
Pro-GMO Industries Increase Spending and Launch Attack to Discredit World-Famous Environmentalist in an Effort to Thwart GMO Labeling in the US

suicide-medical-reportBetween 2012 and mid-2014, Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) successfully blocked GMO labeling legislation in over 30 states, at a price tag of more than $100 million.

These funds were received from the 300+ members of the GMA, which include chemical/pesticide, GE seed, and processed food industries…


16 May 2015

Mammography False Alarms Linked with Later Tumor Risk

mammography-screeningOne of the reasons why you must carefully consider the decision to have a mammogram is due to their high rate of false positives. A false positive occurs when a mammogram suggests a woman has cancer when none actually exists.

In the US, the risk of having a false-positive test over 10 mammograms is a concerning 58 percent to 77 percent!1, 2 When a woman is told she may have breast cancer, it causes considerable anxiety and…


15 May 2015

Link Found Between Food Allergies and Farm Antibiotics

antibioticsFood allergies affect an estimated 15 million Americans, including one in 13 children. Statistics indicate something strange is afoot, as food allergies in children rose by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011 alone.

Similarly, in Great Britain one in three people are allergic to something, be it pollen, dust mites, or food.1 Previous research has drawn parallels between the rise in allergies and…


14 May 2015

Secondhand Smoke from E-Cigarettes Contains Toxic Metals, Researchers Say

electronic-cigaretteConventional tobacco cigarettes contain thousands of toxic compounds, which are released – into your lungs and the surrounding air – with each puff. By now, most people are aware that standing nearby someone smoking a cigarette is not too much better than smoking one yourself, hence the rash of smoking bans that have taken place across the US in recent years.

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), on the other hand, are touted as a safer, cleaner alternative to smoking. Yet, most states prohibit their use…


13 May 2015

Lack of Sleep May Lead to Brain Shrinkage

human-brain-healthRecent studies show poor sleeping habits cause both brain damage and brain shrinkage, and may even accelerate onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Previous research published in the journal Science2 revealed that your brain removes toxic waste during sleep through what has been dubbed “the glymphatic system.”

This system becomes active during sleep, thereby allowing your brain to clear out toxins and harmful proteins.


12 May 2015

11 Surprising Factors That Mess With Your Memory

memory-lossFear of losing your mind is a pervasive, fear. Among Americans, the notion of losing mental capacity evokes twice as much fear as losing physical ability, and 60 percent of US adults say they are very or somewhat worried about memory loss.1

The good news is that your brain is a dynamic organ, constantly adapting and changing, for better or for worse. Many daily activities such as, lack of sleep can seriously interfere with your memory the next day…


11 May 2015

Ten Minutes of Intermittent Movement for Every Hour of Sitting May Counteract Ill Health Effects of Prolonged Sitting

heart-disease-riskIn recent years, researchers have formed a strong consensus with regards to the health effects of sitting. In short, the more time you spend sitting, the shorter and less healthy your life will tend to be.

In fact, there are now over 10,000 studies showing that chronic sitting—at work, commuting, and watching TV at night—significantly impacts your cardiovascular and metabolic function…


10 May 2015

What Happens Inside Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Noodles?

Instant noodles are a popular go-to lunch or dinner for those who are strapped for time (or cash), like college students. While you probably don’t consider them a health food, you may think they’re not that bad, or, at least, not as bad as eating a burger and fries or a fast-food burrito.

In a first-of-its-kind experiment, however, Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital may make you reconsider your love of instant noodles…


09 May 2015

3 Simple Steps to Perk Up Your Posture

yoga-postureIt’s easy to forget about your posture when you’re engrossed in work at your computer or sitting behind the wheel in your vehicle. Yet, slowly but surely, if you don’t take steps to strengthen and lengthen your spine, your shoulders will begin to hunch forward into a more rounded position, and you’ll find it difficult to stand as tall as you once did…


09 May 2015

The Very Real Risks of Consuming Too Much Protein

With the popularity of “high-protein” diets, you might be tempted to believe you simply can’t overeat protein. But the truth is that consuming excessive protein can actually be quite detrimental to your health.

Eating more protein than your body needs can interfere with your health and fitness goals in a number of ways, including weight gain, extra body fat, stress on your kidneys,1 dehydration, and leaching of important bone minerals…


08 May 2015