

How to quickly gain weight, muscle mass without harm to health at home or in the gym for thin people (ectomorphs).

Is it not true that many young people ask this question, especially people of an asthenic type of physique, and indeed, “by nature” they have the less inherent potential for gaining muscle mass. (more…)


07 Jul 2020

Exercises for the chest in the gym

How to pump up your chest, tighten, give it elasticity and beautiful shape in the gym

I repeat female breasts are the first thing that men involuntarily pay attention to. Elastic, beautiful in shape and of a decent size, she talks about the good physical shape of a woman, (more…)


14 May 2020

Antioxidants and their benefits. Sources of Antioxidants

What are free radicals?

These are by-products of respiration and metabolic processes. These are unstable complexes that cause a chain oxidation reaction that damages the cells and tissues of our body in the form of diseases and premature aging. (more…)


07 Apr 2020

Glycemic index of products. GI table. High and low glycemic index

In the 21st century, people are increasingly confronted with the concept of “glycemic index” , or GI. Sometimes it seems so often that I have the impression that most people really understand what the term means. (more…)


04 Apr 2020

Why do people get fat?

For many years now, the epidemic of overweight has spread around the world. Today   there are more fat children than 10 years ago, and the percentage of people who are overweight and obese is growing among all social classes. Each year, the number of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure and other similar diseases is increasing, and the main culprit is overweight. (more…)


24 Mar 2020

Water. The importance of hydration in life and in sports. Myths and facts about water.

Water is an integral part of all cells, tissues, and organs of our body and all processes occurring in it. Therefore, water is a vital substance and a very important factor in bodybuilding. Our body on   75% consists of water,    and the muscles themselves   – approximately 70%.



20 Mar 2020

Water and weight loss. Dehydration

The body’s need for water takes second place after the need for oxygen!

Water regulates temperature and body weight, carries nutrients to cells, removes decay products from the body and performs many different functions. Almost all life processes in the body occur with the participation of water. (more…)


25 Feb 2020

Healthy digestive system

Every day we wash our faces, but people rarely think about whether to cleanse the intestines. Our digestive tract is like a sewer in a house, while the small intestine is a sewer pipe, and the colon is a sump. When fats and waste are drained daily into the sewer, the pipes become clogged. The sump should be periodically cleaned.



10 Feb 2020

Pamping: pump up your muscles fast

The fashionable word pumping is a type of training and the use of weights, dumbbells and other weights. Rather, it is the effect of training, when the muscles seem to be “pumped up.” How does this work?




01 Feb 2020

Diets vs balanced nutrition: the struggle for harmony!

Diets vs balanced nutrition

As a rule, we are very inattentive to what we eat daily. Neglecting the norms and culture of nutrition leads to the problem of excess weight, and only then there is a need for regulation of our diet. In this case, a dilemma often arises: choose an ultramodern diet or resort to a balanced diet?

The effect of different types of diets on the body

People choose different ways to lose weight: daily training, taking medications for weight loss, fasting, diets. Statistics show that the latter option is the most popular because it gives hope for a quick result. But how effective and beneficial are diets for our bodies?

There are many diets, and all of them are based on certain restrictions. For example, many people choose one nutritious product and prepare all the dishes from it. Others prefer to eat only protein foods, excluding carbohydrates from their own diet. If you persevere and follow all the rules of the chosen diet, it often turns out to be very effective – extra pounds disappear before our eyes. Meanwhile, the emerging prospects of rapid weight loss do not convince experts of the appropriateness of restrictive measures. Numerous medical studies indicate their detrimental effects on health. For example, consuming only one product over a long period leads to a serious undermining of the immune system, sleep disturbances, and allergies. Protein diet provokes digestive problems, poor mood and increased risk of infertility.

The effect of balanced nutrition on the state of the body

A good alternative to diets is a balanced diet. It is based on the inclusion in the product menu of the quantity and quality that the body needs for normal functioning. In particular, daily we need to consume more than 50 components: amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, various vitamins, and others. In this case, a certain ratio of elements must be observed. A lack or overabundance of certain ingredients is dangerous to health: metabolic processes, development of pathologies are possible.

Compliance with the balanced nutrition formula increases the body’s resistance to aggressive factors of influence, improves physical well-being, mental performance, and health in general.

Why is this method of losing weight less popular than dieting? The reason lies in our impatience because we strive to get rid of the hated extra pounds as quickly as possible. If you eat balanced, the weight goes away gradually, and diets promise a quick goal. However, in the first case, we have ensured good health and a stable result, and in the second there is a real threat to the development of pathologies and the return of the previous weight.

So what’s better: Diet vs. Balanced diet


27 Jan 2020