are a large number of aerobics options – from simple movements on the floor to step aerobics, as well as lessons with elements of percussion technique (for example, tai-bo ) or advanced activities, such as cycling (imitation of a bicycle race on special simulators).

Therefore, before signing up for a lesson (even if the name seems familiar to you), be sure to consult with the manager or fitness consultant of the club. Find out which set of exercises is included in the lesson and find out if it is right for you.

Strength lessons

Aimed at developing muscles, increasing their size, as well as training endurance and strength, the lessons are held both with special equipment (barbells, dumbbells, twine), and with the weight of your own body. You need to understand that in strength lessons, the technique for performing each exercise is very important, because additional burdening can cause serious injury if you move inaccurately. Therefore, if you are a beginner, then choose lessons for beginners.

It is also important to understand that strength classes do not completely replace training directly in the gym. In group lessons, as a rule, they work with small weights, but with frequent repetitions (20 or more in one approach), and this mode of work will not lead to a serious increase in muscle mass. Which, in fact, is good only for girls who do not need large muscle mass. But for men who would like to see more muscle on themselves, this lesson will not work.

Mixed workouts

These activities combine cardiovascular training, full body muscle training with additional equipment, and increased calorie expenditure. One of the most popular types of such lessons is “functional training”, when exercises are performed in which a large number of muscles are simultaneously involved in the work.

In other words, you work not only the main muscle that the exercise is aimed at, but also the so-called stabilizing muscles, which in total increases the effectiveness of the workout. These activities include: circuit training, interval training, and TRX loops, and for the most advanced, cross-fit, popular all over the world.

Dance classes

Classes that help not only to lose weight and develop coordination, but also allow a person to train with pleasure, and you can also learn something new from them. By the way, it is not uncommon for visitors to a fitness club to become good dancers! But here, too, you need to understand that the lessons are different – for people with different backgrounds. As a rule, if a client wants to start exercising at a more serious level, he goes to special dance schools, because fitness clubs are still more focused on training to maintain health.

Low impact workouts

These are classes where there are no sharp, intense movements and shock load on the joints and spine. Such trainings are attended by completely different categories of people, especially since some of the areas are not only training, but also a certain philosophy. This can include, for example, yoga classes. Pilates is suitable for people who have problems with the spine, coordination, in addition, these exercises will also appeal to those who like calm movements and static load.

Also, low-impact lessons include stretching exercises – stretching. And articular gymnastics is ideal for older people, because it is with age that joint mobility is impaired.



03 Dec 2021

Cheating, pumping, etc: the basics of fitness slang for beginners

The most budgetary fitness club or premium establishment with state-of-the-art equipment; a giant sports complex or a small basement “rocking chair” – it doesn’t matter where you go to practice. There will definitely be good old barbells and dumbbells, which are also called “free weights”. And this is not surprising, because it has been proven that the most effective workouts (especially for those who want to gain muscle mass) are working with free weights. (more…)


01 Dec 2021


Yoga therapy belongs to alternative medicine. With the help of it, you can correct a certain disease, as well as excess weight. Today we will consider only a small, but no less important part of the techniques:
1. Cleansing breathing technique “Kapalabhati”
2. Dynamic complex Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation
3. Regime of the day
4. Nutrition



01 Dec 2021

Benefits of taping for the fitness trainer

About taping.

Kinesio tape is a thin elastic cotton tape similar in properties to human skin.
The technique works like this: in the event of injury or excessive stress on the muscles, the excess fluid that has formed as a result of edema begins to press on the tissues, which causes pain.
If applied to the skin, kinesio tape will irritate the mechanoreceptors in the injured area and block the pain impulse.
Since the 1980s, the technique has entered the arsenal of many Olympic champions, and now it is available to every fitness specialist to work both with clients and with their own body.



29 Nov 2021

Diets vs balanced nutrition: the fight for harmony!

Diets vs balanced nutrition

As a rule, we are very inattentive to what we eat every day. Neglect of the norms and culture of nutrition leads to the problem of excess weight, and only then there is a need to regulate our diet. In this case, a dilemma often arises: choose an ultra-modern diet or resort to a balanced diet?

The effect of different types of diets on the body

People choose different ways to lose weight: daily exercise, taking weight-loss drugs, fasting, dieting. Statistics show that the last option is the most popular because it gives hope for a quick result. But how effective and beneficial are diets for our bodies?

There are many diets, and they are all based on certain restrictions. For example, many people choose one nutritious food and prepare all meals from it. Others prefer to consume only protein foods, excluding carbohydrates from their own diet. If you show perseverance and follow all the rules of the chosen diet, it often turns out to be very effective – extra pounds hide before our eyes. Meanwhile, the emerging prospects of rapid weight loss do not convince specialists of the advisability of restrictive measures. Numerous medical studies show that they are harmful to health. For example, consuming only one product over a long period of time can severely compromise the immune system, sleep disturbances, and allergies. A high protein diet can lead to digestive problems, poor mood, and an increased risk of infertility.

The influence of a balanced diet on the state of the body

A balanced diet is a worthy alternative to diets. It is based on the inclusion in the menu of products of the quantity and quality that the body needs for normal functioning. In particular, every day we need to consume more than 50 components: amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, various vitamins, and others. In this case, a certain ratio of elements must be observed. A lack or an excess of certain ingredients is dangerous to health: metabolic disturbances, the development of pathologies are possible.

Compliance with the formula for a balanced diet increases the body’s resistance to aggressive factors, improves physical well-being, mental performance, and health in general.

Why is this method of losing weight less popular than dieting? The reason lies in our impatience because we strive to get rid of the hated extra pounds as quickly as possible. If you eat a balanced diet, weight loss is gradual, and diets promise to achieve your goal quickly. However, in the first case, we are provided with good health and a stable result, and in the second there is a real threat of the development of pathologies and the return of the previous weight.


22 Nov 2021

7 reasons to go to fitness tomorrow

The widespread demand for fitness cannot be called accidental. It effectively helps to increase the vitality of people who face many problems and stresses on a daily basis. Drowsiness, fatigue, lack of attention from others, excess weight – all this recedes when a person finally starts classes and goes to a fitness club.


  1. Physical recovery. Fitness is ideal in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and osteoporosis, in the normalization of blood pressure. It enhances blood circulation, and therefore removes toxins, and rejuvenates the body. Muscles are strengthened, posture is improved.
  2. Emotional recovery. Fitness promotes the release of endorphins and thus relieves stress, reduces irritability.
  3. Weight control. Urban life often involves sedentary behavior. Exercise is the best way to burn stored calories.
  4. Sound and healthy sleep. Fitness encourages you to fall asleep faster and is good for your sleep. You will stop suffering from insomnia, and awakening will no longer be difficult and painful.
  5. The rise of energy. Besides the fact that exercise simply increases endurance, it also optimizes cardiac and pulmonary activity. This provides the entire body with oxygen and significantly increases the tone.
  6. Intellect stimulation. Exercise increases the level of serotonin, which is responsible for quick and clear thinking.
  7. Socialization. A fitness club is a community of like-minded people. Joint activities expand the circle of friends and motivate you not to quit what you started.

31 Oct 2021