
Lose Your Love Handles in This 10-Minute Workout

love-handlesLove handles, like most types of abdominal fat, can be quite challenging to get rid of, and for many may hold even after you’ve lost weight elsewhere in your body. But, contrary to popular belief, targeting your abs with crunches or even targeted exercises for your obliques (the muscles under your love handles) will not specifically reduce fat in your problem areas.

The key to doing this is a more comprehensive approach that involves both dietary changes and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which I’ll describe shortly…


21 Sep 2023

Improve your health and fitness with helpful tips

Fitness Blog Article: How Sports Help Us Be Healthy and Happy

Each of us strives to be healthy and happy. In Western culture, taking care of your body and physical condition is becoming more and more popular. Fitness trainers and health professionals stress the importance of regular exercise. In this article, we look at how sports and physical activity help us achieve health and happiness.



10 Aug 2023

What are the benefits of protein hydrolyzate

The history of the creation of sports nutrition supplements hydrolyzed protein isolate (abbr. protein hydrolyzate ) began in the United States, in the late 60s. last century. At this time, the Protein supplement was launched. The ideological inspirers of the creation and owners of the manufacturing companies of this most popular type of sports nutrition were legendary trainers and promoters – bodybuilder Joe Weider and weightlifter Bob Hoffman. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other stars of the Mr. Olympia tournament were involved in the promotion of soy protein powder, namely, the first protein supplements were made from these beans. (more…)


30 Jun 2023

What to do if the pressure drops sharply

What pressure is considered normal in a person

  • normal pressure is 120/80, but the indicator depends on many individual factors, so doctors allow deviations in a certain range;
  • low (hypotension) – 90/60;
  • elevated (hypertension) – higher than 140/90.



18 Jun 2023

How to relieve muscle pain after exercise and training

Causes of muscle pain after exercise

When you exercise, the muscles experience mechanical stress, which leads to microtrauma of the muscle fibers. After this, an inflammatory process begins, which can last for several days. This explains why muscles not only hurt immediately after a workout, but also the next day or even later.

In addition, stress on the muscles can lead to the accumulation of lactic acid, which can also cause pain. It is formed in the muscles with a lack of oxygen and is used as an energy source. Lactic acid can build up in muscles during intense exercise, causing feelings of fatigue and pain.

How to relieve pain after a workout

What helps if the muscles are very sore after exercise?


Stretching is an important part of any workout. It improves blood circulation in the muscles, helping them recover and relax faster. In this case, attention should be paid to the correct stretching technique so as not to cause additional harm.


Massage is another effective way to deal with post-workout pain. It helps improve circulation, reduces tension and spasms, and helps speed up recovery. If you can’t afford a professional massage, you can use self-massage with a roller or tennis ball. It is also useful to lie down on a needle rug.

Alternating cold and warm

You can take a cool shower after your workout, or use a cold compress and then warm up, such as with a hot bath or a heating pad.

Healthly food

Nutrition plays an important role in post-workout recovery. For example, eating protein helps repair damaged muscle fibers, while eating carbohydrates replenishes glycogen stores that are depleted during exercise.


Rest after training is as important as the physical process itself. When you relax, the body repairs damaged muscle fibers and replenishes energy reserves. If you don’t give your body enough time to recover, it can lead to muscle strain, pain, and even injury. In addition, rest helps reduce stress levels in the body and improve performance.


13 Jun 2023

How does muscle memory work?

The term “muscle memory” is understood by experts as the unique ability of human muscles to remember changes in their own state (tonus) and reproduce these changes. All this is achieved by targeted restructuring of muscle and nerve cells. In order to develop this type of memory, it is necessary to systematically perform repetitive movements and give the muscles a load.



08 May 2023

Sedentary work and fitness. How to increase activity?

Everyone understands that an 8-hour working day in a static posture does not bring health benefits. But some find time for fitness , while others once begin to experience unpleasant symptoms of office syndrome: from spinal problems to congestion in the pelvic organs.



05 May 2023

Sports injury is no reason to panic

Most frequent

The most vulnerable areas for athletes, in descending order, are the knee, ankle (i.e. shins and feet), shoulders, hands, and finally the elbows. Many injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system directly depend on the sport: such terms as “tennis elbow”, “golfer’s elbow”, “runner’s knee” are widely known. The names speak for themselves: tennis elbow syndrome (or lateral epicondylitis) occurs due to prolonged and excessive stress on the extensor tendons of the forearm: they stretch, microcracks, inflammation occur and, as a result, sharp pains appear in the outer section of the elbow joint . With “golfer’s elbow” (or medial epicondylitis), which occurs due to prolonged excessive stress on other tendons – the flexors of the forearm, the pain is localized in the inner part of the joint. As for the “runner’s knee”, the essence of this unpleasant phenomenon is the softening and deformation of the cartilaginous tissue of the patella, which covers, like a shell, our knee in front. “Runner’s knee” occurs in athletes who like long distances or have to run for a long time on the sports ground – for example, in football players.

Another common injury is the rupture of the Achilles tendon in high jumpers and basketball players, and football players. By the way, it often breaks not only for those who jumped unsuccessfully but also for the elderly, because with age, body tissues (including tendons, and joints) wear out, which increases the risk of damage.

A bit of anatomy

As a result of sports injuries usually suffers:

  • muscles
  • Bundles
  • Tendons
  • joints
  • Bones

What is the difference? Everything is very simple.

– Muscles are exactly what we pump up during strength training. A special group of organs, which consists of muscle tissue and is responsible for movement, speech, and breathing, maintains our body in an upright position. The totality of the muscles of the body is called “musculature”.

– Ligaments – special connecting elements that hold bones together, hold them in joints, prevent dislocations, and accelerate or slow down our movements. Damage to the ligaments leads to the fact that the joints “lose”. Sometimes the ligaments are simply torn, which requires their mandatory restoration.

Tendons – Contrary to popular belief, they are not the same as ligaments. If ligaments hold bones together, then tendons are needed to attach muscles to bones. They provide movement: help the joints bend and unbend.

Joints are movable joints of bones. Their surfaces are covered with special durable cartilage. Between the cartilage of the bones of the joint there is always a small gap – a cavity filled with synovial fluid, which lubricates, nourishes and moisturizes the articular cartilage.

And finally, the bones. The worst thing that can happen to them is that the bones break. Most often this happens during unsuccessful falls. The minimum damage is a crack, the maximum is an open fracture, in which the bone damages soft tissues and / or skin.

Diagnosis of injuries

What symptoms suggest an injury? Pain, swelling, redness of the damaged area, dysfunction of the muscles or ligaments. When a joint is injured, it may become deformed and start behaving unusually, for example, crunching.

If you have these symptoms, be sure to consult a traumatologist-orthopedist. In my practice, I often encounter the fact that patients do not come immediately after a sprain or rupture – if you wait with a fracture until it “heals on its own” due to severe pain, then some other sports injuries are left by their owners “for later” . As a result, nothing good happens – the joints continue to collapse, and the ligaments and tendons themselves do not grow together.

To determine the nature of the injury and its severity, the doctor may prescribe an X-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound, and other diagnostic methods to the patient. It all depends on what kind of injury the doctor suspects.

Choice of treatments

The method of treatment is determined after the diagnosis is made. As a rule, this is an operation (ligaments and tendons are sewn together; with the help of techniques such as arthroscopy or injection therapy, destroyed joints are restored); if the bone is broken, the doctor can perform osteosynthesis – collect bone fragments using a special fixator – an implant, or simply apply plaster if it is a small crack.

Sometimes the treatment is not only surgical but also conservative – for example, “tennis elbow” is treated with an orthosis (a special fixing device) and medications that relieve pain and inflammation.

In conclusion, I want to encourage everyone: almost any sports injury can be cured, but you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and offer the best treatment option.


27 Apr 2023

How to lose weight in the face and cheeks

Chiseled cheekbones, sharp chin and jaw angle… Here she is – the dream of every woman who looks in the mirror in the morning. It happens that she herself seems to be slim, but her face is swollen, her cheeks are round, and her cheekbones were last observed in the senior class. Who is to blame and what to do – read the article.



16 Mar 2023

What is psyllium? I 5 useful properties

Although psyllium husk is not the first choice for performance and health goals, this soluble fiber has a range of health benefits. Whatever your sporting goals, these properties may surprise you. Whether you’re looking to shed body fat, cure metabolic diseases, or simply improve your overall well-being, then our five-point guide to using psyllium husk powder is for you!



13 Mar 2023