Bodybuilding, what is there for the night? All facts about nutrition before bedtime and at night.

Nutrition is one of the main problems of bodybuilders. Moreover, the diet and eating a sufficient number of calories, delivers much more “inconvenience” than the training itself. Questions ” What is at night?” “And” Is there a night? “Cause a lot of controversy, so they require separate consideration. Let’s try to dot all the “i” in these matters.
Meals for the night
I must say right away that the night phase of sleep is very different from the daytime, so rice and meat will not be rolled before bedtime, regardless of whether you are gaining weight or burning fat.
At night, the body eats only adipose tissue, in contrast to the daily cycle. This is what provides us with a long, long and continuous sleep. Adipose tissue in the process of sleep is oxidized most actively, and those carbohydrates that we ate for dinner provide this energy exchange. There is such a catch phrase: “Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates.” In fact, do not regard it as the fact that carbohydrates burn fat. They do not burn fat, but provide energy to the process of oxidation of fat, which also requires an easily mobilized source of energy (carbohydrates). That’s why, during intense training, athletes often consume a small amount of carbohydrate drinks., in order to stimulate the oxidation of fat. The key word here is “small amount.” A large amount will lead to discomfort during training. And if there are a lot of carbohydrates at night, then in addition to providing the process of fat oxidation, excess carbohydrates will be deposited in the form of that very fat. So what is there for the night?
About 3-4 hours before bedtime, it is better to take ordinary food (a regular dinner containing proteins, carbohydrates and a minimum of fat), so that the break in the body’s energy supply is not too big. Moreover, for dinner should account for 25-30% of the calories of your daily diet.
Next, say, 1-2 hours before bedtime, you need to take an easily digestible protein product. It can be a protein shake (the best option), or for example, cottage cheese, which is also perfectly absorbed, as well as kefir (an excellent product, about the useful properties of which I will discuss later). This will provide the body with the necessary amino acids that will be used for muscle growth and energy metabolism. With what “extra” carbohydrates the body should not be loaded. By the time of sleep our dinner will be already digested and will give the necessary amount of carbohydrates.
Food at night
A number of bodybuilding representatives insist on the need for an additional meal, and right in the middle of the night. The main reason for the recommendation, which is unusual at first glance, is a many-hour break in nutrition, which leaves the muscles of the bodybuilder without proper nourishment. So what really happens at night? Does a night break really not allow you to move towards your goal? And is it possible to boost metabolism during a night’s sleep, which takes a person’s third of his life?
Since bodybuilding is widely accepted fractional nutrition at intervals of three to four hours, a night’s sleep, lasting about 8 hours, inevitably steals at least one full meal. In order to prevent such an obvious failure in the overall plan of an athlete’s nutrition, it is proposed to wake up late at night, immersing a portion of high-quality protein. In some cases, when athletes have obvious signs of an accelerated metabolism, protein products are suggested to be combined with a certain amount of carbohydrates and vegetable fats. In cases where there is a risk of gaining excess fat reserves, it is advised to take only pure protein, preferably of powder origin. Also, as an illustration of a “night” dish, eggs from one protein are often brought. Such statements look quite convincing, especially against the background of the arguments presented. True, the important fact that the nocturnal metabolism of a person who is in deep sleep is somewhat different from the daily counterpart, when there is a peak in its activity, is ignored. During a night’s rest, the digestive system of a healthy person works half-heartedly, which means that some of the food may not be digested to the end, and its undigested residues remain in the intestine longer, and some are absorbed into the bloodstream and can poison the body. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excess and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. slightly different from the daily counterpart, when there is a peak in its activity. During a night’s rest, the digestive system of a healthy person works half-heartedly, which means that some of the food may not be digested to the end, and its undigested residues remain in the intestine longer, and some are absorbed into the bloodstream and can poison the body. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excessive and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. slightly different from the daily counterpart, when there is a peak in its activity. During a night’s rest, the digestive system of a healthy person works half-heartedly, which means that some of the food may not be completely digested, and its undigested residues remain in the intestine longer, and some are absorbed into the bloodstream and can poison the body. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excess and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excessive and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excess and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure.
Remember, at the beginning of the article, foods that were most suitable for eating before bedtime were listed. Of these products, I would mention kefir. So the fact is that kefir extinguishes these putrefactive-fermentation processes. And extinguishes very well. Thus, after drinking kefir before bedtime, we extinguish all these bad processes (as a result of which, by the way, toxins are released during glucose fermentation), as well as provide the stomach with “helpers” in the form of beneficial bacteria. And finally, kefir is very easily digested and provides us with protein.
So, eating at night, you can not only poison your body, but also do not allow the body to fully relax, forcing the internal organs to work actively.
If this is still not enough for you, then I will present you with a number of factors about nightly eating.
Так, чтобы внести в ночную жизнь дополнительный прием пищи нужно для этого проснуться, причем сделать это придется насильственным образом – по будильнику. Тот, кто несколько раз за ночь просыпается подобным образом, на следующий день обычно обнаруживает у себя упадок сил, что явно свидетельствует о плохом качестве сна прошлой ночью. В таком состоянии не хватает сил даже на решение текущих обыденных задач, не то чтобы тренироваться в зале на повышенном уровне интенсивности. Организм открыто говорит, что суточные биоритма сбиты с привычного для себя ритма.
The argument is put forward that this phenomenon is temporary and only has to endure for two or three weeks and the body itself will adjust to the awakenings at the appointed time. The effect should be enhanced by the fact that after the same time a person’s stomach will get used to waking up with the owner, activating his secretory function at full capacity. But up to this point, you still have to endure the reluctance of the gastrointestinal tract to get into work, observing the consequences of night experiments and over the next day in the form of a lack of appetite and foodborne toxicosis caused by stagnation of undigested products.
Insisting on taking a night portion of the nutrients necessary for the athlete somewhere around two or three in the morning, proponents of the procedure emphasize that it is at this time that the effect achieved will have the greatest results. Due to the fact that in the interval from an hour to three in the morning, a sleeping person has an emission of the maximum concentration of anabolic hormones, and it is proposed to reinforce the favorable hormonal background with an additional intake of a sufficiently large amount of nutritious amino acids. It seems that everything converges – a high hormonal level and the presence of the necessary building material. But this is only in theory. After waking up at the set time, the work of the endocrine glands also fails, and in this case there is no hope for an increased anabolic background, but it is possible to release cortisol. A sure sign of this condition, confirmed by numerous studies, is reduced capacity the next day. In other words, waking up between the first and third hours of the night, a person inevitably deprives his body of the opportunity to ensure its own full recovery. It remains only to imagine what awaits the athlete after several weeks of such deliberate intervention in the system of endogenous hormonal regulation. Most likely, the result will be the exact opposite of what was intended. Disruption of processes will be the most likely outcome. a person inevitably takes away from his own body the ability to provide his own full recovery. It remains only to imagine what awaits the athlete after several weeks of such deliberate intervention in the system of endogenous hormonal regulation. Most likely, the result will be the exact opposite of what was intended. Disruption of processes will be the most likely outcome. a person inevitably takes away from his own body the ability to provide his own full recovery. It remains only to imagine what awaits the athlete after several weeks of such deliberate intervention in the system of endogenous hormonal regulation. Most likely, the result will be the exact opposite of what was intended. Disruption of processes will be the most likely outcome.recovery , which will not delay the impact on athletic success, also complicated by the acquisition of a digestive system disorder, accompanied by even greater deterioration in the absorption of incoming nutrients.
As can be seen from the foregoing, the contradiction of the recommendations regarding nocturnal food intake and the biological rhythms of the human body gives rise to doubt the competence of such statements. In addition, in order to use the capabilities of your body to the maximum, it is worth paying attention to a quality and timely meal before bedtime and immediately after morning awakening. Moreover, in both cases, you should take care of the rate of assimilation of the consumed products – the higher it is, the greater the guarantee that the nutrients reach their final goal and support muscle growth anabolism.