
How to get rid of withers on the neck

Another problem that worries many women is the withers or ” widow’s hump ” on the neck in the region of the 7th vertebra.


10 Jul 2022

Cooldown is an important part of the workout

What should be done after a workout in the very first place? Take a shower? Eat? Relax on the sofa? Not! The correct end to a workout is a hitch. Skipping it means harming health and reducing the effectiveness of classes.



08 Jul 2022


Sore muscles after strength training? So you are not yet ready for the loads. Learn how to recover faster and progress as quickly as possible.



20 Jun 2022


Why do muscles hurt after a workout? Is it true that the krepatura says about the growth of muscle mass? This article will answer these and many other questions.



19 Jun 2022

Why sleep is so important and how to sleep properly?

Sleep is an integral part of the recovery of the body. During quality sleep, your body doesn’t just rest, it regenerates itself and processes everything that happened during the day. Too short or disturbing sleep will be detrimental to your productivity and development, just like a long sleep, and at the wrong hours.



02 Jun 2022

Workouts against stress

Do you constantly feel tired, can’t sleep well and have problems with your appetite? The mood jumps from apathy to irritation, any little thing unbalances in a matter of seconds? These are all symptoms of stress. Be careful: long-term nervous tension can lead to severe depressive and anxiety disorders. But stress can and should be dealt with. One of the best means is fitness!



01 May 2022

How to gain weight?

It seems to some that the tendency to thinness is luck, but believe me, there are people for whom such a physique is a serious problem. We are talking about those who are unlikely to get fat, but who will have to work hard for the sake of beautiful curves of the body or relief muscles. And this is half the trouble. Scientific studies show that being underweight is just as dangerous to health as obesity. It increases the risk of premature death in men, impairs fertility in women, leads to age-related muscle atrophy, and increases the likelihood of senile dementia. Is it time to despair? Not! (more…)


25 Apr 2022

The whole truth about the fitball Read before you buy it

Fitball is a truly unique projectile. Judge for yourself – both babies from 2 weeks of age and the elderly can engage in it. This is practically the only simulator that simultaneously involves vestibular, motor, tactile and visual analyzers, which greatly enhances the training effect.
There are so few contraindications that even people with various injuries can afford training.

But at first it was just a toy …

From toy to trainer

In 1963, the Italian Aquilino Kosani, the owner of a small toy factory, began to produce large-diameter balls. Products differed in the increased durability, thanks to improved casting of polyvinylchloride.

Physiotherapists became interested in the toy. English and Swiss specialists began to use large balls in programs for newborns and infants, and in work with children suffering from cerebral palsy. In the 80s, visiting clinics in Europe, Americans learned about fitball and began to successfully use it in the rehabilitation of patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Doctors noted that patients improved blood and lymph circulation, metabolism in the intervertebral discs, and tissue regeneration accelerated. The healing effect was so obvious that the scope of the ball began to grow rapidly. Now this affordable inexpensive projectile can be found not only in gyms, but also in many homes.

The universal benefits of fitball

  • Classes on the fitball correct the curvature of posture, create optimal conditions for working out large muscle groups and involve various muscle groups.
  • Coordination of movements improves flexibility increases – an unstable ball forces you to constantly keep your muscles in tension to maintain balance, and a round shape – to perform movements with a greater amplitude.
  • Improves microdynamics and blood circulation in the intervertebral discs – due to the vibration and shock-absorbing function of the ball.
  • The round shape of the ball reduces the load on the lower limbs. Thanks to this, even people with damaged knee and ankle joints, with varicose veins, and overweight can do fitness gymnastics.

How to choose the right fitball

When choosing a ball, consider the height and length of the arm from the shoulder (spit) to the tips of the middle finger of the hand. Another choice parameter: sitting on the ball, the hips should be parallel to the floor or 2-4 cm below the imaginary horizontal drawn through the highest point of the thigh.

Who should not train on a fitball

A short list of contraindications is another advantage of the fitball. It is not recommended to use the fitball for patients with serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system and internal organs, as well as those suffering from intervertebral hernias.

Otherwise, with a properly designed complex, people of different ages and different degrees of physical fitness can train with a fitball.
Fitball has become so popular and affordable that you can practice with it not only in special studios but also at home, online. Moreover, the home format of classes is becoming more and more popular. In the 20 minute program, Anastasia demonstrates effective exercises for balance, muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks and core muscles. Nastya focuses on the technique of performing the exercise and proper breathing, warns of possible mistakes.

Depending on the level of preparation, it is recommended to modify the exercises. If the load needs to be reduced, the amplitude and pace of the exercises are reduced. It is necessary to complicate – you can increase the pace / amplitude, take dumbbells or put on weights.

It is important to follow the instructions of the trainer, carefully monitor the core – in all exercises , the press works constantly. Nastya warns: only correctly performed exercises guarantee the desired result – strengthening muscles, improving posture, coordination, and a general healing effect.


15 Apr 2022

How to quickly get in shape after the holidays

You can dream of a new life and a cool version of yourself, or take action today. It is important to understand that there is nothing complicated in this: the main thing is to give yourself time and not be fooled by the tricks of the brain. This is the principle of its work: any unusual thoughts and actions cause panic, because the brain is sharpened for your comfort and safety. Once you decide to go to the gym instead of staying at home, he will come up with a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t. It’s cold outside, you’re tired after work, you don’t feel well, you can start tomorrow – underline the necessary. And this is where your motivation comes into play.

It is not enough just to read the text: here you will find a guide to action, and then everything starts with a desire. Challenge yourself and don’t give up. Cakes, lying down and watching TV shows for hours have been, are and will be in your life, they will not go anywhere. Take responsibility, make a plan and follow it step by step: only you need it.


But correctly and moderately. Forget about low-carb and other diets that lead to nothing but stress and relapse. Worse, you will disrupt the hormonal background, which cannot be corrected only by nutrition and sports.

Eat more protein foods, greens and fiber, vegetable carbohydrates. The only thing that works with weight loss is a calorie deficit, which you need to consume less than you spend. Weight will increase even if you train seven days a week, and at the same time exceed the daily calorie intake.

Eliminate sugar, buns, sweets, alcohol, soda, fried and salty foods from your diet. Turn on your imagination, take recipes from our website, make healthy food delicious. Cook porridge with vegetable milk, toast with avocado, cottage cheese or fish, granola with berries or fruits. For lunch, choose chicken, turkey, fish or a side dish, but always with a salad. You can also make a light vegetable cream soup. Dinner should consist of protein and fiber, you can also drink a protein shake. Do intermittent fasting a few times a week only if you feel comfortable.

Get in the habit of adding more vegetables, greens, and fiber to every diet: these are necessary for healthy digestion and weight loss. Fiber is nutrition for beneficial intestinal microflora. It is she who prevents the appearance of hunger, restricts from overeating. Carry snacks that will come in handy if you get hungry: chopped vegetables, nuts, protein or organic bars. And drink more warm water.


Even if you are tired of this recommendation, it is worth remembering one thing: it works. Quality sleep gives vigor and strength, the body feels “safe”, and you feel rested. This helps cortisol (stress hormone) work properly, metabolism and prevents excess fat from being deposited. Also, during sleep, internal organs and processes continue to work, during which fat is destroyed for energy storage. We go to bed before midnight, sleep 7-8 hours.

Get moving

Connect any activity. There is no opportunity to play sports – walk, dance, ski, walk 12,000-15,000 steps daily. Ideally, add sports, at least two to three workouts a week. You can do more: the main thing is to do everything within your power so as not to overtrain, feel good and stay motivated. You will find home workouts for every level of fitness and for any request (abs, buttocks, arms) in the “Fitness” section.

Walk after breakfast and before bed; work on your laptop while standing, not sitting; forget about the elevator and take the stairs; download the press under YouTube; replace transport with a walk; leave the office for half an hour and go for coffee.


Go for a massage (manual, corrective or anti-cellulite), sign up for yoga or stretching, have bath days, work on your posture, do a contrast shower, do a massage with a dry brush.


31 Mar 2022

5 home exercises for fast weight loss. How to know how many calories burned


A mega-effective exercise that includes three elements at once: a bar, push-ups and a jump. When performed correctly, you will simultaneously train the muscles of the shoulders, legs, arms, chest, abs, back and buttocks.


  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and sit down completely, bending your knees.
  2. Rest your palms on the floor, then jump into a plank position on outstretched arms. The fingers should be directed straight forward, the feet should rest on the toes, the back should be straight.
  3. Lower yourself down, bending your elbows, and return to the previous plank position again. In other words, do push-ups.
  4. Jump forward into a squatting position. In this case, the hands should still be with the palms on the floor, the buttocks are directed down, the hips are parallel to the floor, the knees are between the elbows.
  5. Jump up from a sitting position while throwing your arms up.

Energy consumption: approximately 19 kcal per minute

jump rope

As a child, jumping rope was an entertainment for each of us, and now it can become an indispensable assistant in the process of losing weight. The most active in this exercise is the calf muscle, but in parallel you work on the muscles of the buttocks, biceps femoris, iliac and biceps muscles and quadriceps. You also burn calories quickly and efficiently.


  1. Stand up straight, take the rope in your hands.
  2. Jump at an average pace (70-80 reps per minute), rotating the rope forward.
  3. Spring on your toes, slightly bending your knees – this will reduce the load on the joints.

Energy consumption: 12 kcal per minute.

Jumping from a squat


  1. Stand straight, legs apart wider than shoulders. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat position. Connect your hands in front of you or stretch along the body. The thighs should be almost parallel to the floor, between the lower leg and thigh – a right angle. The heel is completely on the floor.
  2. Jump vertically upwards, arms lowered along the torso. Do not lower your head, stretch the top of your head up.
  3. Return to the squat position. Continue to move in dynamics, increasing or decreasing the speed of the exercise as necessary.

Energy consumption: 13.5 kcal per minute

Running/walking stairs

Stair running is a rather difficult type of training, so it is better for beginners to start with walking, gradually preparing themselves for more serious loads. Running and walking up the stairs develop leg strength: the thigh muscles, calf muscles, buttocks, as well as the core muscles, joint stabilizers are loaded.


  1. Keep your body straight with a slight forward lean.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbow, move them to each step as in normal fast walking.
  3. Place your foot on the step halfway, not leaning on your heels.
  4. Movements should be smooth and continuous.

Energy consumption: when running – 13 kcal per minute, while walking – 10-11 kcal per minute.

“Rock Climber”

Climbing is another effective exercise for keeping the body in shape. The muscles of the press, legs and shoulder girdle are involved here, and calories are also actively burned. Another important plus is that this exercise does not require special equipment and skills.


  1. Take a classic lying position: hands are at shoulder level with palms parallel to each other, legs are on toes.
  2. Align the body – avoid deflections, do not raise the pelvis high.
  3. Slowly lift your right leg in your right hand.
  4. Lower your right leg to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement with your left leg.

Energy consumption: 10 kcal per minute.


11 Mar 2022