
Bone Broth Recipe


Many people have memories of coming together on Sundays to share a meal with their family. If you’re lucky, you may still do this today, and if you do, you know that part of the allure is waiting while the various pots simmer on the stove, filling your home with the scent of the home-cooked meal to come.

Today, I want to share with you a recipe that is the perfect complement to your Sunday meals… although really you can make it any day of the week. It’s a recipe for bone broth, and it’s one that is highly nourishing for both your body and your soul.


04 Apr 2015

Sharp Rise in Gout Seen

goutRates of gout have skyrocketed in the UK, rising 64 percent between 1997 and 2012.1 That equates to about a four percent rise every year, and this painful condition now affects one in 40 people!

Unfortunately, many of the media outlets that picked up this story have been focusing on the researchers’ finding that access to medication was a problem, and rates of people using uric-acid-lowering medications remained “suboptimal.”…


03 Apr 2015

Culprits of Autism Identified: Toxins, Gut Bacteria, Nutritional Deficiencies, and Vaccines Made with Human Fetal Cell Lines


Three decades ago, when I was still in medical school, autism affected one in 10,000 children. Today, autism is estimated to afflict as many as one in 50 children.

Mounting research indicates that brain disorders are the result of excessive exposure to toxins from multiple sources—including the mother, while in utero.

Another critical factor appears to be related to gut bacteria, which are of course also adversely affected by toxic exposures of all kinds, from food, environment, and medicine.


03 Apr 2015

How Your Microbiome Controls Your Health

images (3)The interconnectedness of your gut, brain, immune, and hormonal systems is impossible to unwind. The past few years has brought a scientific flurry of information about how crucial your microflora is to your genetic expression, immune system, body weight and composition, mental health, memory, and minimizing your risk for numerous diseases, from diabetes to cancer.

Researcher Jeroen Raes, featured in the TED Talk, discovered that you might even belong to one of a few “microflora types”…


02 Apr 2015

5 Lifestyle Changes Could Prevent 80 Percent of Heart Attacks


Heart disease claims the lives of about 1 million Americans every year, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women. The most common form of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to a heart attack.

This year alone, 920,000 Americans will have a heart attack, and close to half of them will occur suddenly without any prior warning signs.1

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a part of your heart becomes blocked. This is often the result of plaque build-up inside your arteries (atherosclerosis), which may rupture and form a blood clot that blocks blood flow.


02 Apr 2015

How Your Thoughts Can Rule Your Stomach

stomach_72Ghrelin has been dubbed the “hunger hormone” because in previous studies people given the hormone became so ravenous, they ate markedly more than their usual food intake.

Ghrelin may act on your brain’s “pleasure centers,” driving you to reach for another slice of cheesecake simply because you remember how good the first one tasted and made you feel (at least in that moment).1 In short, one of the forces driving you to eat (and overeat a second helping…


01 Apr 2015

What Whistleblowers Tell Us About Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness


In 2010, two Merck virologists filed a federal lawsuit under the False Claims Act against their former employer, alleging the vaccine maker lied about the effectiveness of their mumps vaccine (which is part of the trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine).

The whistleblowers, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, claimed they witnessed “firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.”


01 Apr 2015