
Waking up in the morning and feeling overwhelmed? How to recharge your energy in five minutes

For some people, the morning is the best part of the day. Already at five in the morning, they briskly get out of bed, go for a run, do exercises, prepare smoothies, manage to read 20 pages of a book, and go to the office in high spirits. For others, the hours of awakening are torment and constant bargaining with themselves. They wake up broken and tired, constantly switch the alarm clock, until the last moment they cannot get out of bed. The main thing is to exclude chronic fatigue if you belong to the second type of people.



24 Jul 2021

How to make a weight loss bar correctly. This is one of the most difficult but effective exercises.

The plank is one of the most challenging fitness exercises. Some people find it easier to do a complex with weights than to stand for a minute in a motionless position when almost all muscles are tense. It feels like you are not working with your own weight, but with an additional 20 kg.



14 Jun 2021

What can be allergies in June and how to deal with it

Pollinosis is an allergic disease caused by plant pollen and manifests itself in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis and bronchial asthma.



05 Jun 2021

Why you need to eat vegetables

The right vegetables, green and low in calories, are free of fat, cholesterol, and unhealthy additives. The composition is more than transparent: the task is only to steam the dish or with minimal use of oil.



21 May 2021

How to Lose Belly Fat: Effective Exercise, Massage Techniques, and Nutrition Rules

How to remove the belly fat and whether it makes sense to pump up the abs – these questions worry girls not only before the bathing season. Many of them have been struggling with unwanted deposits for years, but the result never comes. Before you start pumping the abs hard, let’s look at the reasons for the appearance of excess belly fat. (more…)


15 May 2021

How to Become a Creative Person: 5 Super Ways

Modern work and life require non-standard solutions – creativity has become the emblem of a whole social class. We will tell you how to develop creative thinking and curiosity in order to become an interesting conversationalist and creative employee.



15 May 2021


Climber is an effective abdominal exercise. It perfectly works the core muscles and helps to achieve the coveted “cubes”. The main load falls on the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, the auxiliary load is on the muscles of the back, buttocks and legs. Regular exercise develops physical endurance and tone your muscles.

No special equipment is required to perform the Climber exercise. Therefore, you can exercise anywhere: at home, in the park, or in the gym.



The Climber exercise can be done in a variety of ways. The main thing is to follow a few general rules:

  • Distribute your weight evenly to your arms and legs.
  • When moving your legs, do not roll over to the right or left side.
  • Draw in your stomach and keep your muscles taut.
  • Don’t bend your lower back.
  • Straighten your shoulders and keep your shoulder blades apart.
  • Bend your arms at the elbows, otherwise the entire load will fall on the elbow joints.
  • Breathe evenly.


Basic exercise “Rock climber”


Why: Workout abs and glutes.

How: Lie on a rug with your hands on the floor and place your palms shoulder-width apart. Raise on your hands without bending your elbows. Keep your body parallel to the floor. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and pull your right knee towards your chest. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the same with your left foot.

Experienced athletes can increase the load. In the video, we show you how to perform a complicated version of the “Climber” exercise with a barbell.


Why: Train the abs, obliques and buttocks. Additional stress on the pectoral muscles.

How: Lie on a mat, place your arms shoulder-width apart and rest your palms on the floor. Raise on your hands without bending your elbows. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, pull your right knee to your left shoulder, while twisting slightly at the waist. While inhaling, return to the starting position and do the same with your left leg.

With expander

Why: The main load on the legs and buttocks, hip biceps training.

How: Tie an expander to your legs just above your knees and take a lying position. Rise on your hands, bending them slightly at the elbows. Keep your body parallel to the floor. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and pull your right knee towards your chest. While inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat the same with your left leg.


Hands on the bench

Why: Workout the glutes, deltas and core muscles.

How: Get into a prone position and place your hands on the bench. Palms – shoulder width apart. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and pull your right knee towards your chest. While inhaling, return to the starting position and do the same with your left leg.


On fitball

Why: Additional stress on the biceps, triceps and deltoid muscles.

How: Lie on the floor and place your hands on the ball. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and pull your right knee towards your chest. The exercise is performed alternately on each leg.

“Rock climber” biped

Why: Train your abs, biceps, back, deltas, core muscles.

How: Lie down on a rug. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart. Keep your body parallel to the floor. As you exhale, raise your arms, contracting your abdominal muscles. In a jump, pull your knees to your chest and return to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat the exercise several times.


No foot landing

Why: Additional stress on the abs and buttocks.

How: Lie down on slightly bent arms. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and pull your right knee towards your chest. As you inhale, quickly change your left leg. Repeat the exercise.

Diagonal steps

Why: Training for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Additional stress on the pectoral muscles.

How: Take a prone position and place your arms shoulder-width apart. Your body should be parallel to the floor. As you exhale, pull your right knee toward your left shoulder. While inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat the same with your left leg.



To make your workout as effective as possible, we recommend:


  • For beginners, do the exercise with your hands on a raised platform, not on the floor.
  • Take your time, build up the pace gradually.
  • Do not lift your pelvis too high.
  • Observe the position of the body, the body should form a straight line (from shoulders to ankles).
  • Straighten your legs and not bend your knees.
  • Breathe evenly.
  • Perform the optimal number of sets – 4-5.



15 Apr 2021

How to start eating right if you haven’t done it before: simple instructions

Proper nutrition is not a temporary diet that destroys the body. It is a way of life and a basic principle of wellness. When you are hungry, you have a choice: take a green salad or your favorite cream cake. Many people choose the second option: favorite, tasty, and familiar. But dessert will simply fill the void in your stomach and fill your body with less-than-healthy sugars, trans fats, oils, and additives. If you choose a salad, you will fill yourself with a lot of vitamins and fiber, not only get rid of hunger, but you will be full for several hours.



03 Apr 2021

Ayurvedic remedies for hair growth

Ayurvedic remedies for hair growth

Many of us associate health with longevity, endless energy, good looks, and well-being. But in order to realize all these benefits, it is not enough just to diagnose diseases in oneself in a timely manner and treat them. The secret to true health is balance. Ayurveda helps to achieve it. It is an authentic Indian healing system that is more than 5,000 years old. 

When compared with Western medicine, in which the advantage remains with injection therapy, Ayurveda is based on the use of various herbs and extracts. In addition, massages, yoga, and a diet depending on the constitution of the body play an important role in it. This approach is unique in that it involves the effect on the entire body as a whole. At the same time, the teaching focuses on each system and organ separately.

Thick hair in Ayurveda is considered one of the main criteria for assessing health. Their beautiful appearance or dullness and severe loss can be a wake-up call that cannot be ignored.

Ayurvedic preparations that promote hair growth

Keshkuntal. It is a unique Ayurvedic remedy that enhances hair growth. It contains a complex of herbs that improve the structure of the curls, fill them with all the necessary vitamins and other useful substances. After using this drug, the hair gains health, density, and strength.

Keshkuntal restores hair, promotes hair growth, protects against hair loss. It consists exclusively of plant and mineral components. Due to constant stress, malnutrition, anxiety, side effects of drugs, poor ecology, and other factors, the curls become weak and begin to fall out.

The most common hair problems are dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis), baldness, brittle hair, split ends, and early gray hair. It is necessary to treat such symptoms from the inside. External therapy does not give the desired quick results. Keshkuntal nourishes the curls, gives strength to the growth of new hair follicles.

Bringaraj, which is in preparation, accelerates hair growth, protects the body from aging, and rejuvenates bone tissue. It makes curls strong, strengthens teeth, improves memory, hearing, and vision. It is an invaluable source of calcium, without which strong and healthy hair cannot be grown.

The ayurvedic drug improves metabolism, rejuvenates the body, tones it up, strengthens the nervous system, promotes the rapid healing of micro-wounds. This remedy is taken by people suffering from cirrhosis, dysentery, insomnia, all kinds of skin diseases, mental disorders, and much more.

Properties possessed by the product:

  • it treats hair loss (baldness);
  • promotes their growth;
  • makes curls strong and shiny after perm and dyeing;
  • improves their structure, eliminates fragility and split ends;
  • the drug removes dandruff;
  • eliminates premature gray hair, by increasing the amount of melanin, accelerates hair growth, restores their natural shade;
  • gives curls a beautiful shine, soft silkiness, and a healthy appearance.

The tool is used for:

  • insomnia;
  • baldness;
  • early gray hair;
  • hair loss;
  • the need for a rejuvenating effect;
  • the importance of toning the body;
  • needs to improve metabolism;
  • the need for anti-febrile action;
  • hemostatic;
  • healing;
  • the importance of strengthening the nervous system.

A contraindication to admission is the presence of individual intolerance to the constituents of the drug.

TrichupThis is an Ayurvedic remedy that activates hair growth and protects them from hair loss. The product is known for its powerful herbal and mineral complex, consisting of herbs and minerals commonly used to care for curls.

It also contains muktashukti basma and bhringaraj, which make hair thick, healthy, improve its structure and accelerate growth.

What effect does the indicated remedy have?

  1. Trichup normalizes hair growth.
  2. Stops their loss at different intensities.
  3. Even “dormant” bulbs are activated.
  4. Improves the structure of curls.
  5. Increases their density.
  6. Prevents breakage and tangling of hair.
  7. Eliminates scalp flaking, dandruff, and itching.
  8. Makes curls silky and shiny.
  9. Very useful as an additional mineral supplement for general body support.
  10. By stimulating the production of melanin inside the hair follicles, it restores hair growth, restores its natural color instead of gray hair.

Trichup is used for the following actions:

  • against beriberi;
  • gray hair;
  • to restore damaged hair;
  • in the absence of shine curls;
  • if the hair is dry and brittle;
  • grow slowly;
  • with alopecia;
  • intense hair loss.

According to Ayurveda, curls are the litmus test of the human body. They show our actual emotional and physical state. It is believed that an experienced physician is able to diagnose a patient simply by looking at his hair. Many factors affect the health of curls. The main ones easily undermine health and spoil the appearance of the hair.

The same negative effect can be achieved by using low-quality care products. Today there are a huge variety of chemicals that are composed of harmful substances. As you know, unhealthy curls split and break all the time. In such cases, effective Ayurveda preparations come to the rescue. 


27 Mar 2021

Eating and exercising while fasting

Alternatives to animal protein

Nobody canceled training during the fast. And training, as we know, is unthinkable without protein: to maintain and grow muscle mass, you need from 1.2 to 2.2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

Thus, avoiding animal protein is a major problem during fasting.

Let’s see how it can be replaced.

  • Soy protein. An optimal substitute for animal protein: it contains the same set of amino acids, and is also perfectly absorbed by the human body.
  • Other vegetable proteins. All legumes, some grains (such as quinoa), nuts, spinach, broccoli, seeds (especially pumpkin and sesame), etc. are rich in protein.
  • Protein shakes.
  • Unfortunately, when the body is accustomed to animal protein, its complete (and even sudden) replacement with vegetable protein may be associated with discomfort and digestive difficulties. To minimize the effects and make it easier for the body, add flax seeds to your diet: they have an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa and normalize intestinal motility, optimizing the digestion process.

    For the same purposes, include prunes and brown rice in the diet: the former helps to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract (it is especially indispensable in the fight against constipation), the latter is a natural absorbent that absorbs and removes harmful substances from the body (and also does not contain gluten if medically important to you).

  • Another irreplaceable product that normalizes intestinal function is spinach: the fatty acids contained in it not only stimulate the digestive process but also help prevent gastritis and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Protein deficiency: how to recognize and what threatens

    Lack of protein, especially in combination with physical activity, causes irreparable harm to the body, so it is important not to overlook the symptoms of deficiency and balance your diet in time.
    The first symptom is permanent hunger. Many people know this feeling for themselves: food does not bring a feeling of satiety, hunger becomes uncontrollable. We are trying to quickly seize this sensation with something high-calorie (especially sweets), and yet hunger must be compensated for with protein products. An unbalanced diet, lack of protein in it is a sure way to overeat.
    The lack of protein over time becomes noticeable and visually: the condition of the hair, nails, skin worsens.

    Chronic protein deficiency also leads to a general decrease in immunity: the body simply has nothing to build immune cells and antibodies from. As a result – frequent colds, dermatitis, allergies. Constant weakness appears the person gets tired quickly, there is not enough strength for anything.

    In the future, a lack of protein can provoke the development of a number of diseases – for example, osteoporosis of the lower jaw. And, of course, there can be no question of any growth of muscles and connective tissue in such conditions.

    Top 12 food groups during a fast

    1. Foods rich in B vitamins (especially riboflavin, thiamine and niacin): These are especially important for muscle growth. The champions among such products are some types of fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines). True, during Lent, fish is also prohibited, but there are several holidays (for example, Annunciation and Palm Sunday) when it is allowed. Don’t miss this opportunity!
    2. Legumes: black and red beans, peas, beans, chickpeas. They are rich not only in protein, but also in fiber, the use of which is also very important: women need 25-30 g, men 35-40 g per day.
    3. Oatmeal. Improves digestion, prevents gastritis, stimulates the intestines. True, doctors recommend whole cereals, not flakes.
    4. Buckwheat. A real pantry of nutrients: it contains vitamins B1, B2, PP and E, copper, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc and phosphorus. And thanks to organic acids, buckwheat also normalizes digestion. Finally, buckwheat is famous for one of the highest vegetable protein content for cereals (12 g per 100 g of cereals). Therefore, in the post it is simply irreplaceable.
    5. Pearl barley and barley groats. Barley is the record holder for the content of micro- and macroelements necessary for a person: it is not for nothing that Tibetan centenarians eat them.
    6. Other grains: primarily quinoa and whole wheat. In general, cereals are an excellent source of carbohydrates that must be included in the diet.
    7. Bananas. They are rich in fiber and potassium, protect the gastric mucosa, improve digestion.
    8. Fresh vegetables.
    9. Soy milk – as an alternative to animal protein.
    10. Nuts: almonds, pecans, hazelnuts.
    11. Seeds: linseed, sunflower seeds.
    12. Spinach, celery and parsley.

    I also recommend drinking from one and a half to two liters of water a day (although, if you are not used to such volumes, it is better to increase the level gradually).


03 Mar 2021