Yoga is a thousand-year-old practice that combines breathing exercises, meditation, and various asanas (body positions). Yes, this is a whole teaching, but within the framework of a fitness club, we consider it only as physical activity. This discipline has several uses and can be very helpful in enhancing the relaxation of the body and mind. However, in the modern world, yoga can be equated with a full-fledged form of sport.
This practice is used for a variety of purposes, including to relieve anxiety. Symptoms of emotional experiences can be dizziness, tension, bodily discomfort, indigestion, migraine and headache, nausea, vomiting, excessive agitation, nervousness, and the like.
In addition, anxiety also includes cognitive symptoms (negative thoughts, loss of concentration, memory difficulties, irritability) and behavioral symptoms (impulsivity, agitation, hyperactivity). That is, it is a state that combines elements of the body (physical) and mind (cognitive). That’s why yoga can help relieve this type of discomfort. Mental practice is aimed at working with the body and mind, which allows you to achieve balance and a sense of peace.
Yoga and science
For a long time, scientists have been trying to prove that Eastern teachings can help people with clinical depression.
Researchers have found that this practice is effective for anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. True, perhaps the positive effect does not last very long. Scientists have concluded that yoga helps with depression only in combination with other methods, such as psychotherapy and medication. Also, relaxing exercises are shown to people with social phobia. Relaxation radically changes the worldview of patients. The environment seems less threatening to them and they begin to see the world in a positive light. By no means do we agree with the opinion that yoga is the cure for all diseases. It may be an addition that should be introduced into your life only after consulting with your doctor.
Remember, yoga is not a panacea. If you feel anxious, it is important to consult with a specialist who will select the right solution.
By the way, many studies prove that, like yoga exercises, it is a natural way to increase the production of serotonin (a hormone that regulates anxiety and is responsible for mood). The concentration of this substance plays an important role in the treatment of depression. It is believed that serotonin plays an important role in the appearance of a feeling of happiness.
Yoga can also:
– Decreased resting heart rate
– reduce high blood pressure;
– facilitate breathing;
– increase pain tolerance.
By the way, people who are exposed to more stress have lower pain tolerance.
As a sport, yoga is built on the basis of rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics, in which asanas are the main elements. Various ligaments allow practitioners to achieve a harmonious state between body and spirit, which is very important for any modern person.
Immersion in therapy: yoga and psychotherapists
Eastern discipline can be a great addition to the treatment that a psychotherapist or psychiatrist prescribes. It could be therapy or anti-anxiety medication. Breathing exercises that are practiced in yoga can speed up recovery: a deep breath in through the nose and a long breath out through the mouth is one of the simplest and most popular practices.
Try doing breathing exercises whenever you feel like you’re panicking.
Some patients instinctively fixate on the past or the future. Yoga will help to find harmony not only physically, but also mentally. By focusing on your breathing and balance to better hold each asana, you can focus on the state of the right here and now. Yoga makes us feel more authentic. If you are here and now, you will not be able to regret the past or worry about the future.
We recommend you decide for yourself. What suits you best in terms of temperament? Static ( hatha yoga ) or dynamic ( vinyasa yoga )?
Yes, research shows that yoga therapy can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. Whatever style of yoga you choose, you can do the exercises according to your fitness level. We recommend doing this practice only under the supervision of a specialist.