Diet & Nutrition

Five Bodyweight Exercises You May Be Doing Wrong and How to Fix Them

hqdefault (10)Many exercise systems often sound great at first, but in reality simply will not make a good fit for your life.

Thankfully, there is something else you can try called bodyweight exercising, which is so flexible that it answers every possible concern you might have, including time constraints, prohibitive cost, and location issues.

Bodyweight exercise got its name because your own body provides all the resistance needed to help you get fit…


15 May 2015

Whey Protein Isolate: The Protein Powder You Should Never Buy

strong-muscles-5-11Loss of muscle mass with age (sarcopenia) may be caused by a reduction of muscle protein synthetic response to food intake. A group of researchers set out to find which milk protein was the best for muscle protein accretion, and would therefore help stave off sarcopenia.

Three groups of older men were fed a meal-like amount of whey, casein, and casein hydrolysate proteins…


14 May 2015

The Scientific 7-Minute Workout

hqdefault (9)Exercise is a key factor of optimal health; it’s particularly important for controlling your blood sugar and normalizing your insulin levels. I often recommend viewing exercise as a drug that needs to be properly prescribed and “taken” at a proper dosage.

When done correctly, exercise can oftentimes act as a substitute for some of the most common drugs used today for things like diabetes, heart disease and depression…


13 May 2015

The Power of Intermittent Fasting

intermittent-fastingIf you’re already off to a good start on a healthy fitness plan, and you’re looking for ways to take it to the next level, then you might want to consider intermittent fasting. In essence this fitness-enhancing strategy looks at the timing of meals, as opposed to those fad plans where you eat just one or two things for several days in a row.

On intermittent fasting, the longest time you’ll ever abstain from food is 36 hours, although 14-18 hours is more common…


12 May 2015

6 Reasons to Drink Coffee Before Your Workout

hqdefault (8)If you’re like many people, you may start your day with a cup of coffee. According to Health Magazine,1 about half of American adults stick to this daily ritual, despite conventional warnings that coffee might not be all that good for you.

My own understanding of coffee’s virtues and risks was greatly enhanced by my 2011 interview with Ori Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet and Unlocking the Muscle Gene, who has researched coffee extensively…


11 May 2015

Fluoride Isn’t the Answer, Sugar Is the Problem

dietary-sugarDental caries are caused by demineralization of your teeth (enamel and dentin) by the acids formed during the bacterial fermentation of dietary sugars.

Demineralization is countered by the deposit of minerals from your saliva, or remineralization, which is a slow process, and enthusiasts report that fluoride prevents dental caries by enhancing this mineralization…


10 May 2015

Spirulina: A Luxury Health Food and a Possible Panacea for Malnutrition

spirulinaSpirulina, a type of blue-green algae, is an incredible superfood that provides a concentrated source of protein, vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. As one of the oldest life forms on Earth, the use of spirulina as a food source dates all the way back to 9th century Chad, and it is believed spirulina was used by the Aztecs in 16th-century Mexico.

Spirulina, a type of one-celled organism, got its name from the Latin word for “helix” or “spiral” because of its spring-like physical characteristic…


09 May 2015

Is Goat Cheese Good for You?

goat-cheeseHigh-quality cheese made from the raw milk of pastured animals is an excellent source of several important nutrients. Each cheese is unique in its nutritional attributes, however, with some being superior to others.

One to consider, especially if you’re sensitive to lactose from cow’s milk, is goat cheese. Because goat cheese contains less lactose than cheese made from cow’s milk, it is typically well tolerated by those with lactose intolerance…


08 May 2015

Full Fat Dairy May Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes and Other Health Problems

dietary-adviceMost mainstream dietary advice recommends low-fat or non-fat dairy. But a growing number of experts argue that it’s far healthier to eat and drink whole dairy products, with all the fat left in.

Dairy foods contain roughly 50 to 60 percent saturated fat, and conventional thinking is that saturated fat is bad for your heart. This idea has been thoroughly refuted as false. It’s a mistaken interpretation of the science. In a 2010 analysis,1 scientists said:..


08 May 2015

3 Reasons You Should Eat More Spicy Food

chili-peppersI love spicy foods and typically enjoy 1-2 habanero peppers a day. If you like spicy food, there’s good reason to indulge your cravings, as the spicy chemical in peppers – capsaicin – and other compounds in spicy food can improve your health.

Chili peppers, one of the main sources of capsaicin, are regarded as a staple in Central America, Asia, and India, but even in the US there are many devotees to spicy food whose mantra is “the spicier the better.”…


07 May 2015