8 simple ways not to overeat at the holiday table

1. Don’t sit down at the table hungry

Skipping breakfast or lunch seems like a good way to reduce the number of calories you eat in a day. But such a strategy will only increase hunger, and at the festive table you risk putting more food on your plate than necessary. In addition, ignoring meals can make you feel low on energy, tired, and have a headache. Try to stick to your regular eating schedule, even on holidays. Ideally , you should eat every 4-6 hours. If due to household chores there is not enough time for a full meal, make a light snack of vegetables or fruits.



2. Don’t Rely on the January Diet

Many people don’t restrict their food intake for the holidays in hopes of losing weight in January. This diet is called “Yo-yo”: a person loses weight, then gains it again. This approach can adversely affect the work of the heart. Fortunately, your health will improve once you return to a healthy diet .

In addition, fat loss from such a diet leads to a decrease in the level of leptin, a hormone that signals satiety. As a result, a person will feel hungry longer, even if objectively he has already overeaten. This approach makes the January diet useless: the body will quickly replenish those kilograms that it has already got rid of.

The best option for those who want to lose weight is to always eat a balanced diet and add regular exercise to your life.

3. Create a balanced menu

If you are celebrating the New Year at home, you can independently create a competent menu. Add lean meats, light salads and fruits to it. Consider how many guests will be at the holiday, and do not cook in reserve. First, when the table is bursting with snacks, it’s tempting to eat something tasty more, even if you’re not hungry. Secondly, it is not possible to store food that remains after New Year’s Eve for so long. For example, the shelf life of meat and fish dishes does not exceed 24 hours, and salads with mayonnaise – 12.

If you’re visiting and you don’t have the ability to influence the menu, then offer to bring a couple of low-calorie dishes. Let’s say you can make a festive stew of ground beef and vegetables or oatmeal pudding.

4. Eat a variety of foods

Try to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. This will help you feel full faster and reduce the number of calories. Eat slowly: It takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to realize that you are full.

On the New Year’s table there will be traditional dishes that are rarely prepared at other times of the year. For example, Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat. Eating everything at once is not the best idea. Instead, choose one or two of your favorite foods and limit yourself to just those.

5. Use small plates

The larger the dish, the more likely it is that you will fill the entire space with food. And if you are one of those people who have been taught from childhood not to leave food, it is easy to overeat. Try using a smaller plate – if after eating you feel hungry, then fill it again.

6. Choose your drinks wisely

It is advisable to limit alcoholbecause it increases appetite. In addition, alcoholic beverages are nutritious in themselves. A glass of wine can have as many calories as a piece of chocolate, and a pint of lager has the same nutritional value as a bag of chips.

Lemonade and soda are high in sugar. You may not even notice how you drank a few glasses. Sweet drinks can be replaced with low-calorie ones, such as iced tea, mineral water, and kombucha. Another option is to prepare water with fruit. Experiment before the holidays to find your favorite flavor. For example, lemon, basil, mint, cucumber, orange, or parsley can be added to the water.

7. Do not neglect physical activity

During the holidays, you may want to cancel training and completely surrender to rest. But some researchers believe that exercise helps prevent overeating because it makes it easier for the body to regulate appetite and eating behavior. Set aside time for them before the feast. Go to the skating rink, do yoga , or at least take a walk in the park.

During the feast, take breaks between meals, such as dancing. The food is completely digested for several hours, and it stays in the stomach for 40–120 minutes. The more proteins and fats in the products, the longer the body will absorb them.

8. Don’t be afraid to say no.

If you are persuaded to try a dish at a party, try to gently refuse. For example, you might say, “I heard this salad is delicious, but I can’t eat an ounce of food anymore.” Find something to compliment, such as saying you enjoyed the dessert, or commenting on the table setting. As a rule, this answer is sufficient. If persuasion continues, and you are afraid to offend the hosts of the evening, take a small portion.


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